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    Brisbane, Australia
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    Table-top Wargaming
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  1. Overall we have more flexibility with the change to Upper Hand Stacking 3 times, Diagnostic Scan going faster and Kolto Cloud is pretty damn good now especially in Heroic 4's and Flashpoints. I do find that if I'm not careful I can still easily burn through too much energy but that is not a huge deal as we have some good tools to build it back up. I miss my Giggle though, need a good cue to know that it has procced on Slow Release Medipack.
  2. I have a couple of things that I would like to be able to change on my UI. 1st - I would like to be able to detach and move elements of my Character Bar, specifically my Energy Meter (I play a Scoundrel). On my UI I have my Character Bar in the top left corner but I would love to have my energy bar more centrally located so I can monitor it better. Ideally i would like just that bar just south of center and about 50% opacity. 2nd (this is related to the above) - I would love to be able to have a large Icon for Upper Hand and be able to place it more centrally. Now that I no longer have the Giggle audible cue, I find that I am not as aware of my Upper Hand proc with the Slow-Release Medipack. Having a certain Buff (or Debuff) able to be displayed in a prominent position would be wonderful. 3rd - I would like to have the option of having people's health bar in their raid frames change colour when they have a debuff that can be removed by Triage. I sometimes miss the tiny little icon in the rush of a boss fight in progress and this would be a great quality of life change.
  3. I went with Akaavi as I liked the character and she was my go-to companion while leveling but due to gearing (hand-me-down Columi Tech gear) I use Risha more for Daily's. "I swear baby I'm just using her for DPS!"
  4. I gear to raid not raid to gear. For me Operations are fun and the new shineys are just a bonus.
  5. I would like the giggle to stay or at least have an option to turn it on/off.
  6. Thanks for the answers. very appreciated. FWIW I don't PVP so the only time I can see this lack of DPS being an issue is during the Infernal Council. I'll probably look at having a Cannon for that fight but ill prefer to rock a Rifle.
  7. I have only just started on my Commando and want to go full Combat Medic as I have a preference for healers (Main is a Sawbones Scoundrel). However I'm not a huge fan of the massive LOL-Cannons that Commando's favour. My question is this, once I am in operations and FP is it practical or feasible to have a Blaster Rifle instead as a stat-stick or is it going to gimp me? Now for Soloing the AC is designed around using the Assault Cannon but is the healing affected by what weapon is equipped? If the weapon is an Orange modifiable Rifle with mods ripped from the appropriate Assault Cannon would the healing be the same or am I missing a mechanic that means that the Cannon is a requirement.
  8. Please BioWare you don't have to keep testing my love for the Smuggler. I guess I better just have the cash on hand to rip out the parts and put them in decent looking gear.
  9. In Operations, Diagnostic Scan is great during the times when the Tank is not taking much damage to keep energy filled. I have it healing for a pretty decent 350 per tick, not bad for a negative energy skill. I'll hit the Tank with UWM then DS keeping the EMP for an emergency (unless UH is about to expire then I'll use it on a priority target).
  10. lol, I quite like her too but you'll get the reference later....
  11. In HM Flash-points I quite often use stealth to go use tranq-shot on trash to help control the fight better. I like the ability to bring extra utility to the group.
  12. Am I missing something? I am relatively new to 50 and have jumped into doing HM and Operations and while it is challenging the only times we have even come close to wiping is when myself or someone else has actually made a mistake. Now I get that Sages are supposed to be relatively OP when it comes to healing but I would not agree that Sawbones are weak healers. IMO we have all the tools necessary and can do the job quite well. Now there is some misunderstanding in the community that Sages are the only worthwhile healer and when min-maxing a group for HM Operations I can see that logic but to dismiss Sawbones for Flash-points and Heroic Quests is stupid as a Sawbones who knows what they are doing will have no issue in that content at all. I do concede that there is a gulf between Sages and the other two healing classes but hopefully BioWare will address that in the near future. As far as I understand, Sages will be getting a nerf to their healing output to bring them more in line with us.
  13. I like the giggle, partly as a audible queue and also I think it suits the character.
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