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10 Good
  1. I am pretty pissed as to the lack of class balance, and have put swtor on hiatus for a bit. I play powertech and the class isn't is not in such a bad spot as people say it is (well it's never been so bad since release but hey ) what makes things worse is the sheer numbers or ranged mercs and snipes. It really makes small class problems for the pt and other melee completely obvious and unbearable.
  2. Guys stop bein so harsh ! Let them finish Mass effect Andromeda animations first. Then I am sure they will address the leader board issue
  3. Hello BW Please nerf Everyone, Signed, The Powertech.
  4. They seemed to have nerfed 236 and 242 drop rates, try getting no usable gear in over 150 + crates at tier 3. oh yeah and don't get me started on Unsassembled, gear reached tier 3 and still had 208 legs, so decided to buy, and *** the next crate I loot 240 legs, seriously. Been on swtor a long time, too long.. This is probably the straw too much. Champion bags were already terrible system ***.
  5. Still no class balancing ? STILL no bug fixes on Powertech for example. Leap and grapple not working all the time. You managed to break the 2 things that almost worked flawlessy since launch.
  6. Maybe one day we could actually play as a dps in SoloQ... without having to skank tank it or perma kite (also hard to kite after double electro nets sometimes) . I have no interest in that. Getting to tier 3 in regs was painful.
  7. Level 91 - to Command Rank 150 and only 2 pieces of 234 usable gear (1 ear and one 236 chest) Thank you cxp. All other pieces in 230.
  8. Thx for the cxp bonus ..... now more crates of crap empty shells and pet gifts .... going on 50th crate with no real gear at tier 2 GZ !!
  9. So when can we expect a class balancing patch ? And is there any news on bolster ?
  10. Pointless thread, why ban this and not all the other so called exploits people used ? I mean banned for using gear we have available that is better ? what about matrix cubes still bolstering .... wat about matrix cubes and level 50 Champion relics being better in flat stats then the new gear ? Might aswell ban everyone in ranked (Notable assassins) that where well aware of having the double stance bug (tanks) and using that advantage to gain better ranking ?. Its rather small thinking to ban players based on the complete mess Bioware are making of bolster. Just wait until it's fixed.
  11. Seriously BW ? I am not that mad about lack of balances fixes, but my main gripe is there is no mention in your patch notes about fixing double stance bugs ... there is a vague note fixing one of the consequences about it on 1 class .... but seriously you need to investigate this issue further. THIS SHOULD OF BEEN FIXED AS A HIGH PRIORITY ISSUE because it directly affect player balance, some people have the bug some don't and not just assassins. /lol It just doesn't affect that . .... It also is present on some new char creation tokens ..... The whole Passive stance is presetn twice, with some assassins having double armor etc... Please read this thread in bug reports : http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=904336
  12. Shameless bump again (now that the devs seem to be active again)
  13. Bump, this should be HOT FIXED and still no comment from Bioware.... creates player imbalance and advantages to who has the bug (any class with cylinders / stances) can potentially have it. Some of the players in soloQ ranked are profiting from this. Been Notified on pts since september.
  14. This bug is most noticable on sin tanks, here are a few screens of random sin tanks on TRE (I asked them for permission to post but also removed there names). Sin tank 1 : http://imgur.com/3AbxMke Sin tank 2 : http://imgur.com/CUNzI4y Pt Tank from a few weeks ago. : http://imgur.com/0FsKoru
  15. Besides all sin records should be made irrelevant until they fix the rampant double stance bugs. 70 % of sin tanks on TRE have. Yeah no it isn't normal to have 16K + armor and 20% dmg reduction, + tons more accuracy on your sin tank.
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