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  1. So far i've tested crafting on cybertech & synthweaving, and I got to say that it is very expensive, which I get because I recalled your stream you wanted people to blow out their dragon horde of mats (I may be guilty of that...) But as of right now the costs of jawa junk + ossus farming nodes is super slow to actually feel like a pain in the *** to gear up. Not to mention, some bugs with making components is way out of whack, like a lvl 1 companion crafting a green synthweaving bonded attachment taking up 1 hr is definitely a bug... One other thing that I really disliked is the high failure rate of crew missions. I copied lvl 50 influence companions and I really do not like the change of sending out those companions and for them to fail and bring back a handful of jawa junk. For 1 green mat to equal 100 jawa junk, the fail rate of these missions is obnoxious for a lvl 50 companion and there's little incentive when the guild perks to speed crafting up and harvesting nodes is not working as intended... One change I do like is the slicing lockbox missions and returning back with crits with a mission discovery + a few crates that are filled with jawa junk and some credits. I feel like it's a nice change, and while I think the mission discovery time is really long (35 mins on a lvl 50 companion), the chance of the legendary amber mat might be worth it. I'll continue to muck around while waiting for those Dxun pug groups.
  2. Republic side {[DAILY] Combing the Wreckage} was super confusing. Found the log but it's unclickable atm and way too buried in the ground to be seen. EDIT: Turns out, the datapad respawns and disappears based on players, cuz when i swapped to the pvp instance, i found the first one to be clickable and it continued the quest.
  3. To OP's question, there are attempts with different guilds and raid groups on both factions looking to clear HM/NiM content. I've been on BC since the server merges from Lord Ieldis, and have been raiding legitimately with various different groups in intervals (took several breaks from the game due to RL and gasp, other games) clearing content on level (like NiM Kephess and Brontes). And yes, while pub side has witness a decline in raiders since 3.0, there are potential new raiders and groups who strives to do harder content outside of SM ops and HM EV/KP. As for pvp, I can not answer your question on it, since I've stopped pvping consistently since the announcements of the end of ranked warzones. Also, Avalauren and Imslash, your responses aren't helping to OP's question. Nitpicking and twisting people's arguments and poisoning potential raiders on BC isn't the way to go to foster a healthy NiM-ready raiding community on both factions.
  4. I disagree. It takes way longer to find pugs for both imp side and pub side, both during peak (west coast) and off-peak hours. Even more so later during the week, where people have partial or full lockouts. It takes roughly around an hour or more to find people for an 8man. The only people I see in /who are guild runs, and they are usually full up. And 16man SM ops pugs are pretty much unicorns on this server. And take that into comparison to the Harbinger for example. Yesterday, I got into a 16man Eyeless SM/HM pug on pub side and it was fully formed in around half an hour during peak hour. Not to mention, there was another 16man group going for Eyeless. And that was only one day. Here on BC, I've only seen the same amount of pug groups formed for Eyeless in the few days the rakghoul event was around to the amount of pug groups formed on the Harbinger in a day. If there's aren't many pug groups forming on BC, then how is casual raiding happening everyday?
  5. Characters: Kirá (scoundrel), Narika (shadow), Carvér (vanguard), Ophi (sage) and some others too since too many to list (alt-holic!!!) Guild: Infamous Position: Officer Allegiance: I prefer the Republic, but i got to admit Imperials have better fashion styles :x Motto(s): Boo! Enjoyment: I like to have fun in this game, whether it be pvping or doing challenging things such as operations with friends. I also do like the occasional RP but i feel that i'm too rusty and terrible to RP on a regular basis. Where to find me: I'm either on my one of many alts during when the nocturnals are up (since i live in the future named Australia), either chilling in combat training or somewhere sunny (not Corellia since the loading screen... ugghhh) Skills: Getting everyone addicted to kolto, jumping around and getting stuck in holoterminals and pretending to be a decent ninja
  6. Latency isn't too bad. Most of the time, I get around 180-200ms. If unlucky, I can get up to 300ms+, but I find it usually happens when I am on high population areas (like ilum during gree event and the fleet)
  7. I'm also looking for someone who can make the Advanced Weighted Mod 27 (56 Aim, 34 end and 44 absorb). Give me a buzz if there's anyone who can make them.
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