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  1. ITT: OP: "There's a problem with expertise, if you were good you would see it" Posters: "Blah blah blah" OP: "Getting one-shot is a gamebreaking problem is what I'm saying, and taking less damage thanks to expertise is not the answer" Posters: "wat" /thread
  2. You have 8 character slots. 8 advanced classes exist in the game (and their mirrors). No need for "respec" of advance classes needed. I don't go ask Blizzard to allow me to respec my Rogue into a Druid, so don't ask for this either.
  3. To avoid that you can use Shift + Right click, which is what I do. Also, under what conditions does it default to general? All the time? Or do you mean it remembers the last chat option you were in? (Party/ops/etc)
  4. This is NOT a standard list of bugs. However, whatever is in here may be considered a bug, or not intended functionality. This is anything that is not working as intended, that affects everyone. What do I mean? Nothing about mission bugs or companion bugs should be mentioned here. If I can't replicate it with my respective class/ability within a few minutes or less, it probably shouldn't be mentioned. Exceptions arise. Note: I have no idea of Republic abilities except what I read on the fora. Please tell me if problems exist cross-Faction, as a Scoundrel's mez may not fill the resolve bar for example. I simply have no idea. List 1) Ops' mez fills resolve, where Sin's mez doesn't turn it white. 2) Mez does not have a listed duration on the debuffs area. 3) You can learn and therefore waste a schematic/recipe you already know. 4) Zooming out after a period of time makes the camera scroll to the farthest position rather than the increment that was scrolled. 5) Pressing "\" to start a ticket report starts the ticket with a "\" already as part of a ticket. Minor but annoying. 6) Shift + Left click links the item to chat even when the chat input is not selected/active. These are trivial and probably easy fixes. I know that I have more to post but can't remember any at the moment. Anyone with similar thoughts/problems, please post here. I'll update OP to be as complete as it can be.
  5. A call for everyone to make a thread on the same topic is a Bad Idea. I do however, oppose the nerf, all patch notes considered. Either nerf all OP classes, or leave them as is. Currently with 1.1.1, Ops' Burst and PvP viability as DPS is crap.
  6. PvP items are not as good as PvE end game stuff, and oh no you can't get your top end PvE stuff from crafting? Good. It should either be hard or not possible altogether. Gear comes from raiding. Good gear comes from crafting, not the best. I agree, it's not worth spending so much time REing and etc, and you shouldn't do it. Why's it there then? /shrug. If it's BoE then there you go, if it's BoP that's pretty dumb, I'd ignore it and move on.
  7. It happens, and no one can tell you "If you win too fast/by running out of time/by scoring six it doesn't count" because it's not true. Really is random, happened to me in voidstar, and huttball twice. It happens and I'm sure it'll be addressed. Not as game breaking as other things right now though.
  8. No, he's asking what should a SS do to counter stealth. Which is Affliction. Also for your OP actual post, Force Shroud, or its republic equiv.
  9. It's called not being dumb. What warzone would the first few 50s do? There are some servers even now with about 10 or less 50s on one faction. Herp. Derp.
  10. I am hopeless in my quest of civil debate. People on both sides fail to read properly or to consider the other side may be right. So many off topic remarks such as educational institutions are coming into play, which serve no purpose, as I for one, have never let schooling get in the way of my education. I withdraw from this meaningless debate, and sincerely hope any Developer while reading this, does verily choose to ignore this thread outright. Good night and see you in Huttball.
  11. I mean... you could do your class stories from 1 -> w/e your level is PRETTY easily considered 1 shotting things and avoiding grey mobs... don't think many would mind.
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