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10 Good
  1. Da muss ich dir widersprechen, ich wurde mit meinem Kommando am patchtag (also hatten wohl beide BM Gear) in kürzester Zeit von einem Powertech umgeburstet. Und da der PT Unterbrechen kann und das für die Arsenal Skillung wichtige Graviationsgeschoss auch von allerlei anderen CC-einflüssen unterbrochen wird, konnte ich nur 2 Attacken anbringen. Der Schadensoutput vom PT is eifnach nur lächerlich.
  2. As an Arsenal Commando i like this changes! They just move the damage from the first 3-5 Grav Rounds to the Burst afterwards. = DMG will probably be the same, but more skill needed. When it comes to survivability, we will have to see what happens to the other classes. We are free kills for meelees, but i think thats working as intended. So actually there is not much difference, because before 1.2 you die against a similar equipped Marauder, and after 1.2... guess what.
  3. I still don't get it, why would a PVPer want better gear then others? I don't see the point, especially when there is ranking involved. It's way more rewarding and fun to kill players with equal gear. Do they want a 90% 1vs1 win guarantee? Why want a competition in the first place then? Of course they say there is no REWARD for their top tier skill efforts, when they just mean GEAR. REWARDS plenty enough, there are.
  4. To sum this up: "Bioware y u no force me to act morally?!?" Some people need their dirty brains washed.
  5. I don't get this kind of complaint. If you are a hardcore PVPer, why would you need better gear then others? Isn't wiping the floor with someone that has equal gear way more fun?
  6. This will be possible in the future.
  7. Frostybrown


    I think this is mainly a perception made problem. I play both 10-49s and 50s WZs, and i think the gap between lvl 10s and 49s is waaaaaaay bigger than the one from fresh 50s to T3 50s. PLUS you can close the gap to T2 fairly easy on lvl 50. - farming PVE T1 (or 1,5 because of the secondary stats) is easy and usable in pvp - get some pvp stuff through dailies and WZs Within a week you should be fine with T1/T2. And thats already a big difference from being a fresh 50. It's just that when you come from lvl 49, you are used to be really imba. And then you just aren't anymore.
  8. Well then i just didn't get the irony in your last sentence, i apologize.
  9. I was talking about the games i played the last 2 days. Also, this isn't part of my major point. And you clearly have a lack of reading comprehension.
  10. I tried to play a lot of BGs yesterday and today. And for ONCE we started with a full team. It's so effing annoying. If it was just about not enough players joining the Queue - but its not! It just happens regularly that we play rep vs. rep Huttball and it's 4 vs 8. And just now 2 BGs started simultaneusly, one with 7 players and one with 6 players on rep side. ***? The whole mood on our server (The Krath Enchanter) goes down because of things like this. More and more people are leaving, now it's down to 40-50 people on the fleet on peak times. Do something Bioware, and do it fast, our server is already dying out! PS: Needless to say that 3/4 of the BGs break up because of the scumbag leavers.
  11. I find Side/Side WAY more effective. Its so easy to defend the side bases, even with 4 vs 8. Do some LoS-tricks, use defense cds and the first player will be spawned again long before you die. And while this goes on for 1-2 minutes, there is plenty of time for your team to react. And it does not take long to get from one side to the other, compared to side/mid, because of the speed buffs. One reason why this works so good is, that the survivability of all classes in the 50s Bricket is higher than in the 1-49s.
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