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10 Good
  1. Your opinion is fine, and completely valid, but attacking them for it makes you look like the jerk. That was the point of my trolling you earlier (whether you want to accept that or not, which is fine either way).
  2. Oh, I get it now. You're on school holiday! Oh okay! Happy trolling then!
  3. Re-read Eric's post you quoted; your answer comes 11 words in(including PVP, PVE), second sentence. The sentence begins with "Reminder", feel and free and read the entire thing but the direct answer to your concern begins there and ends with "server."
  4. Thanks for your hard work. Want to get back to playing, and a little antsy but (as a former systems administrator on a MUCH SMALLER SCALE THAN YOU) I understand what it takes to merge servers and deploy them out on a network. Continued success.
  5. I realize this is an old thread and I'm probably off base here, but there are too many raid guilds out there forget that this is a game. There are guildmasters who run the same guilds on EQ2 for example and constantly talk about their trophies there to the point where you are removed from a raid team if someone makes a big donation to the fund to buy a guildship or takes the lead in conquest. Just a lurker's (probably off base and bitter as those things happened to me ) opinion.
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