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10 Good
  1. For all the people who dislike medals, then why have them at all? Why don't we just get rid of them? Capping at 4 and still having the medal system (and even EXPANDING IT) is what I'm saying is stupid. And for the record, I play warzones to win and get the objectives, so you all saying I'm selfish and just want medals is ridiculous. I play a healer and I'm not f'n selfish in warzones. I don't know how many times I've sacrificed myself just to get people off the doors in voidstar because dps'ers are pew pewing and not even paying attention that someone is trying to cap. Or I'm stuck at a stupid node in Alderaan the entire match because nobody else will stay to defend it because they're off trying to get kills elsewhere. Most of you must just be too stupid to understand what I'm trying to say apparently or don't bother to try to see my point. I think you are all from the "Youth Soccer" generations where everyone wins and EVERYONE gets a medal! YAY!
  2. Lol, did you miss the part where I said i was a healer? I have never gotten 9 or 10 medals. Doesn't mean I think this new system is the answer. And my point about the kill credit for healers is that I think it will end up having healers swing too hard the other direction on medals. I mean really, I keep up most of the team, and I'm going to get credit for all of their kills? Seems a bit much, but I guess we'll wait to see how it is actually implemented. For instance, if everyone just stands in my circle of heal, do I get kill credit for every person they kill during that time? Or if I throw bubbles and hots on everyone?
  3. ***? You must apparently be one of those who is bad? I'm saying people who are better should be rewarded more for their efforts than people who suck. That's all.
  4. Well, I agree with you on that, but they are supposedly adding 14 new objective based medals into the system to fix this in the 1.2 update. That's what I was saying. Why add the objective based medals if they're just not going to count for anything?
  5. Yes, that's a much better suggestion than just cutting it off.
  6. So basically, they are making it so any mediocre pvp'er can get the same amount of commendations that any good pvp'er can? It's pretty difficult to NOT get 4 medals in a pvp zone unless you are afk'ing or really really suck. Why add all the objective based medals (they claim they are adding in 1.2) then nerf the crap out of medals? Makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. And, I have a feeling the healers getting kill credit medals for healing those who kill is going to swing things way overboard. Yes, I'm a healer. I think healers were getting the shaft, but now this seems like it will be a bit much. Not that it matters much (see above with the 4 medal limitation)...
  7. Riiiight... You just made my point. It's ridiculous for dps'ers with all the medals to tell healers they need to dps to get the same amount of medals that they get.
  8. So? These matches are actually fairly easy to win. They just stand there healing each other to the exclusion of finishing any objective, and they can't kill anything. We face rolled a team like this yesterday.
  9. The problem is everyone says that healers have to DPS to get more medals. But turn it around and you don't hear people telling DPS'ers they should be healing to get more medals. They just need to give healers medals at shorter intervals. 75k and 300k is a bit harsh.
  10. The problem is everyone says that healers have to DPS to get more medals. But turn it around and you don't hear people telling DPS'ers they should be healing to get more medals. They just need to give healers medals at shorter intervals. 75k and 300k is a bit harsh.
  11. I think they basically broke aggro this patch. Soa is the most obvious example, but we noticed that the first droid in EV was using his missile crap on "random" targets vs the main or secondary tank that's usual. We think it was because of aggro probs. If you are undergeared a bit, I can see this being a major problem for people.
  12. Will you consider implementing battlegroups so that we can do warzones with people across multiple servers? I'm on the most populated server (Harbinger), and it still takes ages to queue for warzones. I can't imagine the torture they are feeling on the lower pop servers.
  13. Yeah, I was going to mention the crap number of medals compared to the amount of healing done. I now 1/2 heal 1/2 dps and get twice as many medals. I realized pure healing just sucks. No MVP votes, no medals. Screw 'em.
  14. Yes, this absolutely needs to be changed. We died on the last boss in Taral V right after we killed him (his stupid robot adds were still up) and couldn't get back in to get our loot. It's the dumbest system ever.
  15. This has probably been posted before, but you know, you can't actually search for anything... We wiped on the last boss on Taral V after we killed him, and the body had purple loot. We couldn't get back into the instance to loot it. So basically the rest of the dungeon dropped nothing worthwhile and probably the only piece of good loot in the entire place we couldn't get. Please fix this so you can get back in and get your loot. This is pretty stupid.
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