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    Computers, art, SF & Fantasy, alternative music
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    Senior graphic designer, now working as a free-lancer
  1. Yeah sure… Ipads were already accounting for 64% of the market before the iPad 3 hit the shelves. Il would not call that a flop. Besides Samsung and Amazon, every other tablet maker bit the dirt, boosting their sales with prices slashed in half or more (Playbook, XOOM, Transformer) to get rid of their stock. Your argument hold true for the phone market (although, I would not call the iPhone a flop either) but I would not dare to say iPad is a flop sales-wise. Quite the contrary. Back to the subject: I fail to see how a price cut to an MMO retail box for a game based upon a subscription model is an indication of anything. On a side note, I would not say SWTOR is currently faring well: our guild lost 90% of its members in a couple of months as are several other MMO veterans-constituted guilds on my server. Bioware may improve the game quickly enough to get new subs or resubs but, for now, things aren't exactly looking bright
  2. Am I the only one to find swtor.com to be really limited? Blizzard set up several standards in the MMO world. As have several third part sites (wowhead/torhead, wowprogress, curse) : guilds listing, guild members listing, in-game objects data bases, 3D in-game weapons/armors preview, calendars synched with in-game version, ways to see the guild bank in/out logs, guilds PvE progress, various character stats). I find those informations to expand greatly on what is available in-game. - you can look out for a guild you crossed in game to see how big it is and who is their GM - you can have a look at some players skill tree choices - you can have a look at where the items you need are dropping - you can compare your toon to others - you can preview some gear you're looking forward to buy/loot/craft - you can ckeck how your guild/friends are faring in-game while you are away from the game. - you can boast your guild growth or PvE/PvP performance to friends - you can check what are your guild operation roster or when are the next events (calendar). On top of those tools lacking, I must say I am really astonished SWTOR still doesn't have a more advanced website. Last time I checked, it was using Flash-only videos (hence, not viewable from many mobile devices), and UI/overall design are also pretty dated. Like the game looking like a 2008 release UI-wise, I am under the impression the web site is not a 2012 one. Compare it to Blizzard's games web sites and swtor.com should be blushing from shame.
  3. Bon, en attendant une éventuelle respé, la main droite passée en arme champion et, je suppose, une meilleure gestion de mes CDs défensifs m'ont vachement aidé. Sur un BG relativement long ET en tenant les objectifs (donc pas full FFA), et en recevant du heal, je commence à taper dans les 280k de plus en plus souvent. C'était, je pense, vraiment un problème de décès trop nombreux. J'économise les charges pour les placer en cours d'engagement et non au début : ça me fait un interrupt de plus, bien souvent crucial. Et j'hésite pas à utiliser mes stacks de fureur pour un boost de vitesse après un camouflage de force pour me mettre en sécurité ou chopper du heal. Le hutball reste très tendu avec la gestion des bumps mais en claquant plus intelligemment ma charge, camouflage de force et le mezz par exemple, les choses vont nettement mieux.
  4. Merci pour vos conseils. Et oui, tous mes skills sont bindés. J'avais une spé rage pendant le levelling et les tout débuts de mon niveau 50 et j'ai finalement pas beaucoup gagné en dps et ma survie est meilleure mais pas au point de changer drastiquement mon efficience en BG. Il est possible que la spé annihilation ne me convienne pas. Je vais tester la spé carnage à la 1.2. Le burst et l'immobilise m'inspirent pas mal.
  5. 37 ans, marié, 4 enfants et chef d'entreprise... et je m'éclate sur mon Maraudeur qui devrait passer son rang 60 ce soir. Un peu de PvP occasionnel sur WoW (war fury & armes, rogue, DK et chaman) et c'est la première fois que je suis vraiment accroché malgré des WZ en petit comité et un minimum de maps.
