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    Surfing the Dune Seas of Tatooine
  1. My problem is that most people can't pull enough DPS to overcome heals these days, not because gear is bad (it seems to be pretty good) but because people just can't seem to focus on anything. The three Sorc Healers probably have about 2-3k HPS (if they're anything like the matches I've been getting this week) and the rest of your team can only pull 2-3K DPS, and there lies the issue. It seems we've hit a problem both with matchmaking (which I agree with now that I think about it) and player skill. Between teams having 3 healers on one side and none on the other, and people who just can't play the game; we've got a problem with no good solution to it.
  2. I agree with you here, something about healing isn't right at the moment. I'll go into matches with just two healers and not win because they heal each other and no one can get them past about 90%. Even with one healer you need like 3 DPS just to take them down because of this insanity. The worst part is that most people argue "Just stun them and kill them" but they've usually got one heal out by the time you can unless you're a stealth class, and if you can't kill them within the time frame of your stuns, they'll be back to full within seconds. Interrupting them doesn't work too well either because it only stops one heal, they usually have 5 others they can use instead. My best solution involves something either getting nerfed or buffed to the point where healing can only outdo the damage of one DPS, because if you need 5 people to take down one healer, something's gone horribly wrong in the balance department.
  3. I did i'm just saying since they might remove it I heard.
  4. I agree that having golden age sith items would be awesome, and that sorcs never use their lightsaber
  5. What I suggest is that the Cartel Market has packs that have 3 tiers of gear boxes, Begginer- Low chance for Columni gear or Commendations; Medium chance for Tionese Gear Piece or Commendation; High chance for Tionese Crystals. Advanced- Low Rakata Gear or BH Comms; Medium Columni Gear Piece ; High Columni Comms. Lastly, Expert- Low Black Hole or Campaign Piece; Medium BH Comms; High Rakata Gear Note, I am not saying this has to be exact, it can be rearranged to more appropriate items or amounts. Also to make the Endgame gear piece is the PC's choice of class, the item could be called: "(Gear rank) [Piece of armor] Voucher", it could be used to buy a piece of that gear from the Supplies Class' Vendor. There would be another form of that armor piece using the voucher as currency. Edit- How about ONLY the shells? Maybe make them adaptive?
  6. Less. Candycane. Troopers. And. Dyeable. Armor. 'Nuff. Said.
  7. I have a higher chance of losing as an imp on JC so i don't now what OP is talking about and it seems to be centered around the Pubs huge amount of damn stuns and slows at an early level
  8. Ok so i haven't played pvp long enough to be an expert, but during the gap between 20-40 for pvp armor, I think then is the best time to get your pvp comms and buy a set of regular war hero (not elite until you can buy the ranked with the regular comms) so that when you enter 50, you have the best gear or close to best gear at the start, hope this helps.
  9. I got 50k from an operation and i got one piece of loot, it took an hour to get a random group but, i would KILL for your money right now and i have barely 30k with a 50 and two 20s
  10. You can get it from many soucres (loot,quests,etc.) but I'm pretty sure you'll like something way better later on (not to dicourage you )
  11. Black crystals are either in end game gear or raid drops, as for white it is currently available from one of the packs on the cartel market
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