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  1. Is this expansion going to be standalone alongside the main game or will there be integration? Or are we literally taking our current characters and continuing in this story-arc?
  2. Guild Name: The Ghosts of Dromund Kaas Faction: Imperial Focus: Heavy RP interwoven with PvE, PvP and Self Crafted Stories Website: tgodk.weebly.com Recruitment Thread: Not Applicable at this Stage Point of Contact: Faema or Verikk in game. Additionally shout out on Dromund Kaas or the Fleet and a Ghosts will respond
  3. Thanks for answering my question Jesse - inspirational for someone who is looking at a career in game development in the near future
  4. Hey Jesse, With an Art History degree, how did you get into the role of a gaming developer? Do you have an additional qualification which enabled you to get into that position or was it purely from interest?
  5. Nadia Grell - Corellia - when leaving the spaceport she comments in relation to her father - Tython - I Think as you leave the temple she remarks on feeling at peace
  6. In it's present state, the Legacy Family Tree holds little use except to amuse the players. Will there be any opportunity in future updates to allow players to show the Family Tree to each other, or even implementing shared Legacies, be it through alliances, character marriages, or whatever so that players can work together to establish one big Legacy? Furthermore, will there be any kind of updates introduced which will give any degree of interaction between the characters within your legacy? For example, using same faction characters as companions? On another note, what sort of updates does the future hold for Guilds? Will there be an introduction of Guild Halls or anything of the sort, for furthering the presence and usefulness of Guilds within the game?
  7. With regards to Legacy in future updates, can we expect to see Legacy related quests or the opportunity to use Legacy members (of the same faction) as companion characters?
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