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  1. The truth is that reps are winning. There may be some imp vs. imp games in warzones because reps are roling solo rankeds where no imps dare to go :-) We do it practically every day and less than 5% of the games was against imps. (played around 100 ranked solo games since season 1 start) At all times imps appeared in solo rankeds they were crushed so badly that they even didnt came back for revenge :-)
  2. So you dont like that someone is better than you and you made threat about it ? :-)
  3. Sorry if you dont want pvp you should not queue for it :-) Arenas are about pure pvp so you can show your skills in quite short match against other players. Whats the point of quitting ? You achieve nothing and just piss of your team members. Seems like you dont want pvp but just warzones because you are one of the guys that must be carried by the whole team. Evidence is just your ignorance to others by constant quiting. REAL pvpers are glad arenas are here. No boring nod guarding anymore. The time to show how can you control your char against others is here - you fail at it ? Dont blame devs.
  4. PanVandemar

    Powertech Tank

    Why didnt he quit earlier when all team runed smashers ?
  5. PanVandemar

    Powertech Tank

    Thats exactly why they are complaining. First thing in this game that can counter smashers and they just cant stand it. Angellis you are writing why would people would want to make couters to ion hybrids. Its not about that. Its more about other classes than maras being more viable in arenas because suddenly they have job here to do.
  6. PanVandemar

    Powertech Tank

    Only one spec of all beats your team and you immediately ask for nerf ? LOL to that. See alot maras and jugs whine about powertechs here lately. Especially by those classes asking for nerfing others is hilarious.
  7. I would see making valor count as a solution . People should have at least 65 valor or so to even queue for ranked. That would mean they know at least the basics of pvp and are able to help the team.
  8. I dont see a problem with kill count. Where i see it is max dmg hit which at least for me shows absolute inacurate numbers. Like in WZ i see i did 6500 dmg in single hit yet at the end i see my best hit was for 5000. How is that possible ?
  9. Damn you are a bad vanguard :-) So little protection. Only thing you did was spaming dmg with explosive surge to obtain high dmg numbers in overal, but not really able to kill anyone. You may probably be even the reason for your team losing the game...
  10. Sorry but you are wrong. It might seem like little more free dmg, but in fact it comes with all other classes having more superior new abilites than that. So in PVP its like little nerf if anything.
  11. I stoped using it. At all times i used it - it took about 1-2 second of nothing happening then animation played and i jumped. Really terrible delay and now for me useless in warzones.
  12. Please just test this skill on dummy. I used it with adrenals and crit buff skill... still it does less then 3% of overal damage. Its is really so damn weak. (I dont consider 3% dmg boost to be a gamechanger -especially when my dmg dropped so drastically after last update.)
  13. Dmg out of GCD is nice thing but it would have to be dmg worth of mentioning. Of course i use the cannon and have no problems click it during my skills rotation but just find it so little that is what makes is useless. If i compare it to the shadows teleport or sages immortality for certain time it seems more like a joke.
  14. It doesnt matter which dps spec assault ot tactics. In assault cannon is absolutely useless and in tactics is less useless if you invest points to it. But who would give his points to increase by few percent dmg of skill that doesnt do any dmg at all? Only use for it is in tank spec as it heals a little.
  15. I just tested on dummy my dps vanguard and noticed that shoulder cannon does less than 3% of total dmg. Is that super new skill that all clases got in new update ? Vanguards got nerfed in last update dps wise and aditionally got useless crap instead of a new skill.
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