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  • Location
    Drooga's Pleasure Barge
  • Interests
    Electrocuting the weak
  • Occupation
    Sith Inquisitor
  1. It does. But if you are like System_TOR with 8 lvl50 characters, you are out of luck connecting them in the same Legacy (from all reports I've seen...I've not confirmed this.) Legacy provides the most benefit to a player who has one character that they run up to the low 30's and complete Chapter 1. THEN they start rolling alt's who are part of that first characters legacy. When I started the game I rolled 4-5 characters, playing with each class a little. Those characters all range from lvl10 to lvl25. None of them benefit from my Powertech who completed Chapter 1. It's almost like wasted time and effort. I feel like I'm being penalized for trying multiple classes and specs. /--- Update ---/ I did some more reading and playing around, and it looks like my initial concerns and comments were not entirely accurate. You can make connections between preexisting characters who have not completed Chapter 1, once one character has. I've not yet seen any extra benefit besides what has already been discussed. The initial benefits from Legacy don't seem to have any value except for characters in the 14-20 level range. *shrug* If you get a lot of legacy levels and can buy the bonuses, more power to you.
  2. Thanks Mathisk, that's great info. I really _do_ like the look of my original saber, but I'm not so attached to it that I'll let my advancement suffer. However, it looks like if I find a better one, I might be able to pillage the components. I've luckily kept up with the hilt (the one component it's easy to find replacements for), but I think I'm due for a new one. Good to know, thank you!
  3. I read somewhere that you don't ever need to replace your lightsaber, just replace the components as you can get better ones. Is there any truth to this? I'm a lvl23 PvE Sith Assassin still using the blade I got from my Assassin item kit. I've upgraded the components, but the crafting/economy on my server isn't all the great yet and I find it hard to get a variety of upgrades. And it seems like I'm not holding my own as well as I was in 10-19 or so. Is there a good description of how the weapon rating and the modification ratings all work together? Is it just straight stat bonuses, or are there combinations and synergies of bonuses to consider? Should I sell off my original double blade and just go with a good commendation reward? I don't mind doing a little research, math, and theory-craft to find the right answer, but I don't know enough of the mechanics yet. Any guidance is greatly appreciated.
  4. I read somewhere that you don't ever need to replace your lightsaber, just replace the components as you can get better ones. Is there any truth to this? I'm a lvl23 PvE Sith Assassin still using the blade I got from my Assassin item kit. I've upgraded the components, but the crafting/economy on my server isn't all the great yet and I find it hard to get a variety of upgrades. Is there a good description of how the weapon rating and the modification ratings all work together? Is it just straight stat bonuses, or are there bonus combinations of synergies to consider? Should I sell off my original double blade and just go with a good commendation reward? I don't mind doing a little research, math, and theory-craft to find the right answer, but I don't know enough of the mechanics yet. Any guidance is greatly appreciated.
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