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10 Good
  1. I thought the name might be some kind of advertisment. I know TYAN as a brand (or company?) name for motherboards. So I thought that TY-4A is TYAN in leetspeak.
  2. This is not true as long as they keep the set items. As the sets are based on skills it will be still necessary to get the right one for each type of char, regardless how the mainstat is called now.
  3. The problem cited from Oracle can happen but if it happens it is a sign of a bad programming style. It has been known for a long time that it is a bad idea to assume the size of a pointer is always identical with int and it is not difficult to create code in a way that it can be compiled in a 32 bit version as well as in a 64 bit version. Nevertheless the main problem of such a thing would be that very likely that there would be almost no benefit to change from 32 to 64 bit. The memory limitations they already covered by using more than one process. To really make use of 64 bit they probably would need to rewrite some parts of the game.
  4. Now a month has passed but the bug still exists. This should really be adressed because the new set is worse than the older one, so I woluld like to use the old bonus instead as it is possible with the sorc.
  5. I think it is the right solution to automatically pass the guild lead after a while. For an active guild an active guild leader is important. I have seen it two times when a guild leader kind of retired of his position due to RL reasons. They passed the guild lead before they left. So they were completely in control who became their successor. I think this is the way it should be done. If the guild lead just leaves without any preparation then I think it is justified that he is dependent on the mercy of his successor.
  6. For the cut scenes problem could be circumvented if they would make it a prerequisite that all class and compagnon stories have to be finished before you can decorate your ship. So for example if you have done all stories then you get a small follow up quest and after this you are allowed to decorate your ship. So for all the old stuff the old hard wired version of the ship could be used and for the new stuff the modified version would be used.
  7. Alghough the stuff is bound it is possible to extraclt the pieces out of it then put them into a legacy equip and transfer them to an alt (mail or legacy storage). There you can extract it again and then put it into the desired piece. There are only two problems with this. The one is that is impossible to transfer some parts like implants. The other is that extracting parts cost credits. Beside of this it works goos.
  8. I assume fixing this issue would degrade the performance of the game and that is the reason why it is not done. DOHboy stated that it would be necessary to add collision detection to the mounts and that this is not done due to a design choice. I think the problem DOHboy mentioned that no one can pass could easily be solved. The collision detection could be limited to the driver and let the others pass. Unfortunately collision detection costs computing time. As SWTOR showed some performance issues over time it is very likely that the game would become too slow if collision detection would be added for all speeders. Very likely the developers had to chose either to fix this and slow down the game if speeders are on screen or to do it like it is now. This decision was then the design choice mentioned by DOHboy.
  9. Ich spiele regelmäßig in Zufallsgruppen (1 bis 4 OPs die Woche) und es sind immer mal wieder Leute dabei, die Erklärungen brauchen. Entweder weil sie die OP noch gar nicht kennen, oder aber weil sie die OP z.B. schon als DD gespielt haben, aber noch nie als Heal oder Tank. Das war bisher eigentlich noch nie ein Problem. Das einzige was ich mir eventuell vorstellen könnte, ist dass du dich erst mal nur auf Ewige Kammer und Karragas Palast gemeldet hast, weil das die ersten OPs in der Reihe sind. Da könnte ich mir vorstellen, dass viele Gruppen nur noch Speedruns machen wollen und dabei ist natürlich ein Tank der die OP nicht kennt nur ein Klotz am Bein. Falls du das noch nicht getan hast versuch mal folgende Tipps zu beachten. Erstens sag, das du die OP kennst. Wenn du die Videos gesehen hast, dann kennst du sie. Wenn jemand sagt, er kennt die OP nicht, heißt das normalerweise er kennt sie überhaupt nicht, hat also weder ein Video gesehen, noch einen Guide gelesen noch sonst was gemacht. Das gibts oft genug und das ist ein riesen Unterschied. Heutzutage sind die Gruppen die Kammer oder Palast rennen eh meistens komplett overgeared, da kannst du als Tank fast nichts kaputt machen. Denova würe ich mal links liegen lassen, denn da wäre es schon gut wenn du sie schon vorher mal gespielt hast (z.B. als DD). Ja nachdem was du für Gear hast, kannst du aber auch Asa und A&V, bzw. Schreckensfestung- und -Palast versuchen. Erste Wahl wären da A&V bzw. Schreckensfestung, da die einfacher sind als die anderen beiden. Versuch wenns geht außerdem in einen 16er Raid rein zu kommen. 16er sind üblicherweise einfacher, da es weniger auffällt wenn mal der eine oder andere Mist baut. Außerdem ist es inzwischen so, dass man meist die arkanianischen (69er) Setteile fast immer random raus gibt, da die kaum noch einer braucht und wenn dann höchstens für einen Begleiter. Wenn du da Main need anmeldest ist die Wahrscheinlichkeit sehr hoch dass du sie bekommst.
