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  1. Khevar, thank you very much that was extremely helpful. I have just begun using the Trade Market and purchased all new gear and it has made an unbelievable difference! And Joesixxpack, I have spent quite a bit of time on the guild recruitment forums, as well as responded to a couple of people. I am still waiting to here back from them. No big deal though, I am not having nearly as much trouble as I was before.
  2. Thank you for the information. I will just keep grinding away at it until I can find my niche. I have no intention of deleting my Marauder, I am only Lvl 14 but I feel like I have put in to much time to quit now.
  3. I am interested in joining The Archos Legion, I have yet to see any1 from your guild and have been unable to contact via in-game mail. If someone could please contact me it would be greatly appreciated.
  4. I have been recently looking for guild to join. This is the first MMO I have ever played, although I am an avid gamer on console, I have never played PC/MMO before. I was a huge fan of the previous KOTOR 1 & 2. I am the poster child for a newbie lol. I am currently a Lvl 14 Sith Marauder and I really want some casual people to take the time to teach me. If you will recruit me and give me an opportunity I would sincerely appreciate it. Thank you.
  5. Hey folks, this is the first mmo I have ever played in any kind of depth and I am looking for a guild to join that can give me valuable information and help me along if and when I need it. I am an avid RPG gamer but this is the first PC/MMO. Currently I am a lvl 14 Sith Marauder on Begeren Colony Server. Any assistance or push in the right direction would be greatly appreciated. BTW, I am not totally apposed to starting a fresh character.... the Sith Warrior seems a little on the weak side. Its probably just me though.
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