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10 Good
  1. ich habe auch große Probleme. Gestern im GSF konnte ich 5(!) Minuten lang nichts machen, da das Spiel nicht auf Eingaben reagiert hat (Waffen abfeuern, Energie Verteilung ändern) Es scheint bei EA aktuell massive Netzwerkprobleme zu geben: C:\Users\Cryn>pathping Tracing route to over a maximum of 30 hops [aus Gründen der Privatsphäre entfernt] 8 dln-b1-link.telia.net [] 9 bioware-ic-147166-dln-b3.c.telia.net [] 10 11 Computing statistics for 275 seconds... Source to Here This Node/Link Hop RTT Lost/Sent = Pct Lost/Sent = Pct Address [aus Gründen der Privatsphäre entfernt] 8 50ms 0/ 100 = 0% 0/ 100 = 0% dln-b1-link.telia.net [62.115.120. 11] 0/ 100 = 0% | 9 50ms 52/ 100 = 52% 52/ 100 = 52% bioware-ic-147166-dln-b3.c.telia.n et [] 0/ 100 = 0% | 10 50ms 0/ 100 = 0% 0/ 100 = 0% 0/ 100 = 0% | 11 45ms 0/ 100 = 0% 0/ 100 = 0% Trace complete.
  2. Tatooine, Liebesgurkes Kammer der Täuschung ist nicht mehr gelistet - gibt es noch andere Festungen?
  3. Hallo, ich suche eine öffentlich zugängliche Festung, in der es Contraband Slot Machines gibt, um an Underworld Exchange Reputation zu kommen.
  4. Still broken - Mission is now listed under Grade 3 missions in the missions window, but still gives Grade 2 rewards PS: wow, 3 months since I first reported this and still no fix?
  5. Completed Jedi Consular today (server Vanjervalis Chain) - no achievement - no unlock for heroic ability in legacy - completion did not count towards legendary status
  6. have the same problem - changing the instance or deleting the cache file did not work for me. EDIT: this is what worked for me: - exit the area through the eastern tunnel - exit game and delete cache file - start game and enter area through the eastern tunnel - do NOT use the southern access
  7. It might be that the weekly missions only reset, if you visit your personal spaceship regularly. I'm not sure about this: It seems you have to visit your personal spaceship on the day (the 24hrs) before the reset is scheduled. It also looks like that you have to do this with only one Character. Any other Characters get the reset, despite not having visited their spaceship. It looks like the reset mechanism for the weekly mission is seriously messed up.
  8. Again, the weekly missions for Space Combat have not been reset for me last week. So I can't do the missions two weeks in a row...
  9. The item Mission Discovery: Treasure Hunting (Grade 3) gives amission that is incorrectly listed as Grade 2 Mission "A Pirate's Legacy" in the Missions window. Description for the mission lists grade 3 rewards. Completing the Mission gives Grade 2 rewards.
  10. I am still unclear on the pattern, but it seems to me that the weekly Solo Space Combat Missions do not reset every other week. I only fly Kanz Minefield/ New Cov Ice Field (Thursday reset) and Lorta Escort/Hypori Escort (Saturday reset) and I usually fly these mission on Saturday or Sunday, so they should be available the next weekend (the Sat. mission after the daily Sat. reset). It looks like the reset timer is actually longer than one week, as I did not receive new missions this week (did them last week)
  11. it seems to me, that Slicing Grade 4 Missions currently yield no Mission Discovery Underworld Trading (Grade 4) Missions. I already found about 5 Mission Discoveries Grade 4 for any other crew skill than Underworld Trading, so I think it is broken atm.
  12. Yes, they are 23, 29 and 33. I get a fair amount of other stuff like missions and speeder schematics.
  13. I have the problem that I only get schematics for Kuat Drive Yards Missile Magazine (10+ already) and no other schematics. I'm running the lvl 6 abundant and lvl 5 rich box missions.
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