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  1. Wait...It was a bug ??? i thought it was done on purpose because acquiring gear like that was kind of "the easy way"....
  2. Anyone that will enter the instance in NiM will INSTANTLY understand what the bug is and how to exploit it...at least if that player has 2 active brain cells... Basically, the level sync doesn't work. We enter in an ops made for lvl 70 folks while staying at lvl 75. So we have twice the amount of HP intended and we do twice the DPS and HPS intended and so we can clear everything really easily. As more and more people do it (it has already spread around all servers, that was reaaaaally fast), i'm more concerned about what will happen to people doing it... The KP farm was a mechanic exploit, the ratio time-energy spent / conquest earned was broken but not the game. Here, it's clearly a bug, being exploited by like 50% of subscribed players...what will happen to them ?
  3. First phase perfectly done, no 4th set of tentacle. 2nd phase without any death means enrage a little before last tentacle dies, but we often get a death at some point and end up with the case of enage at 20-40% of last tentacle. We had 1 tank 1 heal locked for TFB HM so we went for DF this week, we'll check next week for those values. Raid dps on DF 3rd boss was 90k, dps average was around 8k-8k2.
  4. Hi everyone ! As said in the title, i'm looking for advice for TFB 16HM. after the 1st phase (real world) we are sent into the void world, and here comes the trouble. We hit enrages when the last tentacle is somewhere between 20-40% hp. Boss hp at that moment : 18%, so not an enrage due to pushing him. mech we're doing : everyone gotta avoid the slam and jump out of platform. if you miss the jump, tentacle ONESHOT you. it's not like heavy damage or anything like 8HM where it deals about 50% of your hp, here, you die instantly. When first tentacle is at 70% hp, one dps go tfor the irregularity that spawned. When it reach 25% hp, second dps move to kill the second irregularity. First dps will get to the 3rd, 2nd dps will then go back to tentacle to finish it and finish it before 4th irregularity starts shooting us. Concerning our dps : we can clear EC & SNV HM(all bosses) without getting any enrages, so i think the dps is good enough for HM. Not that everyone pushes 10k+, but enough for HM (average being around 7k5 - 8k). What kills us is mechanics not done correctly, and we hit enrages when we have few dps killed too early in the fight. This week i'll test "everyone stand on the platform and takes the slam into the face" to see if the damages are split between everyone. If not, then i'd like to know if you have any advice to make it run smoother and get that boss down please. Thank you for reading this far, take care everyone, see you in game.
  5. I may have poorly given what i thought or translated it...I raid lead the 16M prog team i'm in, and god knows if it was only ME not getting gear, i would gladly continue. I'm just not ignoring the fact that for some players, being rewarded for a kill is just as much important as the kill by itself. We had twice players reporting that and being angry, mostly because we were, and are still for some, in the gearing race to 306, so not having gear was actually a major problem at that moment. The basis is a prog team, but at the time we went inside and noticed that bug, you're actually right, it was for gearing...who calls a team in EV / KP HM a "prog team" anyway ??? When most of us will be using sets and having optimized stats, then we'll get back into progging, but for now, the grind is still on air unfortunately :s
  6. True that, i forgot to mention Dxun 16SM being bugged after the 3rd boss too, or more exactly didn't mentionned it because it can be resolved by players, while running an ops and having half the group not getting the personnal part of loot is pretty much killing the 16M groups. Right now my prog team is locked into a Dxun 16SM loop because doing any of the 16HM ops we want to prog on would end up being frustrating for up to 8 person simply for not getting any rewards, not adding the frustration for wypes and fails due to a regular run, y'know. This will eventually lead to the death of 16M prog team, the only unknown being WHEN players will get sick of not getting their rewards for killing a boss and will just split into 8m runs...
