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  1. I many Threads here ist mentioned in which many ways the Dye System it's do it wrong. I agree with most of the complains. But there is one Problem especially for Troopers. When you look at the Trooper In-Game (or in Episode III) you see a loot of Colorfull Variants) But sadly you can recreate this look in Game very limited. We only have White/Orange and White/Dark Red (a Dye System with One Color Slot is very limited BW ) And also you exclude a Loot of Good looking Cheastpieces so for exampel my loved Tempered Terenthium Chestguard (There is no other Primary white Cheastpiece with this Simply Color Markings,coincidentally the only available Cheastpiece with this Markings and Style which is modifiable is a Cartel Markt Item http://www.torhead.com/item/kOzQQE/tempered-terenthium-chestguard#screenshots
  2. I have my owen Thrad about the Dyes System but also Post here what i think about the System (The Points are named Before here so i'am glad that i'am not alone with my complains) 1.The Colors They choose are a Pain in my Eyes There are to 99% to Bright and Neon-colored in Terms of intensity 2.The range is very small but this is something i Unterstand and i think they will expand the palett in the Future,i hope you bring more decent Colors with color gradation 3.I have prayed amd hoped since Armor Dyes were announced to be in cartel market that we can buy the Cartel Colors direct for a reasonable Price (For Exampel 50 Coins,i have abandoned all hope that you will make customization free for subscribers) But we have? Random Color Packs with only Two Colors for a Price that is far to high 4.Please rethink your Primary/Secondary System with the current version you make exactly that what is not the function of the Dye-System Limiting the Options for appearance. We all get more benefit from the System when you change it and make Two Color Slots one Primary and one Secondary =more diversity
  3. Bioware i can make it long but i prefer to make it Short. Still to this day i have never complainet about some of your suspicious decision you have made with the Cartel Market, i Unterstand you are F2P and in some way your must make Money but as i say in the Title what you have done with Armor Dyes is a Great disappointment Here a the Points i criticize 1.The Colors you choose are a Pain in my Eyes There are to 99% to Bright and Neon-colored in Terms of intensity 2.The range is very small but this is something i Unterstand and i think you will expand the palett in the Future,i hope you bring more decent Colors with color gradation 3.I have prayed amd hoped since Armor Dyes were announced to be in cartel market that we can buy the Cartel Colors direct for a reasonable Price (For Exampel 50 Coins,i have abandoned all hope that you will make customization free for subscribers) But we have? Random Color Packs with only Two Colors for a Price that is far to high 4.Please rethink your Primary/Secondary System with the current version you make exactly that what is not the function of the Dye-System Limiting the Options for appearance. We all get more benefit from the System when you change it and make Two Color Slots one Primary and one Secondary =more diversity I Hope you think about this Points,i Still Love SWTOR and good customization Options are definitely a Point that bind me to a Game
  4. I Hope the bring some new customization Option for the existing Races for exampel Zabrak,Chiss,True Bloods etc. want Play a Zabrak jedi or Trooper since Launch but poor Options for this Races keep me off.
  5. Yeah this is true =( Score should use his blade more frequently,same Problem with the Jedi Sage. My personal problem is Other Blade Styles in SWtor look very odd to me,in my oppinion One Hand Blade Fight is most elegant. Two Bladet looks like he kill himself with his Sword in every Second Attack,and with Two Blades it looks like wild gesturing(not very Acrobatic or Skilled)
  6. Hmm for me Makeb was a Miss. Ar first Optical Makeb was not intressting or enjoyabel for me,but this is simply a a matter of taste. STory (for Rep) was for me boring and lame,but also a matter of taste. Questline... That was the most annoying part of the Add on for me,they have do all to stretch the missions in lenght. To many Mobs that stand tight together,no way to take 3 Steps and fight again. Or there is one Quest were you have to scan a Drill or something like that and you must make this 3 Times(!) in a Huge Map with lot of Mobs. don't get me wrong i'am happy that SWTOR is still alive and that updates are coming but for the next Add on i have to wishes 1) More Story Telling,less Mob Slaying 2) A known Canon Planet ( or bolster up Planets like for exampel Corusant)
  7. i am a littel bit two-minded. One the One Hand I'am happy to see that this feature is comming after 1 1/2 years. One The Other Hand there a worrys about some facts of this. 1) roughly Half of the Colors will come in the Cartel Market,i hope we can buy them direct in the Market and there not going in this Stupid Cartel Markt Packs as Random Drops 2) mentioned some times,only 1 Slot.one for Primary and one for Secondary were better
  8. Same Problem here. i was dying before i get in this room and now the Illumination Droid dosent Work, No idea what i can do,seems like a Bug to me.
  9. There a lot of Species i would prefer to see in SWTOR (More Species form the Movies) but this is only my Point of View
  10. The Helmet is very common in endgame,one you get on Voss or Corellia as a Quest Reward. There a lot of them in the GM with many diffrent names,there are very Cheap the cheapest is at the moment to buy for 11.000
  11. Oh very nice this Pic a rework or is this how the game look with HD-Monitor?
  12. Nice Belt,have see this for 2 Weeks in the GM,hope i can find one how modabel,Background is also Cool,which Place is this? My Commando in his Armor http://i33.tinypic.com/2yux9gz.jpg My Commando in the Normal Squad Armor http://i35.tinypic.com/dewuab.jpg My Vanguard (Not at Maximum Level) http://i38.tinypic.com/t8474n.jpg
  13. @Chimoniac: Bolsterquark? aja wie gesagt PVP war nie mein ding aber für nen paar Rüstungsteile werd ich wohl den Sandsack spielen müssen
  14. Hallo alle zusamme,ich weis der Titel klingt arg seltsam,aber ich versuche mal es zu erklären. Wie wir alle wissen sind vor die PVP und PVE Sets aktualisiert worden,sie teilen sich die Optik zum größten Teil. Mir haben bisher nie teile vom Endgear in SWTOR gefallen,doch bei den neuen Soldaten Sets finde ich die Helme bzw die Bruststücke wirklich einigermaßen ok und würde gerne das Bruststück für meinen Soldaten haben. Leider ist die Farbauswahl für die PVE Sets absolut Sch***e (Wie schön wäre es seine Teile selbst Einfärben zu können,zu Hdro schiel ) Die PVP'ler haben als Brusstück aber was ich gerne möchte, das KLassische Sturmtruppe-/Klonkrieger Weiß mit Roten Farbmarkierungen. Meine frage ist halt wie kann ich an die PVP Marken kommen ohne die PVP'ler großartig bei ihren treiben zu Stören,weil ich würde mir deswegen kein PVP Gear zulegen oder sonst deswegen Aufwand in dieser RIchtung betreiben wollen.
  15. Hi BW and Communitiy,the Reason for this SUggestion is that i have a very Frustrating Moment when i realised that is an restriction on Gear that includes terms like Trooper or Jedi. What is Happen? Since the Begin of the Game i was looking for Armorparts for the Trooper that looks like the on on this Exampel(including the same Colormarkings) http://i.neoseeker.com/ca/star_wars_the_old_republic_conceptart_JIIUP.jpg Finally i found Parts that fit,so i buy 5x Boots of the Outcast and 5x The Glove of the Outcast. On my CHar all is ok,but when i want give these to my Compaions,it dosent works and some one in the Chat tells me that Companions are not allowed to Wear these Thinks. Please change that its Stupid all COmpanions are Troopers when i play a Trooper! SO why? And also it's a great limitation to individualization in my oppinion.
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