  6. Pour faire bref, je suis Maraudeur et je peine à dépasser les 200k de dommages. Que je focus les objectifs (poser une bombe, emmener la balle) ou que je sois en mode "nettoyer autour des zones critiques", j'ai vraiment du mal à atteindre les 200k sauf si le jeu dure vraiment ou que j'ai du heal en abondance. Niveau stuff, je suis full champion sauf la main droite qui est un sabre niveau tioniste (je sais, j'aurais dû commencer par investir dans ma main droite mais les 123 distinctions à stacker me paraissaient super loin). J'ai une spé annihilation orientée PvP (dont je suis sûr) et je ne joue quasi qu'en pick-up. Pou l'instant rang 57. J'ai quelques quelques années d'expériences en MMO mais plutôt casu du PvP jusque là. Je demande pas une recette (enchainements, prios) mais j'avoue être super dubitatif quand je vois d'autres Maraudeurs à 350k. Vous avez quoi comme explication ? Pocket-healer ? Jeu en team ? Une main droite qui pèse trop lourd dans les performances globales ? Que je devrais utiliser systématiquement des stims ? Ou alors je merde complètement ma gestion des CD défensifs et passe trop de temps à respawn ? L'autre truc qui me chiffonne c'est que sur des duels en 1vs1 contre certains healeurs qui bénéficient d'un peu de heal d'appoint d'un collègue malgré tout accaparé ailleurs, il m'arrive de ne pas arriver à descendre le heal : il se heale plus vite que ce que je ne le descend (même en posant le debuff heal dès que possible) ? C'est possible, dans des conditions normales, ça ? Je précise que je cherches pas à me faire basher : maitres de la roxxitude à la vanne gratuite qui n'apporte rien, merci d'aller sur d'autres threads. Je voudrais juste savoir comment des mecs avec la même spé peuvent me mettre quasi 80% de dommages dans la vue.
  7. Getting to Rank 60 is the current pre-requisite to earn Battlemaster gear. It is a bit grindy but getting to 60 and finally having access to BM gear bring, at least, a small sense of accomplishment. So, what's the logic in allowing rank 50 players to get custom gear crafted with BM look-alike gear patterns? The prerequisite should be rank 60... Since getting from 50 to 60 takes nearly the same amount of time that going from 1 to 50, with patch 1.2 Bioware is drastically lowering the prerequisite to access looks that where meant to show the player's commitment to PvP. And no, I am not rank 60 (yet). I just find this kind of "adjustment" to remind me strongly of another MMO that shortened so much the time commitment needed to earn long-conveited rewards that it removed a lot of fun in getting them.
  8. SWTOR is a game which had great potential. But unless losing all sense of objectivity you can't say with a straight face that the game is faring well currently. - lots of bugs affecting high-end PvE - lack of content at lvl 50 despite a fast leveling phase - world fragmentation due to horrendous travel times & too many loading screens - game engine unable to support 16vs16 or more war zones - broken world PvP - lack of useful cratfed items at high end game despite a promising crafting system - lack of classic MMO features usually taken for granted (guild bank, custom UI, macros, combat logs) - unremarkable character customization All these things have taken a big toll on the community initial enthusiasm. SWTOR have been released too soon due to financial concerns (development well overbudget) and with inflated expectations and now the community perception is adjusting. EA reputation and ME3 ending fiasco aren't helping either in conforting the fans. I have been waiting for this game for a long time. I tried – really tried – to stick to swtor until 1.2 hit the live servers hoping it will make the game shortcoming bearable for a few more months. But now, our guild roster has been reduced to a 1/10th of what it was and things don't look like they will improve despite 1.2. When my guild close its doors, I will leave the game, hoping TOR will survive until my friends feel like giving it a second chance.
  9. The fact that SWTOR lost a lot of its 1.7 million subs is pretty certain at this point. Every guild master knows exactly how many players their guild lost since launch vs how many players they gained. Just look around. Many servers have shown dramatic decreases in their population since launch. Now, it doesn't means SWTOR is failing: Bioware are improving things quickly and we can consider 1.2 will be how swtor should have been in the first place when it launched. Maybe from 1.2, it will grow again. That is... unless SWTOR subs are so low now that the game is actually losing a lot of money. That, knowing we are a few months before MoP and GW2 hit the shelves... I must say things aren't looking exactly bright at the moment.
