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10 Good


  1. Kreya went mad because of a crystal and all that. The Exile was a random jedi, not a wound in the force. Darth Nihilus was pretty much removed/lost his power and now the current emperor(swtor period) has the ability he had... no idea how he can do that without a wound in the force but yeah... Revan and the Exile were lovers... And more ....
  2. Problem is they totally butchered the storyline of KOTOR 2 to make it "fit" with SWTOR so there's no way they'll remake it in a good way.
  3. It looks like .... what's missing is... the boss. YEAAAAAH. On topic, no idea if it's a confirmed bug but I guess so, since he should spawn as soon as you drop the turrets.
  4. I'd love to check your other posts, BUT, BioWare's lovely web techs managed to do something to "find all posts by" feature and now it doesn't let you do it.
  5. Just because you're a sheep don't think everyone will just be happy with getting shafted up the ***.
  6. Well since Tuesday this week i've had a ticket up and it still sits open, no contact from the CS and I've been spending an awful lot of time in game so it's not like they can't contact me...
  7. A lot of people have been turned off by the total lack of customer service and when they actually do get a GM to talk to them it's some automated responses machine or a guy that barely knows 100 words in english. Couple that with the annoying maintenance and reset times that totally take the piss for any european player and the ton of bugs and now you know why the EU realms have been going down in load and there's pretty much no servers with queues anymore.
  8. I agree that we don't need meters. While we're at it, remove casting time on cast bars. Remove clocks. Remove any sort of timers and ways of MEASURING things in the world. Who needs them? I sure as hell don't. Clocks and timers make people rush. And when people rush they don't enjoy the so many awesome things. Why do people even bother to compete? We should all be happy friendly people. Let's even go one step further and remove SPEEDOMETERS from cars? Who needs to know HOW fast you are going? You'll know you're going too fast when you crashed into another car, no harm done, right? I myself don't need one, because I L2D(that's learned to drive) so why would I need a way of measuring anything when I'm so skilled?
  9. Aye, no matter how big you get you just can't ignore the huge impact it makes.
  10. Me too, you can just feel the cold taking hold of your body and knowing it will never let go and that you might meet your end so soon.
  11. Reported for what? Sharing one of the best soundtracks that celebrates this great game?
  12. What I love the most is listening to "Enter Lord Vader" from when Anakin slaughtered the separatists while im a bounty hunter killing some droids or the like.
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