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  1. I'm level 32 and been leveling exclusively with a friend. So far I've gone up the Carnage tree which primarily seems to augment Ataru Form and Force Shout. I chose this tree because it reminds me of my Kotor character which was always using Flurry to get in extra hits. Here however I can't really tell if the Ataru strikes are proccing enough to be worth it. With my Madness Sorcerer it was easy to track when Wrath procced to insta cast the red debuff, but with my Carnage Marauder I don't really notice when the ataru strike procs. What's the general feel of Annihilation, what does it really focus on? What are people's opinions when comparing these two trees? I suppose people who like Rage can add their two cents in as well.
  2. I'm surprised after level 32 or so green gear really drops at all. By that point you are completely decked out in oranges and will only be changing mods. (besides belts, wrists, ears, and implants of course)
  3. How can people claim that companions are part of their character when in almost every situation that "matters," aka PvP Flashpoints Operations You cannot use your companion. They're something you use mostly when soloing, so you should never put the burden of making them good on other people.
  4. After serious contemplation of everyone's comments I have come to this conclusion... I like cats.
  5. Make sure passive isn't active on the companion skill bar. To take them off passive click passive again so there is NOT a light underneath the ability.
  6. It would take 50 runs of Esselles/Black Talon to go all the way back and forth. Not to bad actually considering it's an offbeat feat to attempt.
  7. Does anyone else type this in whilst said pet is sitting on their lap? Makes me smile.
  8. Even if you pick opposite alignment choices it just means you need more of the other to compensate If you have 10800 DS points 2000 LS points Then it means you need 1200 more DS points in order to get to Dark V. Once you hit Dark V or Light V it erases all previously gained points of other other side. (though you can still acrue them again and lose your V status) The reason you may think otherwise that you can't pick any of the other alignment is due to this erasing effect. Everyone who is Dark/Light V shows not a single opposite alignment point.
  9. This games needs two things IMO, one's from us and other other from them. 1. From us: A comprehensive guide on what all the orange items for all the classes look like and how to get them 2. From them: A wardrobe like in Mass Effect 2 that stores all the oranges you've found in the game and allows you to switch freely between them I really want number 1 as soon as possible, and I would like to see number 2 available sometime in the future from the game.
  10. My first PvP experience on the Illum bg was vs. a Marauder. It wasn't even a match. .Melee DPS sucks.
  11. I agree with this, it's never a seemless experience to go...well anywhere. Sometimes you don't wanna go to the space port, load your ship, go to the fleet, get off your spaceship, load the fleet, then take the elevator to the main level. It's the main hub of the game, sometimes you just gotta go man! Also I would like to add to this petition that "travel to fleet" quests can be completed via use of the emergency pass.
  12. I feel like this is true though. I was grinding DS points on Black Talon as my SI and almost every single drop was SI gear. Now maybe the OP is right and the game has a HUGE imbalance in favor of SI's, but my friend reported the same when he was running it with his IA, in other words all IA equips were dropping mostly. It's like you have a 80% chance to get your class drop.
  13. Like most MMOs aggro is going to F you from time to time, but all in all you can solo the whole game. I did need to grind up a few times for a few boss quests. I found both the story and planet boss for Voss to be really tough as a SI.
  14. *walks in in his full SI PvE armor* I don't really see the problem to be honest.
  15. I'd like to believe with future patches with development time going into a single dungeon release the dungeons will go back up in quality. Even the foundry which has lots of...unique stuff proceeds pretty linearly.
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