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  1. Have the same Impression doing the Ossusstoryline with a brand new Juggernaut (Vengeance) the overall "Killspeed feels more like playing the Juggernaut in Tankstance and not as an dd. Major Anri died serveral timeswhen it comes to Mobgroups (4 normal 1 stron) and the final Mission (in the Jeditemple) with Darth Malgus as Companion feeels more like Playing in blue 176 Itemrating than playing in 306. Died there 3 Times wich has never happend on Live.
  2. I have the same problem with a mount Decoration (Ravenous Womp Rat) i picked it up in my Tatooinestronghold and now it is no longer available (the mount itself is still available on all chars). Customer Support said they couldn't help me and that i should fill out a ingame bug report (which i did) but the decoration is still missing (after nearly 1.5 month)
  3. i allready posted my opinion on you in the other thread. the op asks about an h4 you are forced to go through i answered the question
  4. Dormund Kaas around lvl 30 when you first meet Darth Thanaton. The cave is locaded at the end of an h4 area.
  5. so you introduce a streamline leveling in 4.0 where you only need to do the class storys because people complaind that they don't want to repeat the "boring side and planet quest's" an now expect the same people are happy by forced downscaling and doing old stuff. strange logic Also you think people are happy with this crap when they are doing event or quest stuff on old planets? Here are some examples: searching for HK parts on old planets: All parts are in highly populated areas. if you are unlucky you have scan some large areas and the scanning take quite a long time and now you can be interrupped by low level npc's and have to fight them first. next example: MCR-99 Droid Reconnaissance achievement. you have to find 108 droids on 20 planets and the droids are spreaded over all areas of the planets. on a level 52+ the intended lvl the questline is doable in 5-8h i don't want to know how long it would take if you have to fight your way to all scanpoints. and on nar shaddaa you have to go into the other factions territory by runnig pass an enemy speeder point with lots of champion guards quite doable when you are lvl 60 and the guards are 55 but imposible when you are downscalled next example bounty hunter event dromund kaas most spawnpoints of the normal targets are in highly populated heroic areas. again great fun if you have to fight through lots of mob groups to get there or be stunned by random mobs in the area next example farming a tauntaun on hoth. now lots of running but doable in a normal timeframe at lvl 60 after level sync an fighting through lots of mob groups a pain in the ar.. (i tested it with a char who is in the lvl range of hoth and it was no fun) next example The Ancient Gree Relays questline again you have to go to various old planets and now fight your way to the targets great fun again. and the argument "hey you get xp on the old planets" how long did it take to go from lvl 55 to lvl 60 is SOR 10h? how long will it take to go from 60 to 65? after you reach 65 the xp gain argument is irrelevant. so if the level sync isn't optional it's the greatest bul.sh.. that hit the game since launch which activly kills lots of questlines and archivements. sorry for my english i'm not a native Speaker.
  6. Will lvl55 OP's be available through group finder when you hit lvl 60 or are they dumped like the classic lvl 50 op's now?
  7. I'm also on the Toggle side of this debate. If Bioware want their players to be ready for the new content they also have added an "i win button" that boost your char instant to lvl 55 an allow you to watch the class story cutsence in a video archive No it's a slap in the face for their long-term players who like to play the game the way it was original designed. I am an own the CE edition, play since the headstart (15 lvl 55 chars) and i still like the whole story arc with all side quests. So now the Player could rush to lvl 55 in a short time and could "enjoy" the end game content which is doing the same dailies some op's and flashpoints plus some pvp over and over again since the only diversion by normally leveling a new char is destroyed through this 12x XP Buff because running brainafk through gray missions isn't fun. None of those "option" are a real alternative in case you don't know many missions are triggered by the completion of the class story and if you must pre-order till November 2 when you want to participate the headstart.
  8. Add a section to the group finder where you can list for the h2 and h4 that are quest related like the hk51, macrobinoculars and seeker droid quest, since its nearly impossible to do that quests after a period of one or to weeks after the get live.
  9. The Companions should be more dynamic when they are on the ship like roaming around on the ship use the furniture etc.
  10. Hallo, was ich so von Leuten die auf dem Testserver sind gehört habe dürfte der Patch 1.2 so knapp 2GB groß werden. Wird es eine Möglichkeit geben den Patch vorab runter zu laden bzw. ohne den Launcher z.b. als exe Datei oder ist am patchday bei Leuten mit langsamer DSL Leitung erst einmal eine Zwangspause angesagt?
  11. Sehr schön Bestandskunden können zur Primetime nicht spielen weil es sonst Probleme bei einer Werbeaktion gibt
  12. Hi Harley und Lys, Docy, Tyreen und ich (Stormranger) treiben sich auf The Jedi Tower rum.
  13. Hallo, mal eine frage zum FP "Der Falscher Imperator": Am Ende soll man ja Darth Malgus über mittels Knockback Effekten über die Kante stoßen. Gestern Abend war es meiner Gruppe aber nur genau einmal möglich einen Knockback Effekt auf Malgus anzuwenden danach schien er wieder immun gegen die Effekte (sowohl Granaten als auch Klasseneffekte) zu sein obwohl das kleine Symbol in seiner Buffübersicht weiter an war. Ist das ein Bug gewesen oder gibt es noch etwas zu beachten?
  14. Hallo, ich fände es gut wenn die Rüstungssets und Waffen für die Gefährten bei einem Händler kaufbar wären, da man über die Quests ja immer nur einen Gefährten vollständig ausrüsten kann und alle anderen Gefährten dann mit mehr oder minder zusammengewürfelter Ausrüstung durch die Gegend rennen.
  15. Hallo, ist es richtig, dass die beiden Doppelgängerinnen in der Quest Level 40 sind (bin selber gerade erst 34) oder ist das ein Bug? EDIT:hab eben gesehen, dass die Missi wirklich level 40 ist. Eigentlich komisch, dass sie schon mit Level 34 ausgelöst wird.
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