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10 Good
  1. Can't figure out how to complete Power Vacuum mission
  2. 1) Harassing the innocent on Sith Warrior to get favor 2) Lying on Imperial side to overthrow crime or war against them usually. 3) Lying on Republic side to not annoy or start a war. 4) Forgery on the Imperial Agent Story to help Business 5) Classifying hiring of mercenaries and leaving unaware as legal in Bounty Hunter Story 6) Lying on the Sith Inquisitor Side to get favor of a cult and an item. 7) Breaking of oath on Imperial Side by Rebelling from Within. 8) Not avenging crime as light and making them go home as jedi. 9) Not accepting necessary evils as Jedi and other republicans. 10) Being too evil as Sith and other imperials. These must be overthrown. You have sided with too much Empire . A Republic Mandates "Don't give up. Don't give in. No second chances, not even one, especially not for bragging, whining, bossiness, sarcasm and break of heart." Also, it mandates "Stand up for thyself to the best of your ability." The Republic also mandates humble terms, accepting failure within limits, and never lying. That is the way of the Republic. The Republic also choose leaders from time to time based on conduct and law and heart. An Empire mandates lack of choosing, and all Republics have an Empire and All Empires have Republics because Republics cannot choose certain laws and Empires have some decent respect to the opinions of mankind because they have laws. Any imbalance of Republic and Empire must be declared war on within a manner prescribable by law. The courts will not be pleased with some of these violations and tortures. “Evils are sufferable than to right themselves by overthrowing them. But when a long train of abuses envinces a design of absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw of such tyrannical government, and to institute new government, and to provide new guards for their future security.”
  3. classified as Kick Ball, not Kick the Huttball, in search terms, and says it can be used to violate rule in warzone, and must be used in a warzone, which isn't true. I am sorry I used it, not in a warzone that I can remember though. You can suspend my game account for it because it was used for intent of warzone or encouraging dishonorable conduct, which i regret doing.
  4. Zash kisses male sith inquistor
  5. Where can you buy cartel coins without getting in trouble? I don't think it is legal to use coins purchased outside of the website or game for the game.
  6. 1) Have different symbols for flashpoint story arcs and regular story arcs. 2) Have different colors for personal missions, class missions, faction missions, companion missions, and side missions. 3) Allow all available missions not repeatable or not deletable at least to be in log. 4) Put repeatable missions in a different category than non repeatable missions in log. 5) Put one time chance missions (missions you cannot get again) in a different category than multiple time chance missions (missions you can get again) in log.
  7. Crew skill task doesn't have crew skill picture in mission picture. Instead it has a regular trainer picture.
  8. 1) Upgrade personal ship size 2) Put all companions on ship 3) Change ship name
  9. 1) Have Zakuul and Iokath on map without mission 2) Republic Jedi trainers on Ord Mantell, Republic Non-Jedi trainers on Tython, Imperial Sith trainers on Hutta, Imperial Non-Sith trainers on Korriban since they can go there normally 3) Put Ord Mantell, Tython, and Coruscant on Imperial map and Hutta, Korriban, and Dromund Kaas on Republic Map 4) Put Fleets on both maps 4) Allow more species in character creator and companions including Hutt, Voss, Gormak, and Selkath 5) Priority transports to all planets, fleets, and orbital stations that can be seen without a mission on them. 6) Tremel's ring as a legacy item and Tremel's hand as a companion gift 7) Characters equip rings 8) Crown of Dubrillion (Drayen) and Crown of Dubrillion (Smuggler) as legacy items 9) Risha doesn't end quests without Crown of Dubrillion 10) Neck items including slave collars 11) Scale missions to level started and level ended 12) Have Companion inventory 13) Slave collars usable by Imperials only 14) Capture (Companion) 15) Love (Companion) 16) Capture (Pet) 17) Love (Pet) 18) Pet influence and attack and defense
  10. 1) Imperial Sith: Hutta Ambush 2) Imperial Non-Sith: Korriban Ambush 3) Republic Jedi: Ord Mantell Ambush 4) Republic Non-Jedi: Tython Ambush
  11. 1) Stack items not outfits or other equips in inventory except non-consumables 2) Raise amount of items that can be in inventory based on equip standards and consumption standards 3) Stack before transfer to ability 4) Do not allow buying more than one specific companion per character if bound to character and cannot be sold to vendors
  12. Priority transports are for high priorities and other emergencies and you might not have a ship yet and the priority transports are not limited to ships.