  10. I did not play DAOC but many of my guild's best players played DAOC and recall fondly of those times. So, it picked my curiosity. I am glad someone explained what DAOC's PvP was since it is considered by many the golden standard of what PvP fun should be in an MMO. Now, in this regard, GW2 seem to be very promising. But, on the other hand, I expect bugs, unbalance, rough edges as any with any other MMO which hit the market. In the mean time, who knows what improvement SWTOR would have gained. Space battles PvP, revamped openworld PvP in illum, dynamic PvP events, half a dozen new huttball maps, several new warzones, arenas, 1vs1 ranked gladiatorial fights, ranked RvsR WZs ? Whatever Bioware have up their sleeves, they will roll new content fast, be it PvP or PvE. The game is only 4 months old: who knows how it will be 6 months down the road. In this regard, whatever DAOC successfully brought to the table remain a possible added feature...
  11. Tu mets Mac dans un titre et t'as tous les haineux qui viennent nous faire part de leur lumière en balançant 2-3 poncifs aussi éloignés d'une réalité statistique qu'ils témoignent d'une méconnaissance générale de l'informatique. Je me permets donc deux remarques : 1- Non content d'être conçu autour d'une plateforme matérielle reconnue (carte mère et chispet Intel Sandy bridge + CPU Core iX), les Macs bénéficient d'une qualité d'assemblage rares dans l'industrie (designs des cartes mère fait en interne, composants de qualité et usinage de précision) qui permettent à la marque de truster le haut des classements de fiabilité, longévité et SAV. Donc, oui, des gens achètent les Macs pour des raisons qui n'ont rien à voir avec un effet de mode iPhone : ce sont – quoiqu'en pensent les frustrés – des machines qui valent leur prix. 2- Pour 99% de la population, un Mac permet de faire la même chose qu'un PC, avec des logiciels identiques sinon équivalents, sur un OS robuste (Unix) et dans des conditions de sécurité qui restent, pour l'instant, inégalées sur PC. Des millions d'utilisateurs utilisent des Macs, sans être ni des créatifs, ni des débutants en informatique. Responsables IT, professionnels de la sécurité, ancien utilisateurs Windows, étudiants, ingénieurs réseau, développeurs, professions libérales... La réalité est loin des poncifs que se plaisent à rabâcher quelques gamers qui n'ont pas encore approché le marché du travail. Pour ces deux raisons, beaucoup de gens jouent sur Mac. D'abord, il y a bel et bien un marché des joueurs qui se satisfont de d'un catalogue ludique plus restreint que sur PC. Et notamment dans le domaine des MMOs dont beaucoup de joueurs restent fidèles à un seul titre pendant des années. Soit que ce sont des joueurs qui acceptent de piocher dans un catalogue plus réduit parce que le jeu n'est qu'un critère parmi d'autres (sécurité, ergonomie, fiabilité) dans le choix de leur ordi, soit parce que ce sont des propriétaires de console qui ne réservent l'utilisation de leur ordi qu'à certains jeux (MMOs, FPS etc...) Ensuite, parce que le Mac c'est entre 8 et 15% du parc installé dans les pays ciblés par Bioware (15% en amérique du nord, entre 7 et 11% en Europe de l'Ouest selon statcounter). Et si on faisait la différence machines corporate/machines grand public ou vrais ordis/tablet PC, la proportion monterait encore... Parmi ces 23 millions d'acheteurs de Mac annuels, n'importe quel fan de MMO (et il y'en a plusieurs centaines de milliers si l'on en crois le succès de WoW) est un client potentiel que les 150 € supplémentaires du ticket d'entrée pour swtor (le prix de Windows a installer sur une seconde partition) risque de tenir à l'écart du titre de Bioware. Voilà pourquoi Bioware a une bonne raison de porter SWTOR sur Mac. Comme WoW et EVE avant lui, SWTOR a certainement tout à gagner d'une disponibilité sur Mac, quelques soient des poncifs de quelques ignares de l'informatique...
