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10 Good
  1. I see some people dont get it or just dont understand. If you've done them and got the rep, good for you. For me and the rest of us its like you've shown fire for the first time. Im astonished. Though fair enough, it still seems it boils down to; do you have the patience to do them over and over. Well, I do not so I know to never attempt them again. Just wish this game had more resources behind it. There isnt another mmo like this out there.
  2. Can the devs please have a look at these high level space missions because they are borderline impossible unless I do them over and over to get them just right and have all the muscle memory and know where all the enemies spawn and when to use jammer and emp etc. Im weird and actually enjoy the on rails shooter. Its a nice distraction while im contemplating my existence whilst I farm mats for the 'w.t.f even is this' crafting grind. Have they said anything? Will they do anything? Does anyone know because its been like this for as long as I can remember in this game and its a fun thing to do. Have a fully decked out ship and the missions shouldn't be this much of a slog to get through is all im saying.
  3. Just discovered this myself. Literally going to take months to get all BBA achievements. Who decides these things?They clearly haven't even played the game and stupid decisions like this just mek me NOT want to partake in the event. ! character = 1 CBC. Once I have kp's I can make 2 a day. You used to be able to do 4 *** bioware? Why do you have to add so many hurdles to your content? Just look at Biochem! I want to suicide because of how badly its designed but I need the stims, adrenals and medpacks for harder and tougher content but no you decided to make it like pulling teeth to get anything made in Biochem. I enjoy this game but im just counting the days till it gets its plug pulled like some other star wars titles...
  4. Thank you all for the info and i'll keep in mind the suggestions. Also clicked on all of you's links if that makes a difference lol
  5. Hi everyone. Is there anywhere I can check that tells me how many other people's referral links ive clicked on? A friend of mine wants to play and I remembered the whole referral linkage system and am eager to get a legit use out of it instead of dodging the scammers that infest the fleet. Pretty sure like a fool I fell for one of the scams way back when and am curious to know if there's a place I can check how many ive used. Also why do they always want someone who's never clicked one before? Am I missing something?
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