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10 Good
  1. Quad-mando shall make its glorious return we just need Bert to queue up on the other side again.. Seriously though this should happen, no one can see your win/loss so you have nothing to be afraid of. Lets get queues going so we can all get comms quicker if nothing else before season 2 starts. Try out silly comps its actually a lot of fun.
  2. Warzones - Biggest Hit - Marauder T-4 Monkéy 13207 http://i.imgur.com/Ys45fdW.jpg
  3. Bert was one of the ones who left in that pic so your point is invalid
  4. The hybrid tank who farmed the same people is crying about FotM? You do realize we are 8-4 against you right, 3-4 with sage 5-0 with scoundrel? The 5 in a row we beat you at the end when your team quit took you from 1908 to 1831 and thats with you beating the other randoms in queue that night. If you think that we got farmed because we lost 2 games in a row I don't know how you think you didn't get farmed when you lost 5 in a row. I'll keep consistently putting up numbers on any class i play so don't worry about me, if you want you can peruse the records and look at them because I'm done with this. I'm done with you at this point because quite frankly it isn't worthy of any more time. It's just the same damn horse getting beat to death, cloned, and beat to death again and again. We'll be in game playing regs and ranked trying to improve our play further, you're free to join us or you can sit here and reminisce about how you remember the past. Your choice. Edit: Random note about rerolling and fotm. Back when I still played WoW when Arenas were composed of hundreds of teams playing it was pretty much required to have multiple toons geared and ready to go for arena. As the game changed your comps changed. It has more to do with adaptability to competition than one team making people re-roll. It may not be a competitive PvP server but I still take that mind set and try and get the people I play with to have it too, the more classes you can play the better you can counter.
  5. I wasn't attempting to drag you into anything and my apologies if i came off as confrontational towards you all because we only ever had GG's with you. I was just referring to the fact Pinata has been beating a dead horse about us apparently losing a million games on pot5, when he hasn't even tried to play there with his main let alone alts, and apparently getting farmed on this server. He said we hadn't played you guys competitively and I remembered I had a damage game posted in the records thread of one of our games from preseason. Also rating on a PvE server doesn't mean much, I just posted them because he keeps flaunting his like it apparently means something.
  6. The spec is a lot of fun to play in PvP, next patch it's going to be even better so it should be a good time time start up again.
  7. Pinata you never linked a SS of beating us in Preseason and I still can't find anyone who remembers you. 1800 is nothing, http://i.imgur.com/S4HUMXh.jpg is where i stopped SS'ing solo ranked, http://i.imgur.com/v157Veq.jpg is the last one I had for teams. You played a hybrid to "farm" your ratings on a PvE server where no one played it then talked trash about beating the server, the 1 time you went against a hybrid you lost 5 in a row. It's obvious you are just "butthurt" and bitter after reading your posts, it's just inane ramblings. The only thing I feel for you is pity at this point, it's just sad to see someone who wasn't that bad of a guy a couple months ago become a raving fool for all the server to see. This is Star Wars, if you take Arenas this seriously as a priority man you should've been playing WoW, we're all here to run around with light sabers and do dumb stuff. Hell I even found one against revelation in the record thread http://i.imgur.com/yjCTi55.jpg We played them twice there with 1 disconnect, anything else is them lying yes. I can log on my jugg and link my 3-4 record with 1 of our losses to a double smash team and 1 loss to infinite darkness rolling us over in about 4 seconds. From what was posted previously Revelation didn't have any better luck in the end when everyone came out to play either.
  8. You weren't even playing in preseason dude, hell I didn't know you existed until season 1. So keep lying to yourself. We had a winning record against revelation in preseason with a sage healer and commando dps. Every other team wasn't close. We played 7 games on Pot5 with 2 disconnects and 2 juggs on our team without an op healer on a server that does not forgive bad comps and we still won 3 of em. No one even knew who you were until season 1 started and you came out playing hybrid tank farming people with a 900 rating and no gear, so talking about 8v8's doesn't do much because you aren't LD50 or Uncensored so no one knows you. You are a sore loser and it's not even a question, the moment we brought a hybrid we beat you like a rating pinata until the queues stopped popping, you couldn't outplay Fus when he gave you your own medicine and judging from PubPVP are still bitter about it. You lost 10 straight rounds to end your season against us, and that's a fact. At the end of the day you are a bitter man-child who lost to a PvE guild and now has to resort to running his mouth about **** that never happened and **** you know nothing about to try and make yourself feel better. You can lie to yourself all you want kid but stop wasting my time with your ramblings. But you will probably keep talking about how you beat a server when no one was left to make teams or these made up games in preseason you never played in, but it wont change a thing. The fact of the matter is Instead of trying to make this server better you chose to be a parasite.
  9. You are probably the sorest loser I have ever encountered, there is no point in this because all you are is talk. So have fun being ignorant. The only thing you need to know is, Scoreboard.
  10. I think they should buff mercs until every HSM looks like this http://i.imgur.com/uTmu0QO.jpg, but that's just my opinion.
  11. Warzones Biggest Hit Mercenary 1. 17110 Çommander http://i.imgur.com/uTmu0QO.jpg Thanks to Fupa for bloodthirst lol
  12. Not even talking about your comp so don't start whining please. Fact of the matter is all the sage/sorc healers got chased off by smashers and PT's or re-rolled like Simple did, there's some dps ones left but not many. I will play mando or combat sent in 2.7, depending on if mando keeps its current PTS buffs I'm leaning towards that. I mean I guess if that fails I can swap to a vanguard, Poptart puts up big numbers when he plays his in ranked so its not out of question if they do double exp again.
  13. Him and fusrodumb delete their gear randomly when drunk. Also I played combat at the end in 4's, the only time smash is good in 4's is when people feed me sages to be honest. Most of the teams we played had a lot of maras and PTs so there wasn't much point to smash after you guys quit. So don't worry buttercup I'll be fine.
  14. Arena - Biggest Hit - Mercenary 2. 11,144 Çommander http://i.imgur.com/vpgeWBp.jpg
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