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10 Good
  1. Ya make some good points. I can see where some people are breathing a sigh of relief that things are being made easier, but I just had more FUN walking to school barefoot in the snow. When everything is so easy to get, and everyone is all tricked out, I don't get that sense of accomplishment. Normally, I don't really complain about stuff like this. Different strokes for different folks, and all that. But, just about every new MMO is going this route and it's frustrating to keep getting this same underwhelming feeling from every new MMO I try. It's like the death of the turn-based rpg, they're all action games now. It would be different if PvP was a little more dynamic, but as far as I can see, BW is pushing for the e-sports style. Mini-game PvP coupled with super fast progression just takes the fun out of it for me.
  2. I hear ya. I wanted to like this game, but was bored after a month = \ PvP has no point, it's just static. Sure, it's fun to fight other players, but there's nothing to win, nothing to take, nothing to attack, nothing to defend. It's just lame little mini-games. That's a waste of an MMO universe. It really does feel like easy mode. Everyone is basically handed a level 50, and then basically handed the best gear. Everyone is top dog in this game. That's boring. I miss the games where max level characters were rare. Where gaining a level was actually an accomplishment. Where you probably won't end up with the best gear, ever. Some may say that those days are gone and I should get over it and that the new "streamlined" approach is better. Streamlined MMO's are obviously better because everyone's playing them right? Wrong, wider appeal doens't mean a better game, it just means it makes more people feel like a winner. Don't get me wrong, I was never one to spend countless hours on the older MMO's trying to max out. I never put in the 16hr days that were required if someone really wanted the best gear as fast as possible. I just played at a normal pace. It didn't matter if I progressed slowly, because it was fun and rewarding. SWTOR is no longer fun, and never felt rewarding. You can have my stuff, but do you really want it? Chances are you have the same stuff, and if you don't, it'll only take a couple hours to get anyway.
  3. Yeah, dissapointment pretty much sums it up. Leveling was fun, but the lack of real pvp was dissapointing. Instanced pvp quick-matches treated as the main pvp content, dissapointing. Upcoming pvp features announced to be a new mini-game, rated mini-games, and cross-server mini-games, really dissapointing. I got to 50 and stopped having any fun at all. I just don't want to log into an MMO and play pointless quick-matches over and over = \ I guess some people like that kind of pvp? I think it's boring, and a waste. So, I haven't logged in, in weeks.
  4. Yeah, I'm probably not gonna play anymore. Even though I have a bunch of friends playing, the PvP content just isn't fun. The main PvP content in this game is quick-match mini-games, and I find that concept completely underwhelming. There's no persistent open-world pvp, no risk/reward, no siege type events, no territory control. There's just nothing to fight over. You just stand in a virtual line for your turn to play a mini-game that has no effect on the game world whatsoever. It feels like such a waste of an RPG world. Ilum doesn't count as open-world PvP, it's actually the saddest PvP zone I've ever seen. I can't tell ya how bummed out I was when I got to Ilum and watched a dozen or so people drive around in endless circles. I don't even see anything exciting on the horizon, just announcements of a new mini-game, and rated mini-games.
  5. Really? After all the thought that was put into the OP in the hope of saving open world pvp in this game, and all the support this thread has been getting, THIS is the official response? Removing posts from people who merely wish to see something like this implemented? Editing posts by people who have a hope that PvP can be more than a tacked on mini-game in SWTOR? Guess what? All the /bump, /signed posts are being made because we feel we are being ignored. I know you're just doin' your job, but 64+ pages and that's all you have to say? Love ya Bioware, but PvP in this game is shallow and without purpose. See ya when ya fix it. P.S. Yes, you can have my stuff.
  6. I have no performance issues with Ilum. I have issues with the fact that doing speeder laps around the center is being passed off as PvP.
  7. Anytime now BW. I refuse to grind mini-games and do speeder laps around Ilum. Losing my interest fast.
  8. Archendrus

    Ilum ROFLMAO

    Oh great, so instead of improving world pvp, they're killing it? I don't really dig warzones and I refuse to grind them for gear. Warzones are fun once or twice a day, that's it. They're mini-games, and I treat them as such. Made my first visit to Ilum today, which I didn't have high hopes for, but it's the only alternative to warzones right? Well there was no fighting, empire had capped all the points, and it took me a minute to figure out why everyone was riding around in circles. I laughed and left. What's the point in gearing up again? I don't care if the reward is a "Golden Shiny Lightsaber of Roflstomp", I'm not doing things that aren't fun, just so I can be more efficient at mini-games and speeder laps.
  9. LOL! But anyways, if I were to get kicked by some "cool kids" for a BS reason, I would consider it a favor as I wouldn't want to waste my time grouping with a bunch of idiots. I like to find out who's a complete F'ing moron as soon as possible.
  10. I'll trade you a huttball for an alderaan any day of the week.
  11. This. Waiting in a virtual line for mini-games isn't my idea of good pvp in an mmorpg, it's for EVERY OTHER genre that has an online multiplayer component.
  12. My wishful thinking is that, even though there's not really any feedback on here, I'm hoping that someone in a development position is reading through some of these threads, turning to the rest of the guys, and saying, "Guys, check out the PvP forums...". Also, when I have a gripe about something, I find it sort of theraputic to discuss it with like minded people, lol.
  13. Not that I personally NEED incentive to participate in world PvP, but when the game rewards warzones and Ilum, and gives nothing for open world PvP, it kills open world PvP. In other words, why waste time going from planet to planet looking for a fight and get absolutely nothing (besides fun), when you can stand in fleet, queue up for mini-games, and profit? Either offer incentive for ALL PvP, or none at all. Also. This, this, this, X1000. I love PvP, but not I'm not really into the whole instanced quick-match scene. Right now, the only PvP purpose is to gear up by grinding warzones, so you can play more warzones. So, I'm basically gearing up to do something I don't really dig all that much.
  14. The feedback from people at 50 is disheartening, to say the least. I'm just about 48 and thinking about what I'm going to do when I hit 50. I'm not a huge PvE guy, and my friends don't seem too concerned with it either, so I wanted to focus on PvP. I've been reading about how bad Ilum is, bad perfomance, bad design, bad faction imbalance, not fun, etc. No good endgame world PvP bums me out. I don't like warzones, it's fun once or twice a day, but that's it. Sooooo I'm supposed to grind warzones, which I really don't care for, so I can gear up, in order to.....play more stupid warzones?
  15. I've never played Everquest, but I've played plenty of old school MMO's. I kinda prefer grind, in a way. I was never one to spend crazy amounts of time per day in order to get the best stuff, I just progressed at a natural pace. Yeah, it may have taken a week or more to level up, but when you did level up, it was like "HELL YEAH!" Now it's just like, "Oh....cool...I guess". Seeing a max level character was rare, getting a really good piece of gear was way more satisfying, dying actually meant something and was to be avoided at all costs. I can see why people shun those types of games now, but character progression in new MMO's is just something to get out of the way real quick.
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