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10 Good

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  • Location
    Dromund Kaas
  • Interests
    Delicious Murder
  • Occupation
    Dark Lord of the Sith
  1. Never Mind it fixed itself please delete this
  2. i would also like to have the exiled knight armor its pretty ****** looking
  3. my jedi knight has a home on coruscant and my other knight can't buy an apartment there because my other character has that one and i don't have millions of credits to buy any of the other ones so it would be nice if each character could buy the same one without any trouble
  4. If you play as a darkside user then you pretty much get them anyway but once you reach darkside Level II you start getting veins and at that point i just hide the darkside corruption but it would be nice to still keep those Glowing Orange eyes i know Jaesa has those eye textures and she doesn't have those gross vain things so if they were to put them in the cartel market than that would be nice.
  5. Maybe they could go about every month or so and just re-release things as well as put new things in they can do both there is no reason for them to not put new things in because they're bringing back older items or at least add everything back in the cartel market and keep it there instead of taking things out they can keep everything in the cartel market add in filters and a search bar and people can buy what they want when they want and from a business point of view it would give them a lot of money and it benefit them greatly in terms of sales
  6. things such as revans robes relaxed jumpsuit etc should be brought back for newer players like myself i joined about 2 years ago and never got to get this stuff i would like to have them i have checked GTN but it's overpriced as **** like trillions of credits for just one or two pieces so it would be great if they brought some of the older stuff back.
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