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10 Good
  1. Everett Airplane builder. Official Fleet Commander North End.
  2. I am talking about the blue lightning spires not showing up on peoples screens. I'm assuming that's what were talking about. If not, I apologize.
  3. This is not World of Warcraft. That is all.
  4. Lol this was already nerfed when it was on PTS. Leave it as is please..
  5. Definately need full Rakata. After that you need spot on rotation and game play. We were hitting enrage timers in full Rakata. Pretty much if you lose 1 dps (or anyone for that matter) And you can't get them up immediately, you may as well call it a wipe. Toth/Zorn is a huge gear/dps check. The hardest in the instance they say. All consumables and Bloodthirst is a must. Pro Tip: Strategy is everything.
  6. This was an issue for about half our people last night on 16 man HM. Causing several wipes. It was the same on PTS. We might be thinking it's a hardware issue.. For me they would appear about 30-45 seconds into the fight and then appear as normal for the remainder of the fight. I'd really like to hear from BW on this.. So we know if it's truly hardware or a known issue with the game.
  7. I'd buy this in a heartbeat if it were connected to the fleet GTN. Or maybe all GTN's need to be connected. *lightbulb*
  8. THE SKY IS FALLING THE SKY IS FALLING!! On a more serious note.. No I won't be quitting.
  9. Yep. I give it 2 weeks before they nerf this instance into the ground and make it faceroll like the rest. Then it'll be back to what it was. "Game too easy blah blah"
  10. ^This Running these on PTS was so much fun. I can't wait to boom boom it on Live
  11. ^this Run your dailies every day for the mods. Mod up orange pieces. (They don't have to be level 50 oranges. Level doesn't matter since it's just a shell) You can have full modded gear in 6 days of running dailies. By that time you should be fine. Even though 126 should be okay for a few HM's. What is your class/role?
  12. What area specifically are you having issues with? How many healers are you running with?
  13. They have straight up said it's working as intended. L2facts. Why people keep making threads like this is beyond me. Learn to play the encounter and not get knocked off. Keep him between you and a ledge at all times. You'll never have this issue again. It took me one (1) time to learn this. Or tank him on the stairs and then drag him to the ledge at 10% He doesn't knock back after that.
  14. 1. There's a PTS forum 2. I don't see how this is a bug. If it was it's gotta be way near the bottom... 3. If you don't want the bars "cluttering" your screen, don't use 680 x 460 Resolution
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