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10 Good
  1. what did they break? Who forgot to feed the hamster?
  2. Sith sorc got no love,, Pink Armor , Clown gear and a pet the crys because your evil. Please FIRE the Dev team for Sorc!!!!!!
  3. thats incorrect, it turns white, and i was talking about my Armor not my skin, Thanks for reading the post. +1 troll point
  4. My Sorc in first build was awsome looking! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D-7-gM978dw
  5. ya , well here is my Sorc in the First build, Epic armor and stats. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D-7-gM978dw now i look like a drag queen in the live with pink and purple armor:(
  6. ummm.. no . sorry i dont swing that way. if i wanted to look all cheerfull and perrty i would have NOT went Sith. im mean , hatefull , and one evil mofo:cool: I WANT BLACK AND RED! No Sorc or any Sith male should have to be forced to wear pink!
  7. /sign this is what happens when you rush a game for release at XMAS for profits they should go back to the first build, it had less bugs then build 2 or 3 . and live... well its a mess
  8. yes i said it. ya 1 million spent to lvl up on snythweaving only to unlock PINK ARMOR!! SOOOOO very Iconic.... not only is most of it worthless its just a grind and waste of time, by the time you unlock it it or lvl up your past the point that you need it for the adverage jo. and yes Just what i allways wanted PINK ARMOR as a pure blood Sith male ! Armor from first beta build should have stayed. it not only looked Iconic , but it was allso good stats. Thanks for rushing the release of live........ PINK ARMOR for Sith!!! o yes lets put that in the game for Sith males! who ever designed it must have never seen a starwars movie . i bet they got a BIG LOL from that This is not WOW land of pixie dust ! i do belive the VP of bioware said this is our game just as much as it is thiers so ya i call for a revamp on the crafting system to make it worth doing or better yet worth paying to play.
  9. so after much hard work in synthweaving i get the lvl 41 320 or 340 skill armor to craft and its PINK...... COME ON! YAY! im a Sith and i wear Pink armor! now how could they let Pink armor for a pure blood sith Sorc get passed for the ok in live? where is the red or black ? o wait its at the pvp vendor with stats that blow. ya somebody got a kick out of putting Pink armor for males....... sorry i dont swing that way Pink is the new red i guess........... PINK? PINK REALLY!? OMG im soooooo Iconic in Pink armor........
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