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    Sudbury Ontario
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    Gaming, Snowboarding, Drawing
  1. This is the most retarded thing i've read on these forums since very early Beta testing GG biofail #UNPRECEDENTED
  2. Exit Area ToS HM kills Malaphar http://gyazo.com/9daa0996ea02f1f910902c8078fba03b Walkers http://gyazo.com/54ff2af8cd5075f47d3cee22fc702264 Underlurker http://gyazo.com/0e2bea72ebf5a72be76aa142fa6663ef Commanders http://gyazo.com/ddec9b5eeff5591faf81af3dbc0949d5 Revan http://gyazo.com/5f66cc491ebdf57c61ea39738a89b989
  3. Thanks for the comments everyone, Fight is really fun here's our heal PoV
  4. Every chest piece with a hood I try with my Revan Reborn helmet, part of the helm always clips through the hood
  5. Exit Area 8 Coratanni HM http://gyazo.com/ba2ae8a3b980294cbdc4271eab015676 http://gyazo.com/ec059864a44d90e72c9e6fed2980a8eb video coming soon
  6. thats not a fix, all that covers is when underlurker runs to someone and starts the cross while people are still on teh other side of the room That doesn't address the cross not working, or the cross showing up in different positions on each persons screen
  7. So no mention about the cross mechanic not working properly, showing up in different locations at times. shoots lasers showing up and insta killing repair droid without a cast for the attack, the repair droids going to healers or just sitting where they spawn indeffinetly. and dont forget cortanni bugging out and either resetting or not going to escape pod
  8. My best so far was 1-55 in 8h 17m doing it entirely solo and lots of spacebar. being in a group it could be done faster
  9. Update for mine have the Quick Savant 34 Enhancement as well as Resiliant 34 mod same chars Z'arex imp or Swiftech pub
  10. just put them all under either Z'arex for imp and Swiftech for pub. i dont usually log into my artifice & armstech so and message sent there would be delayed til i actually logged into them
  11. Armorings Commando armoring 34 Resolve Armoring 34 Skill armoring 34 Mods Aptitude Mod 34A Artful Mod 34A Keen Mod 34A Weighted Mod 34 Enhancements Initiative Enhancement 34 Acute Enhancement 34 Battle Enhancement 34 Insight Enhancement 34 Barrels Reflex Barrel 34 Skill Barrel 34 Hilts Might Hilt 34
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