  10. If you want to know it in detail I think the best would be to check the patchnotes. There they list in detailwhat have been added. @Darkelfkiller If I am right youi have not been here for about a year. There have been several content updates in that time, including one addon. I am quite sure I forgot some things, but this things should be new for you: Operation "Terror from Beyond" Operation "Scum and Villainy" Daily mission areas "Section X" and "CZ-198" (and "Makeb" if you have the addon) Two flashpoints on CZ-198 Max level increased to 55 and therefore changed skill trees Many changes in gear (e.g. Tionese gear and so on have been removed and replaced by new one) Flashpoints have been revamped A lot of legecy stuff Two new compagnions I am quite sure I forgot several things, maybe others can add these.
  11. i don't know if you are aware of it but if you have classic coms then you can buy gear with set bonus on the fleet. As it is the Rakata set bonus it is worse than the Arcanian and can not be combined with Arcanian but is a good starting point. If you have 2 of them (at least the 2 armorings that provide the bonus) this can be useful until you get the Arcanian. The problem with the Arcanian set bonus is, that even if you run the OP is is not said that you get one token. Actually many people roll for this tokens and therefore you might be lucky or not. I think your gear is ok. Queue for the group finder and check the chat channel in the meanwhile. As a heal your chance should be good to find a group in a reasonable time. I would not suggest that you try to find a group yourself as Kitru said. For example it is important to have team speak in OPs. Usually the people that gather the group provide this and in addition the explanation for people new the OPs. You also might consider to queue and watch out for EC and KP in HM. With the gear level people have now they are really easy and you get good loot (e.g ultimate coms). With a decently geared group you can finish e.g. EC very fast. Actually its not harder than a 55 FP. There I met also people who did TFB/S&W and added them to the friends list. So after some time it gets much easier to find people to form a group, even if you are not in a guild or your guild members are not available.
  12. If such a function would exist, I probably would vote you. Obviously you are missing social skills. Otherwise you would not request such a function. If you want to play with experienced players only then you should gather a group yourself and not rely on the GF. If you are in a guild and have played several games and added the players you consider "skilled" to your friend list it should be easily possible to form a group. Experienced players have very often several alts where they not used the IDs. Of course this is a bit more effort than queue on GF but it ensures a good group. This may be true for some players but not for all. I know several experienced players and actually I am one myself and I do not agree to this statement. Of course it is fun to play with players that know what they are doing, but I have also no issues to play with inexperienced players, where for example all bosses in a OP have to be explained upfront. The only thinig where I would have issues with would be if the people do not accept advices. Something that never happened to me until now.
  13. Has he some arguments that support his claim? Disney bought the Star Wars franchise to make some money. So if games will contribute to the profit they will be supported by Disney. If SWTOR will exist in 2 years or not will not so much be dependent on Disney but on Bioware. If they can improve the game so enough players are willing to pay for it, it will survive or in the other case it will be shut down.
  14. I also think this. Playing EC HC is a fast and easy way to get some ultimate coms. It would be nice if all OPs would also be accessible by the GF. Of course a group can also be gathered with chat requests but the GF would make it easier.
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