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  1. I also get frustrated when I log on and my friends are either busy or not logged, resulting in me pugging warzones. However, rated warzone matches or matching premades vs premades will cause more problems than they solve. Last night I got on, queued solo, and waited almost half an hour before the queue popped. Went into the civil war to find a team that consisted of myself and two other republic players. Warzone ended early and I requeued. After about another ten minutes without a queue I just got frustrated and logged. My point? When there aren't even enough people queuing to make up a warzone, limiting it even more by only putting premades against premades is just going to exacerbate the problem. It's really obvious at this point that they should have made pvp cross-server. If they do implement a ranking system or limit premades to fighting premades, they have to get serious about cross-server pvp at the same time.
  2. gabriong

    75k to 300k...

    I really hope you're low level. And not just sub 50...41 on is so easy to get 300k (unless guarding a node in the civil war) that it's ridiculous. I was getting 300k long before I was able to get the 5k single heal medal, so it's not a matter of great gear either. Heck I spent a good chunk of my time at 50 as DPS and my first awesome after switching back to heals (at which point I had all centurion gear with two champ pieces...again not great gear) I put out 670k in voidstar. What you should be asking for is medals for 500k and 750k. Or don't heal if you don't want to/aren't good at it.
  3. Well sort of the point of my post was that I don't think I'm particularly good, but sure, I'll share some of my experiences (though priority list wise, I covered the basics in the OP). First, for any sages leveling up in pvp (and anyone else for that matter), people should realize by now that buying bunches of the 42/46 weapons to use the expertise mods in orange gear is the way to go. I think I was around 5% from expertise from level 41 on, and it really makes a difference. That aside, healing with a sage is really easy. Like I said before, keep your bubble up on yourself at all times and also on your friends as much as possible. If you are gonna focus heal someone and when you click his frame force shield is a valid option, it should be your first choice (unless maybe he's still near full and you'd rather get conveyance up for the cooldown to start I guess, but follow with bubble immediately). Which brings me to the conveyance point. It's pretty much awesome and the central feature of your healing. If you've ever thought your HoT isn't that great so you don't use it much, just force yourself to accept that the point of it isn't the healing at all...its conveyance. Next, I agree with Haeso, but didn't say it before because I wasn't actually sure...healing trance is personally my go to heal if it's not on CD. The reason I gave before stands...bad or slow interrupts means healing trance gets a good amount off before they affect you. Plus it's your mana regen. Following conveyance it's gonna crit, so net mana gain (just don't forget to use it). Next, if HT is on cooldown, go ahead and use deliverance, but still try to get conveyance up first if at all possible. Otherwise the longer cast is just asking for an interrupt. Last, for people who have the AoE heal, remember that if nothing else it's a good proactive heal. You're on a node and several baddies inc? Throw down your aoe right before they get to you and your friends. ---- If you're getting pressured as a healer, it means the other team has there stuff together. I'm not claiming I do any better than the next guy in such a scenario, but at least remember that if the other guys are fixated on you, you can often sprint away and keep them off objectives.
  4. I'm sure you're right, but I'm not pvp junkie. I play a healing spec for pve, so I have the aoe. I find salvation situationally useful, but it's rare. sometimes ppl are grouped up on doors in voidstar, etc. Even then it's not great because often it's better to focus on a few good players and keep them up. @lilyahna - Of course there are a lot of variables, and for a while I thought that's what I was seeing. Ultimately I had to accept the approach of "all else being equal" though. Yes, I can have a crappy game if the other team is smart enough to focus me, or if I'm stuck on a node in the civil war and too lazy to life tap/heal just for the medals. But when noob me is in a voidstar where the other team allows free healing and I end up with 500k without working too hard, I have to wonder why the full champ guy on the team got 200k without an obvious excuse (farming medals, etc). Also, I actually like healing trance in pvp, but maybe I'm a baddie. I think some people don't pay attention with their interrupts and wait till the cast is almost done, not noticing which way the bar is going (after all, it's better to wait till the end to interrupt our big heal). Plus it's free mana gain, and I'm usually alive long enough for that to help. That's just me though.
  5. Let me clarify...the class is great for healing in pvp, but I see so many terrible sage healers that I've resorted to the forums to see if there's something I don't know. I'm not the best pvper, but I'm disturbed by some of the stuff I see. Since hitting 50, I don't think I've been in a single match where I've done less than 300k healing. Often I'm in the 500k+ range. Yes, I also contribute appropriately in terms of stuns/interrupts/etc. The problem I see is a ton of Sage healers putting out like 200k healing in warzones. So I check a few things. 1) Are these guys farming medals in other areas? Nope, usually sub 75k damage and sub 25 kills. 2) Do they have bad gear? Checked a few out that I see frequently. Often wearing at least full centurion with a few champion pieces (that's how I'm geared btw). 3) Are they true heal spec? Have the AoE heal, so yep. So ya, I just don't get it. Anyone else seeing this much? The funny thing is, it's really not hard to rule as a healer sage. 1) Use Force Armor first all the time. It's the best/most efficient heal we have, is instant cast, and pretty much spammable if talented. 2) Use Rejuvenate whenever it's off CD. No, its not the greatest heal we have, but Conveyance is amazing. 3) After that, Healing Trance, Deliverance, Salvation as appropriate. It just seems so easy and I don't think I'm any sort of expert. Come on sages, get it together!
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