  13. 1) All planets, fleet vessels, and orbital stations that can be transported to at level 10 minimum without flashpoints, operations, or missions have priority transport 2) Change requirements so you can go to your ship by priority transport after you get it
  14. 1) No one is immune to law 2) No capturing based systems 3) No trickery and deceit 4) No absolute secrecy mandations but in a manner prescribable by law 5) No forced to bear witness against themselves or Trial by Combat 6) No one has absolute control but in a manner prescribable by law 7) Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness are mandated 8) All are created Equal 9) No gaps in evidence 10) No forcing forgiveness 11) No repeating crime-included cases 12) No crimes to overthrow crime 13) Know all need circumstance 14) No hiring to fight your warful battles 15) No leaving unaware of what you caused 17) No leaving to rot 18) No begging 19) Innocent until proven guilty 20) None are always right in Physical Conduct, but they are always right in Mental Heart 21) No two blows in one step 22) No humiliation 23) Humble terms 24) Right to petition the government in times of war 25) No paying to overthrow crime 26) No sin gets a second chance, especially not one against the most divine laws. 27) There are cases where you cannot save others. 28) Don't save those who don't save themselves. 29) Earn everything. 30) No offers to get information. 31) Thou shall say the reasons why. 32) No getting someone else in one's own case. 33) No cruel and unusual punishment. 34) No Control of others 35) Consent of the Governed 36) You can't save others from their own sins 37) Each sin becomes the present as well as each option choice 38) No Revoking Inheritance by Corruption of Blood, nor Forfeiture except during the Life of the person attainted. 39) No laughing at pain, especially if it is deliberate or misordered. 40) No Attacking to Harm the criminal/overthrow crime. 41) No Attacking one to Destroy another (False redemption case) 42) Fight to the Death, never Retreat, is the way of Peace and War and Light and Dark. 43) No hiding crime 44) No Thievery for Peace 45) No Technicalities 46) Hiring as punishment 47) Additional Ingredient by changing plans without lawful consent in a way that keeps the plans There are Avoidences to overthrow brute force, never Retreats against own battles wanted. The Smuggler story, the Trooper story, the Sith Warrior story, the Sith Inquisitor story, the Bounty Hunter story, and the Imperial Agent story violated the law once at least. I am annoyed with it. The most vile and the least understandable include the Empire Stories because they include torturing interrogated for payment and lack of defense of self and other injustice including forced confession by most unlawful means and hiring for unlawful gain, lack of watching such conduct, and lack of overthrowing such conduct. These are against our Laws and against our sacred honor. The most blatant include Overseer Tremel's forced confessionism by torturing to get a confession and not forgiving for past injustices and decisions, not considering every Angle and saying one has better things to do than dealing with another which is blatant blind injustice, and Sith Blood is higher than the rest as well as Forced servitude as punishment for cruel transgressions of self or others, Overseer H. rigging of the trials and favoritism by influencing lies and thievery for one person's Rise, Zash's decietful appearance to establish service of others and then use their body for unlawful gain by forceful attacks, lack of letting the Sith character both mentally and physically choose his and his attacker's fates, but at least the dominant was mental, Thanaton's corrupted retreat from his own challenge of fighting to the death by saying the other doesn't have authority of killing when he does. Also, the HK-51 story violates such right by needing two characters of opposite factions for one mission. Also, that choking force against Darth Thanaton was done at a time of Blatant regret, remorse, or mercy with that tone. Also, Braden's killer's were blatantly corrupt, including Taro Blood for his unlawful asking of a mercenary to fight his own battle and intending to not watch it, and letting him get away with most atrocious conduct. Also, on the Imperial Agent, you are going to wind up revealing you are an imposter by not paying, or by killing one to not reveal your impersonation until later to only one. Also, on the Trooper, General Garza orders slaughter of all cyborgs created by a madman, and on the Smuggler, a woman on Nar Shaddaa who helps another woman overthrow slaughter of species should be told the truth of who the smuggler stands against and for in the business, and that she should wind up dead or in jail. Also, you shouldn't pay to warrant