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  1. They only listen to players when it hits their bottom line. If enough players go on strike so to say, they'll deal with stuff like pre-mades & afkers. So no, it's not a horrible solution.
  2. We can do something about it, it would just have to be a something we all agree to do though. Unsub, and don't buy and coins until they fix this $ hit. I'm so tired of it, that I think I'm done with this game when my sub expires, maybe for good even. Unfortunately I have awhile to go, but yea I'm done dealing with the pvp bs.
  3. I finished the mission today on one of my alts. Far as why you didn't get credit for it, idk, but Saeten did list off a few possible reasons.
  4. Nearly a year in and I'd like some clarification on this too. I've been solo clearing this uprising daily for a while now, and I've not seen it drop at all. The other decos from uprisings have a decent drop rate, this seems to be nearly none existent. Idk if this is like a MM only deco or something, but the drop rate needs fixing.
  5. I completely agree with a lot of these, some not so much. 1-5, & 11-15 100% yes. The others 6 -10 I don't mind / object too, they just don't really matter to me as much. That said I'd like to add a few things as well, also not in any particular order either. 1) New combat classes. Tech classes with vibro blades, tech staffs, different force specs etc. You guys ever play any other mmos? There's a lot of different healing / tanking and dps play styles we don't come close to having, and that's a real shame IMO. Would also just like to point out, that not every new combat class needs a dot spec, since you guys are of the belief that every class needs one. (And buy you guys I mean the devs) 2) New warzone maps, with different sizes & objectives. I don't mean another hutt ball, with a new layout. I don't want another alderaan / yavin reskin either. Give us a 12 v 12, or 16 v 16. Let us use tanks, walkers etc as siege weapons. Give us shield generators to protect our bases from these siege weapons and turrets to fight back with. Make it new and fun, we need more warzone variety than what we have. 3) Un-prune some classes. Look I realize after years of complaining that we're not going back to the old ways, but some specs definitely need a few more buttons to hit. Either bring back some old abilities or add new ones to replace them . 4) Companions with their own unique abilities. Look even if you're giving them 1 or 2 new abilities in just one of the 3 different specs they have (tank / dps / heals) it would go a long way. There are a few who do have their own moves, Shae, HK, and some others, but by enlarge most are 1 companion, that's reskinned. 5) More customization for the current races. Some have plenty (humans, nautalons chiss) others need serious help (rattataki, cather, etc). 6) Give us a way to get old GS companions, and other stuff that is currently unavailable for reasons. 7) PvP rewards need to be fixed. 12 tokens for 1 old deco, that you could get 999 from achievements is not balanced in any shape way or form. Here's where I'm going to lose some folks, and that's fine. Eight) In the original game, flash points would use your crafting skills to get you a shortcut, or a small advantage for having someone in the group having it. But after that it was none existent. I know it's basically irrelevant to most people, but it's the little attention to detail that makes this seem like thought and care is given to what's made, rather than just slap something together so they don't complain, about lack of content. 9) Update on uprisings. Again I know most people don't care, but I actually do like them. Even so far as to go and solo them on vet mode. Up the rewards, add a few more uprisings as well that fits with the story. Make them relevant instead of just stuff that was long forgotten. 10 ) Please fix the codex. I know most people don't care, but those of us who are completionists it's really annoying that some of them just can't be done, cause the codex doesn't exist. 11) Bring back renown. It was nice to have something to do at end game. I also wouldn't object to amplifiers, but I know a lot of people didn't care for them. 12) Can we please have the ability to either only see our debuffs on the enemey, or have a better way to highlight our own debuffs? I don't want to have to resort to star parse in a raid, because there's 4 of the same debuff from the other 6 sorcs. 13) I feel like I should say something about the old on rails space missions, but nah I'm good, think that's it. And again most of the things DarthCasus said, cause that's very imporant.
  6. Don't think there is a consumable, but you can always take diplomacy, and max out your alignment much quicker than you otherwise would.
  7. This isn't quiet true. The reason was given, people were mad about conquest stealth nerfs, and the suggestion to what can be done was to just reverse it. That said I couldn't care either way, and thought it was funny that this is what was breaking the camel's back for some people. Especially when the devs have a history of making dumb and pointless decisions that alienate the player time and time again, especially since the launch of 7.0 already nerfed conquest rewards & progression and these people stuck around through that. Oh well. The only thing that sucks for me, is that I have notifications that people replied, and I don't even know what they said anymore, cause the thread got deleted. /shrug oh well life goes on.
  8. Wait seriously? That's really shi....
  9. When I saw the title I immediately thought Kashyyyk, but given the choices you presented I would say either Alderaan or Taris. Alderaan cause I actually think the planet is visually pleasing (perhaps my favorite of them all), and would love to go back to it. Plus there's a lot of story that could be done with the politics there. Taris cause I would like to see what happens 10 years later in the timeline since we were there. Did the Republic abandon it, when the Empire came back to destroy it, or did the they attempt to rebuild it once again as a sign of hope and freedom? I'm not sure which one I want to see more at this point between those two. The only other one I'd be curious on, is Lehan cause I want to see what the Rakata are up to, however they'll probably remain a bigger disappointment than a redheaded stepchild, and I'd end up wishing I didn't know to start with.
  10. On today's news of people will complain about anything and everything....
  11. Because the devs never want us to forget that they don't know what the ..... they're doing. Edit : My personal opinion is that those things (stuff that was once available via achievements in abundance) should just cost credits. Make them a 100k credits a piece and then you're further combating inflation, while not requiring a full season's worth of tokens to buy a single deco.
  12. Honestly I think he's just trolling. There's no way he doesn't understand the difference between a single player mission that 95% of the people can beat, and an Op that on it's easiest setting is probably beaten by 10-15% of the player population (if that honestly), and requires co-ordination from your team mates as well.
  13. So all enemies in a 100m radius should die in front of you, due to your sheer awesomeness? I mean if they don't someone out there might not be able to beat the level, and we can't have that. At some point you just gotta say yea sorry we're not catering to that level of brain de ad activity. Rather than whining about it on the forums, people could actually look at their abilities to see what they do, or look at a guide or two. But nah F that, just come here and ask for more nerfs on an already brain de ad stage, that's the ticket....
  14. Seeing as thousands of people have completed this mission, it's not impossible. The problem is on the end of the keyboard.
  15. 1) I do yes. I have 6 tabs. General is for everything. Other tab got converted to just combat information only, nothing else. Then tabs dedicated to : Ops chat, Guild chat, Party chat, and the endgame / allies chat depending on server. The only thing is I leave whisper on in all chats just in case someone needs something from me as I have a specific chat tab on, I don't end up ignoring them by accident. Raid chat also has /say in it, cause sometimes (an example EV pylons) you want to just say something to your group and not the whole raid, rare but it happens. I believe party chat works for this too, but meh. And yes it's a pain doing it for all characters. I do it on the ones I play the most, but it is worth it in my opinion, and once you're done, you don't have to do it again unless you uninstall the game and come back later. 2) Haven't found a need to do this. Perhaps there's some advantage, but I think for me personally it would break my habit of looking at things where they are, as they are. I have almost everything enabled (minus tutorial, utility bar 2 and the world map overlay) without being cluttered up. So I don't really need to change it at all, just cause I'm healing, tanking or dpsing.
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