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  • Location
    Dromund Kaas
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  • Interests
    Destroying planets, decapitating jedi , cooking with lightning
  • Occupation
    Lord of the Sith
  1. First I'd like to say, this is the only thread that I've found that actually went into some discussion about utilities for guardians, so thanks for that. I noticed I use a mix of utilities that you have categorized into specific types of "utility builds" . I like to mix my utilities with tank and damage utilities, though I will also agree with a previous poster about how it would be nice to change utilities while in a WZ (depending on which WZ you get into). I think not knowing and picking a 'general' set might make some utilities less viable than others, so therefore I try to mix my utilities around and not focus down one type, tank, dps, debuffer. That being said, I noticed Debilitation is not as useful in practice as it is on paper. The game lags or cancels Master Strike sometimes, or it just doesn't even immobilize the target at all (players with 0 resolve), so the efficiency of it's use is lowered due to NOT working 100% of the time. I find using hilt bash followed by master strike more useful, and save my 3rd skillful utility point for Defiance or Unremitting, but this is always after I know they have use'd their CC break, and I have them white bar'd due to the Hilt Bash, and Master Strike has free rain to pummel them in the process as they're stunned. As Def Guardians/ Immortal Juggs we get cc'd a lot, my resolve bar is almost always white, and that extra burst of Focus/Rage goes a long way for extra damage and utility I find. I know some people may argue that using Warding Strike, Combat Focus and Saber Throw properly, along with a Strike filler, should keep your bar full, but I find the burst DPS is quite good with this utility and I still end up running out of Focus/Rage. Take into the fact some synergies with the skills listed in your "Damage Build" like Gather Strength. On the other hand Unremitting is a great choice, with the constant use of Force Leap, not to mention the synergy this utility can have with Battlefield Command, Daunting Presence, or even Preparation. Let me know what you think, I'd love some input on these Skillful Utilities. The only restriction to Soresu Form is that you can Guard someone, all other skills work as described, some people get confused with the wording "when not in Soresu Form" part, which purely applies to PVE as a threat reducer. The damage reduced to other players is in a separate sentence and always applies to the skill, no matter what form you are in. A really good Def Guardian knows how to swap forms, and guard when needed, or swap and DPS when needed.
  2. Thanks for the reply. Is there someone you can refer me to, website, etc to the Sith Empire?
  3. Still looking for a guild, message me in game. Thanks.
  4. ~*~ A datapad from the great and powerful Sith, Kexeel Fral rests on a cold metallic table~*~ (Do you open it or not?) [OOC- Hello, I'm looking for a true Sith oriented 18+ mature/social with heavy RP guild. Preferably large scaled, events, character profiles/background for RP interaction, organised, website is a must. Also, I would prefer being IC all the time, but I'm open to guild rules and such...I'm also a little rusty, so be gentle at first PS: I used to RP heavily back in the day as a true Dark Side Sith (had a few characters, including personal ones as well as Darth Vader with personal influence) and am looking for a similar RP setting to get back into. PSS: Send me a mail message in game preferably on the character: Kexeel. ]
  5. Give us more comms for wins and participation even during a loss, the nerfs are ridiculous!
  6. "Craftable Custom (orange) Battlemaster and War Hero PvP armor has been added to Synthweaving and Armormech. The schematics for these items can be purchased from Battlemaster and War Hero vendors." So I crafted myself a the Force-Mystic Chest from the Custom Battlemaster set and tried to transfer my old mods from my Champion Force-Mystic set to see if the bonuses will transfer. Players can now remove Armoring modifications that have set bonuses from items and transfer those set bonuses to Custom (orange) items. These modifications can only be transferred to an item that is equipped in the same slot. This does not apply to all items with a set bonus, only those where the set bonus is attached to the Armoring modification. So what you're telling me is that the set bonuses transfer from War Hero mods (armoring) but not the Battlemaster ones? I have already submitted a bug report, but just wanted to see how the reset of the community feels about this, or if it's even intended. ~*~Vanishes~*~ :mad:
  7. Being stuck on a server indefinitely will more likely make people leave their sub instead of starting off somewhere else. I know I am disappointed with some aspects of my server, I would rather be on a server that is more balanced, or playing with friends who are on other servers.
  8. This option should of been added long time ago, suppress errors on screen FFS! I don't care if my target is too far away, or i'm not behind my target, my skill will pop when the target is in the proper position either way. SUPPRESS ERROR TEXT! thank you
  9. With the upcoming changes to the crafts and biochem, I hope we will be able to craft some pvp specific consumables now that reusables will be phased out.
  10. That is definitely a lot of words about nothing really, but I do appreciate you see us all as equals. Let's keep our fingers crossed and hope to see the 'final' balancing decisions on PTS. On that note, let's hope it is not a total epic fail, and proper testing and aspects of balancing are taken into consideration before release any 'final' changes. God forbid things should be release without testing, and just to 'try something different' and 'see if this works' or 'maybe that'. I hope the cliche, if it's not broken don't fix it, comes to mind during this process.
  11. It's an emergency hotfix for a reason, quit your QQing we all have to be patient and wait for the servers to come back up. Go read a book in the meantime or take a walk.
  12. There are a lot of immature kiddie players out there who think they know it all but one day a planet will fall upon their heads.
  13. Add this ASAP... cmon, why even have master looter?
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