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10 Good
  1. Nah, funny! I know the episode IV Dodonna was her legacy there. So she did not just vanish.
  2. The story ends. I did my best to protect her, I wiped all witnesses to hide her mess, I lied, I cheated the Republic, I changed the more sensitive companions so I didn't let them annoyed. Then I found the woman and saved her. She goes away, good bye kiss, and later I get a message from her, no "cya soon" but a final farewell. To make things worse, now I am under the command of a Jedi, too much for me!!!!! As far as I know there was a General Dodonna in episode IV. So bring her back! She can't just disappear! After leveling 4 chars to 50, I think the senator is the best non-companion NPC in game!!!! After her departure, the final is just boring. The story is really over.
  3. Risha above all. I like Kaliyo too but she's too crazy. Blizz is great too... Blizz is female, right????
  4. So she has more medals than Guderian and Manstein together? Because I just see her as another politician. Maybe her platoon in the 45th was composed of heavy armored droids that probably were smarter than her. I am just glad that she is not real .
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