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10 Good
  1. They spent 5 years developing a sub-par MMO, that isn't EA's fault. Bioware was too busy building a tunnel game to care about anything else.
  2. This is how my guild (prior to us all cancelling) ran civil war. Take the two end points. You don't even have to kill the opposing team, you just have to interrupt their flag capture with a steady stream of reinforcements. Space out your reinforcements so you have 1-2 landing every 10-20 seconds on the point, then run in and disrupt the flag cap long enough for the next wave to arrive, which arrive by the time the first wave dies. With this strategy you never have to kill anyone and can easily hold both side points indefinitely. The only requirement is the team has to call out which side needs the reinforcements. But yea, ignore middle, its a trap. Civil war is a horrible design because of this.
  3. This game is nothing more than a port of WoW to a worse engine, and a downgrading of features, and an introduction of new bugs. Of course people are upset about that. If you want to copy WoW, you better do it right. If you want to be innovative and try something new, which is actually preferable, its OK to get a few things wrong. Since Bioware opted to not go the innovative route, they are held to a much higher standard. If you want to copy something, make sure it works after you copy it.
  4. Yea, like giving us worse cooldown ability monitoring, and buggier/exploitable PvP. Thanks, James!
  5. Didn't WoW already do the server-wide plague thing?
  6. Every bioware developer that I know of has said over the last year that they are playing Empire for their own personal characters. Every E3/Expo/Demo event that Bioware has done has ONLY showed off Empire classes and content. It is no surprise that given all of this, Empire is the only faction with any thought put into it, and Republic is just an afterthought. Its the reason why no one plays Republic. Bioware just doesnt care.
  7. Bioware should be giving everyone, especially Republic players, a second free month. After all this game has turned into a paid beta test.
  8. The better question to ask is, why is Bioware implementing features that were not requested and ignoring features that are requested? Bioware has no interaction with their community, and the community leaders they have on these forums do an atrocious job of communicating to their players. There are too many missing features and blatant, unforgivable bugs for Bioware to spend development cycles on things that no one wanted, needed, or asked for.
  9. Hey this is Dozekar from HoG. I quit. 1.1 proved Bioware doesn't know what they are doing.
  10. This game IS warhammer. Mind = blown.
  11. Its 100 players per side and it is NOT faction balanced. So you can still end up with 100 empire to 10 republic. Bioware has no clue what they are doing, they should just remove ilum from this game entirely and then cancel the Republic faction.
  12. I bet the cancellation button is still available to the Empire.
  13. Flag the OP as trolling since thats all this really is, bioware trolling their customers
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