arrest, nor should you harass, like someone does when you come out of the smuggler hanger on Taris, and pays for information leading to an arrest. Nor should you cover this up to let the person lead a new life. Also, the Czerka and other enemies should be attacked directly after you stop the Rakatan Machine to not cause or threaten pain in offers and to learn from their mistakes. Also, at one time, there was a Flesh Raider who gave into kidnapping and tried for kidnapping and punished and not be worthy of working with the Jedi until after punishment. Also, Akaavi Spar should have more evidence that Moff Tirak is a conspirator and punish Moff Tirak for sadistic, unlawful excuse of always right. Also, the Voss say the mystics are always right in violation of law. Also, in the Republic story, an Imperial threatens to kill a person for isotope-5 and should be killed for such a threat to have him learn from his mistakes as light side. Also, a Jedi in the smuggler story tries Persuasion after an unwanted conduct. Also you can save Syreena from an illegal invasion by bluffing or by attacking, bluffing is neutral in the case. Bluffing uses trickery and deceit and another's circumstance to save or destroy trouble so it is dark neutral. Nothing can be forced, except by the laws of Peace and War, Love and Hatred, and Justice and Sin. Also, the Sith Warrior has another violation: dark without regret of trial by combat against Devotek when he begged for it, and giving into begging for punishment is a violation of the Laws of Defense and the Laws of Punishment. I know that kind of conduct is one conduct that would classify you as a Failure and a Disgrace because it is not the point of the Light, nor is it the point of the Dark. Darkness and Pain are needed so they learn and understand Light and Peace. Evil is needed to be good. Evils can be sufferable as long as the average doesn't violate the most divine rights. This game must be edited for the highest violations against Pride, Peace, and Law. The Most Blatant non-liked violations included these 1) Hiring to fight your warful battles 2) Leaving what you did unchecked 3) Begging for trial by combat 4) Not reporting criminal conduct fully 5) Trial by combat 6) Lack of Evidence 7) Incompetent trust standards 8) Forced Confession 9) Blind Injustice without regret 10) Mental control 11) Thievery for Peace instead of a denounce 12) Leaving to Rot as Light 13) Ridiculous secrecy mandations 14) Clearing names without lawful means 15) Lying under oath 16) Repeating crime-included cases 17) Unlawful conduct of not attacking traitors they can, including ones of incompetent and corrupt and vain saves. 18) Agreeing to always right conduct that is prohibited. 19) Unlawful gain by trickery and deceit 20) Paying to overthrow crime 21) Capturing and personal attacks when others reject it 22) Bluffing against rejected attacks 23) Needing two of opposite factions that don't directly work together for one mission 24) Never forgiven conduct 25) Relationship dominance with two groups not one group 26) Don't get busted conduct 27) Like of don't get busted conduct 28) Leave no witnesses conduct 29) Race-dominant conduct 30) Bribery 31) Unlawful hiding to go somewhere 32) Hiding of Evidence 33) Incompetent Peace and War standards 34) No consent of the governed 35) Immunity to law 36) Higher than others 37) Absolute Power not in a manner prescribable by law 38) Forced Sacrfice 39) Not reporting and destroying all most unlawful conduct without justice 40) Threat based systems 41) Unlawful Death by torture and murder 42) Humiliation 43) Prideful terms 44) Cruel and Unusual means 45) Incompetent learning one side more than others 46) Ambush 47) Not stopping all traitors on the spot or hunt them down 48) Making others clean up your own messes as redemption 49) Influencing telling of more information without others there when the others are needed and violation of fair conduct and not stopping the traitorous conduct 50) No right to petition some injustices 51) Slaughtering to make an example of others 52) Incompetent likes of war and brute force 53) Misordering the Evidence 54) Not helping Pride, Peace, and Law in siding with the other side. 55) Framing the enemy more later Right to overthrow crime by all who it threatens, not sparing reputation of criminals by lying or lack of denounce is the way of the people. All crimes against the most divine laws, the laws of our Pride, should be reported, tried, and punished in a manner prescribable by law. Know the circumstances and who committed the circumstances is a right because it prohibits trickery and deceit to save others from their sins. Charging to others accounts without their consent is prohibited, including theivery and upgrade, because they change the known evidence. Fines for unlawful conduct are not. Never