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  1. Yes, exactly that i.e. tutorials. Also - 10-50 you can get planetary comms to get mods etc. to put stats into your existing gear. Then suddenly it switches (mostly) to using your comms for real gear only - which you then have to extract to put in your current gear. OK, it's not the worse thing in the world. But why does the game work one way when levelling and then change to another at end-game? I often think that the designers focussed so much on the levelling game that they quickly had to think of what the end-game was and how it worked, post launch!
  2. Agreed - it's not hard when you have someone explain it or go to a web-page or forum that explains things - my point was, that the game itself doesn't do a good job of explaining things. There's loads of Operations still active at 50... Some at 55. Same with Fps. It's a bit of a mess.
  3. Hi, thanks for that. That's what I was trying to get at - I don't think that you should have to - and you do with SWTOR - go to forums and web-sites to learn what to do at the end-game. It's a big flaw and it was with WoW when I played it, too - i.e.: 1-50 is really easy, anyone can do it - and now you've magically become an expert MMO end-game player - except.. You aren't... That was my point, really And I've rerolled an alt - and you have no idea how many people go around 1-20 without their class buff active...
  4. I know that many people complain that this game (and WoW - which TOR closely resembles - which I know well) is too simple... But really it isn't! OK - from the POV of a dedicated raider, the game is simple. However, do those people really play the game in massive volumes? I doubt it. It simply isn't 'hardcore' enough for them. For those who are casual free to play, players, I'd imagine that the game is still super-difficult. Why? When I play the game, I'm really struck that the developers apparently tried to emulate WoW around the time of the Wrath of the Lich King expansion - lots of different stats, a big combination of enchants to change those stats for people at end game. However, WoW since WoTLK has drastically tried to simplify itself (to mixed receptions) whilst TOR seems stuck in 2009, in MMO terms. I'd like to see: Simplified stats Let's just have a few please - alacrity, power, absorb... Ouch my head hurts Simplified End-game I've played WoW so I'm aware of the end-game systems that WoW like MMOs have. But wow, it's confusing. Should it really be that you have to read a web-page to understand what you need to do at end-game? I don't know how to simplify this, but please can you? That's it for a start... Anyone else have any ideas?
  5. Ouch, that really sums it up. I get that the game is set thousands of years before Ep3, so in many ways this is like the medieval era of SW ie people dress differently and in many ways, that's really fantastic as you are free to pick many looks. But it would be great if BW made a selection of pared down simple robes (hood up and down) for both Sith and Jedi. Then I don't think we'd mind if BW delivered crazy shoulder-pad outfits, as we'd all have the basics. Lore items such as Thana's, Bastila's and Jolee's are all very welcome. As is Relnex's. However, it would be great to get: Jedi: Brown flowing (not skin tight like Relnex's) robes i.e. the Ben Kenobi look, both hood up and down (we very nearly have this i.e. Caretaker's - except for those shoulder-pads again!) Brown/white standard Jedi tunic i.e. the sort that Obi-Wan duels with Anakin in. Again, we nearly have this in the crafted Apprentice 4-piece (medium armour only ) and the sets we are discussing now - those shoulder-pads! Sith: Sith are much better served, true. However, it would be great to get a Luke Skywalker style black tunic, pants, boots etc set. Plain Palpatine style robes (without LED lights on them etc), both hood up and down. Darth Maul style tunic and (hood up) robe Both: KOTOR style simple 'flowing' tunic And of course, having a hood up/down toggle would be even better. The frustrating thing is, is that we nearly have sets like the above - but BW can't resist throwing on extra doo-dads and piling on the glitz...
  6. Very disappointing - the shoulder pads are awful, as are the motifs on the gloves and boots. Can we please just have adaptive versions of the jedi armour that you see on Tython and on a couple of Jedi NPCs throughout the game? These armour-sets already exist and are quite simple i.e. there shouldn't be too many clipping problems etc. So close yet so far...
  7. That's it really! When you first meet Qyzen, he has cool bounty hunter Bossk-esque camouflage gear. He then starts to get Havoc Squad style armour as quest rewards. Not good. So does anyone know if there's any adaptive or orange gear that mimics Qyzen's original look? Thanks in advance
  8. Agree with many on here - let's have the legacy weapons moddable and loaded with purple mods to start with (i.e. it's a great weapon for that level). Some of the legacy weapons look great and it's a shame not to be able to use them as you go through the game. I wonder why this hasn't been done yet.
  9. Thanks for that. I think if I raid, on will come the Jolee Bindo armour set!
  10. Thanks for that. I definitely think I'd go heavy or adaptive armour if I raided - this would just be for levelling up, planet side. Incidentally though... I did try vigilance on my Guardian and wow, it's a difficult spec. It seems to be very poic based so you need to keep on watching for those tiny prices by your action bars and timing things correctly or it's a much tougher rotation than my carnage mara - or am I doing it wrong?
  11. I heard this feature used to be in the game - please bring it back! Let us purchase droid tanks/dps/healers as replacements or crafters, if need be. I haven't played all of the classes to completion but so far: Corso Riggs Good-natured he may be, but he's always highly annoying Through the airlock Bowder I agree with someone else about him. He is a terrible tank and hasn't got the happiest personality in the world He manages to kill himself in every battle that he tanks for me Quinn He deserves it (don't want to give any spoilers away) Play the SW and you'll see the moment... Broonmark Because he's a psycho-monster Duels with himself as he's so angry Rusk Really pointless - he's a tank yet T7 can tank Rusk cannot be killed - it's impossible
  12. I agree - it felt like a hollow experience to me. I played it with my JK and without giving anything away, I played in events that were central to the fate of the entire galaxy - and now I'm on some back-water planet. I think though it's perfectly possible for BW to have a planet where three is one core even happening but for each class to be doing something slightly different, even with the same NPCs ie: Lets say that Planet X has threat Y to both Imps and Rep: Commando leads a military special forces squad to break through and take out the commander of the opposing force. JK / Sith takes any force users head on and tries to take down the ultimate leader. BH hunts important figures from the opposing force - including republic commanders to weaken them. Consular focuses on a mystical side to the story and tries to use diplomacy to solve issues Inquisitor hunts down the source of power that the opposing force is using to steal it for the empire Agent gets involved in all sorts of skulduggery in order to weaken the defences for the sixth warrior's assault Scoundrel takes out various operations that the opposing force is running - and gets to keep the proceeds You could easily create a shared story with key events that all classes experience - there is another way of makimg a satisfying class story - it doesn't need to have nearly unique NPC and story lines, it can be a story shared by all classes but experienced by each class, uniquely.
  13. Instances meaning: Pve and pvp scenarios (perhaps even involving docking with capital ships and switching to our characters models) But also space zones like we have with planets now I don't think we'll ever see completely free space exploration. It's not that sort of game.
  14. Looks great. I'm guessing: Instanced only Pvp and pve scenarios Able to buy new ships Able to buy ship upgrades Able to change ship interiors ...all at your friendly CM (or at least the good stuff) And yes, it's probably a paid expansion.
  15. Many thanks for that. Well, I'll start off with aspiring knight and move to one of the adaptive armours. My mara wears the equivalent - sith duelling leathers. Whilst robes etc look great, you can't imagine that they're that practical to fight in (and they never do in the movies - well apart from older Obi-Wan and Vader) For Empire, my ideal is probably the Thana Vesh gear - for Republic the Jolee Bindu gear they're expensive in the GTN though!
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