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    United Kingdom
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    Video Games, Movies, Drawing, Story writing and music
  1. From what I know I notice that these classes have to mash keys more often and have to move about more but with pvp it can be harder to see your character while in the thick of battle.
  2. The game isn't so much of an RPG but it's still an MMO such as auction house trading, group pvp matches and doing instances with groups. To be honest games like this and WoW have more in the way of single player, the biggest difference is that SWTOR has a more character driven single player storyline while WoW doesn't really have such a thing.
  3. I'm really confused, there now this window that pops up now and then saying the Light or Dark grows stronger in you by whatever amount while your not doing anything. Can anyone explain to me what this is? It doesn't make any sense to me.
  4. Here's what I want to see playable in the future. Nautolan (by far the most popular one everyone wants.) Kaleesh Voss Devaronian Cerean
  5. So far the only available skin colours are dark blue, light blue, light green, olive green, peach, yellow, red, pink and various shades of white when under Dark side corruption however I notice that there are skin colours that are not in the game. Those colours being; Purple, Orange and White (without Dark side corruption).
  6. It's not fair, 2016 is a terrible year that took away too many likeable famous people, but this is the one that hit the hardest. Good night sweet princess, we will miss you, now you are one with the Force, always.
  7. As 2016 couldn't get any worse, of all the people in the world that Death could have took, why did it have to claim her now and so soon? Death is not good or evil, it just doesn't care. RIP sweet princess, we will miss you.
  8. This only happens while standing still with the mount. http://i.imgur.com/J2W0YrE.jpg http://i.imgur.com/SMslsff.jpg http://i.imgur.com/oE6JAxj.jpg http://i.imgur.com/eNOzuhE.jpg
  9. Oh ok, I might as well stick with The Red Eclipse then if I want to really experience the multiplayer aspect of the game.
  10. Yeah I originally started on ToFN but when I heard there's more pvp going on Red Eclipse than ToFN, makes me wonder why ToFN just isn't working out.
  11. I don't know which server to go to as I'm from the UK? I believe The Red Eclipse is usually the most populated English EU server but I wouldn't mind doing roleplaying but I hear the population is non-existent. Where should I go?
  12. I don't know which server to go to as I'm from the UK? I believe The Red Eclipse is usually the most populated English EU server but I wouldn't mind doing roleplaying but I hear the population is non-existent. Where should I go?
  13. I'm not entirely sure which of these I should aim for, I like using the more Telekinetic attacks more so I go with that but I'm not entirely sure which way to go with it. A full TK gets Turbulence but it may not be so ideal for pvp as you got to move about a lot, a TK/Balance Hybrid provides a lot more mobility but at the expense of not having a powerful burst attack which Turbulence would have given. I would appropriate the help along with talent builds as I'm currently leveling my own Sage that's level 17 now as for the moment.
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