  7. Heya everyone ! We've got lately a weird issue when conducting 16M ops, some of us weren't granted the personnal parts of loot when killing a boss. Let's give some exemple of when it failed : Dxun 16SM : killed the first boss (everyone was runnning on a fresh toon, that didn't walked into Dxun yet), and 1 healer couldn't loot the first boss, nothing was listed for him, but he was all clear to receive the craft mats...(it was master looter, so i could have given him that, if he won it ^^). FAQ : Did he saw the light beam for loots ? No, it didn't even show that, and i checked too and his name wasn't on the list of pieces that were on the boss. Killed 2nd boss and still no loot for everyone and stuck in fight till 3rd boss killed, then had to stuck it to finally get out of fight (bonus bug i guess), and then looting was working as intended. KP 16HM guild event run : Cleared ops, got rewards as 8M ops while being in 16M ops (means the same 8 persons got NOTHING at all, and the same 8 got gear, while everyone was available to roll the dice for set pieces, but only one set piece for 16, instead of 2 logically) EV 16HM : Killed first boss, got 4 persons that didn't get any gear on killing it, had to split into 2 teams of 8 to get loots for everyone on next bosses. Anyone else getting this issue ? or is it only on Satele Chan server or only for us in Galaxy Knights ? ps : sorry for the poor english, c'est juste pas ma langue maternelle à la base
  8. Bonjour. C'est un problème récurant ces dernières années, en fait depuis le premier jour où BitRaider est apparu : c'est un programme bien moisi qui met un temps fou pour finaliser une mise à jour !!! Faudrait peut être voir à l'optimiser, parce que là j'ai déjà résolu 3 problèmes du prix du millénaire et mon installation (qui s'est lancé sans raison par ailleurs) est encore à 98.88%.... Et comme l'alternative qui consiste à utiliser du direct DL demande au passage de réinstaller le jeu, c'est pas tellement plus joyeux comme solution. Cordialement, en espérant lire "c'est en cours et se sera réparé dans les prochains jour" (si possible sans me réveiller juste après)...
  9. To make it clear : The rotating quest, asking for medals in pvp, or for pve, gsf or anything else (for now it's been twice "get 8 medals in pvp"), this quest is taken from the courier droid, and is working completely fine. The quest "Weekly : Masterwork data cristal" (that's the name of the quest, and ask for either 50 point in group ranked matches, which is the weekly group ranked quest, or killing the 2 Ossus World Bosses, which is NOT the quest "Flesh and Steel" has disappeared from the notice board, or the NPC who gives the quest doesn't give it anymore, since the quest reset today.
  10. Hello Eric. You forgot 1 other bug : the "Weekly : Masterwork data cristal" quest was up yesterday, but since the daily reset, characters can no longer acquire that quest. Will there be a hotfix in the following day, or another patch to DL ? Thank you for everything.
  11. Ya pas que des étudiants, chômeurs et informaticiens sur les MMO ? On m'aurait menti ??? Bah, pour ma part ça tombe en soirée (19h-3h du mat), ça donne une raison d'aller faire la tournée des bars avec les amis Par contre, c'est sûr que c'est pas l'idéal pour l'europe, une maintenance du type nuit/matin aurait fait plaisir à plus de monde. Profitez en pour redécouvrir la neige, la vraie, pas celle de Hott.
  12. En effet, ton post est plus complet...espérons que notre vénéré maître FH mette ce sujet à la suite du tien ps : désolé du double post occasionné.
  13. Oui, mais comme j’attends encore qu'un ticket posté il y a plus d'une semaine ai une réponse, je demande en même temps à la communauté, quelqu'un sait peut être quelque chose d'utile et pourra m'éclairer avant que je ne me pende avec mon câble de souris ... ^^
  14. Bonjour / bonsoir à tous. Le sujet de mon intervention ici est assez simple : j'ai un souci avec ma partenaire, la très célèbre Kira Carsen. En effet, j'ai choisi de monter mon affinité avec Kira, au même titre qu'avec tous mes autres partenaires, mais tandis que ceux ci me dévoilent à l'occasion des traits de leur personnalité, ou des petite mission bonus sous le couvert de "quête", lorsque je suis dans mon vaisseau, Kira se contente de répéter qu'on dois sauver la galaxie, que le travail en équipe, c'est formidable, et autres niaiseries sans intérêt... Vous me direz, il suffit d'attendre d'avoir l’icône "votre partenaire souhaite vous parler dans votre vaisseau"...mais cette icône, je l'ai ! Et depuis longtemps vu que mon affinité envers Kira est de 8 500 / 10 000. Elle réapparait à l'occasion, lorsque je lui offre un cadeau, mais dès que je fait mine de m'approcher de mon vaisseau ou d'une cantina pour discuter en paix avec elle, l'option disparait. Suis-je le seul dans ce cas ? Si ce n'est pas le cas, savez vous quand ce sera corrigé ?
  15. Bonjour. Pour ma part, j'aimerai savoir s'il est possible de masquer l'équipement crânien des partenaires, et si oui comment le masquer. Parce que les stats du couvre-tête de muse, au niveau 32, ça fait rêver, sans compter qu'on peut l'améliorer via les modifications, mais son apparence est juste horrible... Au passage, on achete des set d'apparence pour notre partenaire (principalement une couleur de cheveux) et avec ce casque, on lui vois même plus ça...c'est agaçant...
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