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  • Location
    Northwest Indiana
  • Interests
    Anything Star Wars, role playing/strategy computer games, Sci-Fi tv shows, and Sci-Fi/Action movies
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  1. I just recently started doing high level missions on Illum. the final mission is false emperor flashpoint. I tried it several times. I am a jedi knight gaurdian tank. It seems like the group seemed to rely on me too much. is this normal for this flashpoint. I held agro during the whole flashpoint. no one hardly ever got attacked unless many, many enemies. when it came to the end, Malgus, I held agro, interupted every 8 seconds(thats the cooldown for the action), and I even kited him down the stairs around the corner a couple of times, my group never even threw one grenade or used a single push back. my group actually tried to vote on kicking me once. Is there a trick to beating him I dont know? was my group justified in thinking I wasnt doing enough? I am stumped by this flashpoint. any advice is appreciated.
  2. having just recently gotten my first piece of columi gear, i can't wait to get more. the stats on it look amazing compared to what i had. to get a complete set bonus on gear, do i need to do operations and flashpoints, or can i get a complete set doing just flashpoints?
  3. this too is my first mmo. i love the pve stuff. Right now i have only a jedi knight tank at lvl 50. i have one of each other character at around lvl 15. i get really nervous playing with others i don't know. i even got booted from a group once because i rolled on loot incorrectly. some times i feel like a total noob when i join groups, they fight the necessaary enemies and run past the rest. its like they know everything about the flashpoint already and know where to go. (hug the walls and make way to the end) the puzzles at the end are confusing sometimes like knowing what and how to attack and when. i wish some people would communicate more when asked for advice during gameplay through the chat window. character types are also a mechanic i never had to put too much thought into with traditional rpgs. (tanks, dps, etc...) All these challenges coupled with great story content make for endless entertainment and i look forward to a long time playing this game through all characters and new content to come.
  4. thank you for the advice. it is the fighting coordination tactics that i need work on. i tend to be a solo player and am new to grouping (aside from heroic missions i did a lot of). I am very nervous about the learning curve for coordinating tactics: tanks, healers, dps, and execution of specific roles in group. Only recently did i fully understand the looting mechanics in groups. I can't wait to get started. thanks again for any and all advice.
  5. my gear, i meant to say, is recruit level. some pieces are other but off hand i cant remember. i know most are only first tier pvp gear. i want to play more pve and want the appropriate gear for that. having tried a few warzones, i find i don't much like them. pve seems more fun. i enjoy the flashpoints a lot more. is it true the operations are more difficult than flashpoints, or are they similar with just larger groups?
  6. if i get heroic missions while playing story mode across the galaxy, and i get flashpoints from carrick station, where and how do i get operations to play? I just started doing daily flashpoints and got my first piece of columi gear. I am trying to get rid of my crappy war hero pvp gear and want to start doing pve group questing. Any advice would be appreciated. There isn't much on the website in this regard.
  7. i guess my misunderstanding comes from not knowing how the "roll" system works. Example: 3 people greed for and item and 1 person needs it. will the roll be random and someone who greeded it could get it, or will it first be a random roll for who needs it, then greed? And i'm sorry for my ignorance as i am new to mmo games. i played rpg games mostly and am new to this. please be kind
  8. thank you all for your input. from now on, i will only need what is better equipment and just pass on everything else. if the whole group passes, then we will all greed for it. it seems like this would take more time while playing, but most battles do have a pause at the end before the next one, anyway. again, thanks for the input. i feel i will be a better mmo group mate now.
  9. I was recently in a flashpoint with three other characters and they kicked me from the group like immature kids pouting about losing the item rolls. I was a bounty hunter and they were sith. One item I needed, they don't need bounty hunter gloves. Another was an item I wanted to sell. The last was an item I wanted to disassemble. I won those rolls but lost several other. I didn't pout when I lost rolls. They voted and kicked me out right at the end before the good loot dropped. Am I wrong in calling them A-Holes? Or am I "supposed" to just give them everything that my character can't use? Why else is there a greed and disassemble option? Any feedback is welcome.
  10. I know not everything is moddable, but i can add mod slots to any gear can't I. Is there no hat like that in the whole game. I have to wait that long to get one?
  11. I just realized anything can be modded but i still have to be leveled to use it at its level. I would like to find some adaptive gear I can start using at level 10. More specifically, I'm looking for a huge brim hat like Cad Bane wears in clone wars cartoon. I like the big brim hats. I want to get some for a few of my characters. Where and how do I get that adaptive gear or any adaptive gear for that matter? Or, is there other gear someone knows about that is that big brim hat for level a low level character that I can mod?
  12. Now that I am level 50, I just started playing warzones. I started getting recruit and battlemaster gear. Should I save all of my other gear it replaces for when I decide to go back to exploring and play more story missions, or is pvp gear good for more than just pvp warzones? I mean can I use pvp gear for pve?
  13. Also, I found that tanking makes fights last too long and gives enemies more chances to kill you. From now on I DPS!!!
  14. After dying 5 more times, running out of money, and not being able to afford repairs or stims, I was able to find someone to group with. That made the fight seem a whole lot easier. I guess I should have taken advantage of the "MMO" part of the game earlier. Now I start a new character. Sith Inquisitor!!
  15. any tips then on how to fight the emperor?
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