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10 Good
  1. Says the known exploiter. Dont try to deny it, I know you use the flowers and rainbows macro.
  2. One of our guild members has a friend who works for EA.
  3. I'd like to add: * Please don't be obvious when you hack and cheat. It makes it harder for the rest of us.
  4. As a professional hacker, I can confirm kolten uses the sunshine and rainbows hack.
  5. Not trolling, but I'm genuinely curious how using blue light sabers helps autism. I dont really understand how 'raising awareness' is actually helpful and what rallying behind a certain color achieves.
  6. <Not Your Mother's Empire> <Empire Two> <Empires>
  7. Some alternate guild names to consider: <Femmpire> <Sweaty Meat Flaps> <Hax>
  8. How would you fix it to fit in Iambic pentameter? I am very bad at these things
  9. Roses are red Violets are blue Extortion fees are cheaper Than repair bills for you
  10. AFAIK, no one in empire, guerrilla, or game genie has accepted any sort of money for node caps or protection.
  11. "She didn't back down from your confrontation" followed by "We decided that we weren't going to participate in the PvP event". So you decided not to back down by not participating? I'm very confused. Is AB that afraid of getting killed by other guilds?
  12. Shout out to UnWanted, the best pvp guild on the server.
  13. If you want to get in a strong pvp guild, your best bet is to play warzones and get noticed. Alternatively, you can checkout silent council or pax imperius. Both of those guilds have solid pvpers and have open recruitment.
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