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  1. I think it has changed since last week. We have done hardmode for 3 weeks now, with minor bugging out, nothing that a reset or two wouldnt fix. We understand about how to figure out the least number of turns, letting south go first, or trying NSSN, or locking the levels at the same time. Our first attempt broke at the 4th level, computer was lit up but the pylon wouldn't spin. After we reset no matter what we did, the computer would go dim after 2 levels, no matter what period. There is no way the computer going dim after 2 levels (4-6 clicks) is an enrage timer. Something has changed, at least for our group.
  2. Normally we can clear the puzzle without too much difficulty on hardmode. We could not tonight. I think something changed. Bugged out no matter what combination / strat / order / voodoo we tried.
  3. Why aren't I allowed to complain that an encounter is bugged? I dont get your rage? Anyways we tried spamming, also bugged out.
  4. Im sorry we tried least # roatation, click at same time, south first, north first. Every bit of voodoo I could find, and it bugged every single time. This can't be how the encounter is suppose to run. We have always been able to clear no problem in the past. If this is how the encounter was designed then I will unsub.
  5. You can actually see where to position Soa when you go into your preference and increase the max camera distance....
  6. THIS 2x I think most people just stand in the dark storm and *** when they die. Open your eyes and stay out of ****. You dont even have to kite him, just dont stand in the lightning.
  7. I dont remember this particular fight as memorable. Maybe they changed him to make him easier? I did the Voss series yesterday, level 46, perhaps I was out leveled? Juggs are king at stun locking. Just keep him incapacitated and you can kill without taking too much damage.
  8. It might just be a random occurrence, but several of the purple recipes I have [bIOCHEM] came from RE'ing implants that had critted. So blues with Augment slots. Perhaps a blue with an augment slot gives a higher % of giving a purple recipe? Alternatively this could be nothing...
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