take or give before it is yours, nor can you force giving or taking but in a manner prescribable by law. At least the take or give before it is yours is not territorized in the game that I know of - at least one without the changing of evidence on one side. Never use money on something else, give the change back of any lawful transaction if you can, is the way of the law. Right to repay debts by consent not by force. Never pay to get what is agreed to be given to others. Life is better than Death Death is better than Retreat and Obedience to a Tyrant. No change of evidence by a different jurisdiction. War side evidence is needed for trials, which means don't change it, if possible because it sides against their laws. Peace side evidence is needed for reports and is not changed because it sides for their laws. This means Friends and Bretheren are need for a government because they know the law, side with law, and understand law even if they want to side against it. Knowing law is mandated to keep the peace, and without the knowledge of such law you cannot try them. They can never change law without telling others after is made, and such law shall not affect a circumstance before the law by common sense. Rise of Light and Peace, not Dark and Mayhem, are what laws need and such excuse of rising Dark and Mayhem because others use it is in violation of law and common sense and is an unlawful excuse that will get attacked. "Sometimes order needs chaos and chaos needs order, but always are order and chaos limited by the law" Siding against two opposing factions in the same case is not worth it because it has two circumstancial conducts in the same case - the flawed natures of the hearts. Siding with two opposing factions in the same case is worth in because it has one circumstancial error - the flawed nature of the hearts. Siding with two friendly factions in the same case is worth it because they have one circumstancial error against you in a case and can work together to stop it - the flawed nature of the heart Siding with two friendly factions in the same case means there is no war in a way that there is so it is hard to try because of such lack of war that balances with the war- the just nature of the heart. Also, unlearning and forgetting are impossible because it violates each sin becomes the present as well as each option choice. Relearning or change of nature after it starts is not as well as undoing changes because they seek knowledge, change of knowledge, and getting rid of chromosomes and circumstance without getting rid of knowledge. "Never tempt to the best of your ability for temptations cause rebellions at one point." "All can be tempted, but not all will give into the temptation." Tempting is a circumstance of war of the heart, pride, peace, and law. Circumstances of sin become the present as well and tempting cannot be avoided under many circumstances of sin's war against peace. Giving into temptation, however, can be avoided depending on the circumstance. "Nothing can be wiped out of existence once it start including the temptations against interests which cause choices." "There is no point in wiping Justice out of existence because it is Peaceful and Lawful, but wiping Sin out of existence is only a possible if you choose Justice at the time." The Founding Fathers of the United States of America were right about evils and their sufferance. "Evils are sufferable than to right themselves by overthrowing them, but when a long train of abuses envinces a design of absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to alter or to abolish it and to institute new government and to provide new guards for their future security." "Throw off such tyrannical government" not "alter or to abolish it" means not finding it once the government doesn't rule anymore to try it. That is a direct violation of law of report, try, and punish all crimes you can. Also, "should have kept it for myself" when others offer it to another not you can get you shot which someone does on Hutta during a mission before its end There is no right to establish a system Unreasonable, Uncomfortable, and with Full compliance of their measures, which many of these do use in at least one way without justice chance. Your tyrant reign shall end. This game will be overthrown. That is the way of the people. Also, there more errors that are bad including the improper partial covering of lawful word descriptions with the right quickbar. Another thing: Malora wants to discredit the enemy by altering the tukata brain, which is in direct violation of the no discrediting by framing right. Also, inner nature, within limits of law, is needed to keep the peace and to accept standards. Never cause trouble to end trouble to the best of your ability.
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