  12. We don't know much about Titan except: - Titan will be cross-platform with excellent coding, as WoW is (and every other Blizzard game were). As a Mac user, it means I won't have to either use Windows, reboot everytime I want to quest or lose 100 GB of disk space just to entertain a second partition. I also expect OpenGL client performance to be in the same ballpark thant its DirectX counterpart and available day 1. - Titan will be built upon Blizzard huge experience. Expect a lot of refinements absent of swtor like a download manager allowing to play while downloading assets in the background, EU/US separate maintenance times, mobile tools (AH, armory, guild chat/guild management tools), add-ons, macros, a web site that works perfectly on all platforms (including mobile ones devoid of flash support) as of day 1. And I expect PvP to be truely epic and not limited to 8vs8 battlegrounds due to a weak game engine. - Titan will easily feature a lot of side games (like MoP will have) and, hence, huge replayability. - Titan will attract a huge number of followers, hence allowing for vivid worlds and thriving online communities. - Titan may add everything WoW has been lacking due to initial development choices and that developpers had always wished they had thought of. Sure, Titan may fall behind our expectations but it has easily the potential to be better than WoW in every possible way. And we already know that SWTOR has fallen short of besting WoW in so many areas besides voice acting and character customization that the buzz Bioware fed the community with for several years is already embarassing. SWTOR will improve quickly but will it be enough? It is already crippled by an under performing game engine, lack of other OSes support, population fragmentation, unfinished UI, small PvP battles, lack of RvsR or functional world PvP, just slightly above average high end PvE and EA management. I want to believe in SWTOR since I love Star Wars and the game has a quite a few attractive features but I fear it may feel really outdated byt the time Titan hit the shelves.
  13. Star Wars has epic battles. Hence, TOR's PvP battles should feel truly epic : allow larger groups, larger scale WZs. 8 vs 8 is, well, dull... Huttball is pretty well tailored for 8 vs 8 with its small map and fast-paced progression: it is just lacking more maps to bring some variation. Alderaan on the other hand would be so much more fun in 16 vs 16 mode. Last, but not least, we are in dire need of a large scale (cross server?) 24 vs 24 semi-instanced WZ, maybe on a persistent mode: battle lasts several hours but after you fulfill enough objectives, you earn 1 win for your PvP daily and weekly mission and, thus, can leave the WZ or choose to stay longer or the zone is instanced only at fixed hours switching between world PvP and true WZ mode.
  14. Mara/Sent's "bubble" absorb 90% of incoming damage and is usually popped at low life. Last 5 sec. Nothing to do with Paladin's bubbles which is FULL immunity to damage with no health cost. Put a Mara/Sent with their bubble up against 2/3 opponents and it will die in a couple of seconds, with or without bubble. Yes it will allow a Mara/Sent to finish off one opponent while being at low life instead of dying. And, with the use of a medpack or a pocket healer, it will translate as a 5 secs 90% absorbing shield with nearly no drawback… like a tank guarded and healed by a pocket healer or a healer popping a medpack after an instant heal are also able to take tremendous amount of damages. Yet, it won't change the course of a WZ. Mara/Sent are big dps but that's all they have : I much prefer to fight a Mara than any Sorcerer/Assasin in an Huttball game : their bump and sprint are much more effecive score-wise than having a dps unkillable for 5 sec on 1vs1.
  15. Yep. I regret trying to min-max my LS/DS or my companion affection instead of playing like I would like my character to be : it was stupid (since, at 50, I do not use relics with LS/DS requirements anyway) and now that my toon is 50 I feel like I dit quite a few choices at odds with its story background, making me less and less fond of my character.
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