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  1. As someone new to MMO's I really appreciate this discussion. Could someone pls give some insight as to what actions generate the highest level of threat to keep an enemies attention (besides taunts). It may be a remedial question but it sure be helpful for someone pretty new to this
  2. I am new to MMO's and my first character is a consular shadow. I really like the tank role in groups and am looking to improve my effectiveness. I was seeking someone's insight as to the best abilities to use as a shadow to generate the highest level of threat in addition to taunts and being in combat stance. I am currently a level 34. Thanks in advance for your help.
  3. I have never played MMO's before and just started SWTOR recently. I have one character that is a Jedi Consular Shadow that is level 34. In flash points and groups I have taken the tank role and have done alright...no big complaints recently and groups are staying alive. That said I have read some threads discussing group play and was looking for insight into a few things. First when discussing threat level generation ppl keep using the term aggro. What does this mean? Is it just threat generation? Second, besides taunts what abilities and attacks really build threat levels for my character so I can be more effective in drawing enemies in? Finally, are there any tips that ppl have for general tanking effectiveness? I know some of these questions are basic but any thoughts are appreciated and could really help out a new player. Thanks!
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