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  1. haven't played in a long... long time. how do I correct the time zone? it's 140pm and my posts say really early morning.
  2. at the low levels or when doing flashpoints, I've noticed my heals barely do anything as lightning sorc. Not including how fast it eats up my force bar when trying to spot heal or myself. 110k life in these vet flashpoints and my heals are barely doing 10%
  3. as someone who plays SWG on the Prophecy server (https://swgprophecy.com/portal.php) We have space zones, but not with capture the flag like mechanics. It's a sandbox game so we can create our own mechanics and do whatever we want as it is a space sim. Capture the flag has been done in SWG and we do have pvp zones even in space. As for game play, you're talking an arcade shooter versus a complex pvp flight sim where your parts matter and the time invested into creating said parts. Space RE took a simple shooter and increased it's complexity by 100x. The raw loot you'd get could be combined into something like voltron. Gaining the best benefits of all parts combined. Thus giving your ship a unique part to add to your build. Depending your effort and parts, that can greatly change how you fly and what content you're capable of. Space parts would hit over a billion credits in value due to the RNG nature. As for PVP - extremely fast and furious. A skilled pvp pilot can fly the most unlikely of ships and dominate with the right setup. There is so much more customization available to the pilot and a ship that fits every style. Not always the high mass ships are the best at pvp. Sometimes a small fast ship geared correctly can be unstoppable. PVE: A larger 3 gun ship will have the dps you need to take down gunboats and higher tier duties. Lot of content is dependent on your gearing and ability. In all, JTL is the only RNG based legendary loot system that provides endless content by trying to 1 up your last RE to have even that much more of an edge over your enemy. It's a bit of a grind fest, but you have a lot more options of play-styles. Especially when it comes to community events. You'll never see this in swtor.
  4. I'd really like joystick support. spent years flying in SWG with joy, would like that here as well.
  5. Good lord yes. I can't play this damn thing until I have the proper equipment. Mouse and keyboard is just fail.
  6. I have full lvl 7 space parts. Back in SWG I was a mutliple ace pilot and could rock space better than I could EVER do on the ground game. I'm REALLY good with flight simulators.. However these missions are simply NOT fun. 1. It's on rails. As a pilot, I'm not going to go head first into a barrage of 20 ships into a mine field with mines that are shooting at me. This is suicide and just plain stupid. Forcing me to do this is ridiculous and you take an ungodly amount of damage no matter how much you awds and barrel roll. My first instinct is to carve a path around the main target then once the path is clear to end the mission. If time is of the essense, I'm going to at least hit the boost and drastically increase my speed with hit and run tactics and hope my reflexes are good enough to stay out of direct fire. 2. Balancing power to shields and guns - this is a great idea. I really like this aspect because much like JTL in SWG it really helped apply power when needed for certain situations. It should need to be a main focus but situation. The heroic missions require it or you are toast within 1 minute. 3. LVL 7 gear is poorly itemized. Iost a lot of fire rate and the shield regen is still pretty meh. If you don't activate defensive stance to double it, you're never going to have a chance to open fire. 4. There is NO WAY TO AVOID INCOMING FIRE RELIABLY!!! You are on rails. Barrel roll looks cool, but doesn't do much from stopping blaster hits. keyboard controlling your ship while curser aiming helps to some degree with fighting, but defensively, YOU ARE A SITTING DUCK. 5. Rewards vs risk - Just not there. I'm sure all the space bots would disagree though. I love a good challenge but this is just not fun.
  7. O a, curious to see how much differences since patch. Please post the damage differences you've noticed Side note: Maul seems to not be criting as hard on the operations dummy than on actual bosses. Like 2k less. :\ Via Mox Parser on Operations dummy Please use this format: Gear: 5 columi, 4 Rakata, 2 BH, MH - Columi equiv. Melee Damage (pri) 851-1032 Acc 98.93 Crit 31.11 Surge 76.62 Spec: 7/31/3 1.3 -- Around 1000 1.4 - Around 1200
  8. Maul is rather sick. In columi, rakata gear ... 5k damage mauls is... WONDERFUL. Discharge, 4-5k Definitely makes me reconsider dropping some power to add to crit.. Granted my over all deeps is still very spikey.. the big numbers pay off in the long run.
  9. Black Hole gear is more important because you NEED the endurance in end game raids. Will power you can get back from auging your gear which was the intended path in the first place. I run both an assassin tank and lightning sorc in raid gear. The bonuses you get to power, crit, and surge more than make up for the couple points lost in willpower. Technically speaking Power adds more to over all damage than willpower.
  10. I don't think so. Full columi is around 17.5-18k Tionese is round 16-17k 14-15k is standard 50 mods. Anything less than that is under level 50 gear.
  11. This has nothing to do with elites. This is simply common sense is not factored in. DPS spec'd and GEARED should not get tank roles Tanks in DPS gear with TANK specs should not get tank roles. Lot of us do not play more than 5-10 hours in a given week. The few times I am on, I'd like people who do have common sense to be in roles that make sense. I don't want repair bill after repair bill because of some player who is trying to gear is taking on more than he can chew. Progression eases growing pains for new players and gets them more accustomed to MMO mechanics. It's one thing for a player not knowing what to do in a boss fight. They can be taught to stand here, stay out of the red circles.. ect. Players who are miss matching dps and tank gear, cueing up for the most important and pivotal roles just waste EVERYONES TIME.
  12. This is exactly what I am complaining about...
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