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10 Good


  1. Just watch the Battlefield 2042 disaster. They blame other games for their failure and talk nonsense. EA is in a bad state.
  2. Why is raiding time considered more valuable time in the first place? Time is time and people should choose where to invest it and where to get their gear.Like they can do now ! This forced activities to get the best gear are so disgusting and i will unsub and leave the game after quite 10 years (CE founder) forever. Who wants to min max gear that isnt the best ingame? So whats the point of even playing when you dont want to play these Ops like a madmen? Raiding is not enjoyable for alot of players bc of disconnects,people fight over small mistakes,people dont come at raid times and so on and on. When you experienced this 9+ years you have enough of it. Then give us nm fps or something . Im just fed up with this systems.
  3. After seeing this idk what to think.Im pissed and hate the new system. 6.x was fine and actually right. People who just want to play the game solo or just dont enjoy playing Ops will never get the best ideal equipment.No min max for solo players(so why even playing then?) or people who play sometimes Ops. Some people are just fed up after quite 10 years with the Ops elitist talk in discord/teamspeak.All these arguments between players and you sit there and think *** im doing here. Then disconnects here and there . Waiting around or people dont come at the raid times. This *** cost more nerves than anything. Im to old for that **. Thats my reason and i hate to get forced into something for the best gear. I play since the start of this game (CE founder)and this are alot of steps back.I would call it the worst changes ever.The whole package is awful. I just want to play casually my Fps sometimes some Ops and good is and doing my min maxing. Like i did with 6.x. That was okay and enjoyable to get my stuff done. But no lets go back to the caste system. That changes will hurt the playerbase. GJ
  4. It was said from the beginning that she would cost 6 tokens.Like the other person said before NO bug
  5. It was never a login ,event or being subscribed reward like the other stuff. This could be the reason.
  6. Can confirm it. Got it. Nice pet really funny.
  7. Yes 2 months its laughable. How many people work on this game.Cant be much. Im actually really mad at this point because i paid for the pass to get fast the companions i want. Now i would have done this in time because they are still not in the game.They advertise stuff and then take it out for such a long time...
  8. Make another fresh character and when you have the founder email there you are qualified then. When not you are no founder.
  9. Still waiting on an update/news/whatever/just something... Bought the whole pass at the start because of the companions. Disappointed
  10. Hello I want from the Devs a buff for the Pyrotech tree.Cmon 30% less Burning damage and less Railshot damage. Why you cutted two of the most important skills?I know Pyrotech was OP for a long time but now you nerfed him to ground.10% less Dot Damage would be enough and Railshot let it alone. Its so frustrating.I dont want to play Marauder or Sniper.I play Pyro since beginning.
  11. Danke für das entwerten des Kriegsheldgears.Langsam nervt es.Erst mit Befehlshaber,Streiter und Kampfmeister und jetzt mit Kriegsheld. Die monatelange Arbeit von manchen wird anderen jetzt hinterher geschmissen.Wofür?Sinn? Einfach nur demotivierend.
  12. Cooles Video.Macht Laune.Mach weiter so!
  13. KobraKing

    T3-M4 pvp

    Schade das ihr so arrogant geworden seid.Ihr wart eigentlich immer ganz nett. Manche Leute denken echt nur weil sie in einem Videospiel ganz gut sind,andere von oben herab behandeln zu können.Man sieht es ja hier und man bekommt es im Spiel so mit. Überall laufen stolze Pfauen rum und meinen sie seien wer nur weil sie ganz gut im Spiel sind.Mehr zählt wohl bei denen im Leben nicht.Kommt mal wieder runter. Das ist nur ein Spiel! Naja.Manche vergessen das wohl.
  14. Und dann wollt ihr noch das die CE Rüstung überall erhältlich ist? Wofür gibt es dann diesen doofen Händler überhaupt?Wir beschweren uns darüber weil dort überhaupt nichts Neues seit Ewigkeiten erschienen ist und ihr wollt das das einzig Gute was man dort kaufen kann für jederman erhältlich ist. Am Kartellmarkt sieht man ja jetzt wie schnell neue Rüstungen kommen können,egal ob es nur eine andere Farbe ist.Da sieht man jetzt im Endeffekt wie unwichtig Bioware dieser CE Shop in Wirklichkeit ist.
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