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    Professional student
  1. Furthermore, since the opportunity to swat at The Man is always one I take, it's actually the case that Bioware is employing writers and desginers to maintain this game, and it's actually their jobs to decide, based on what ought to be professional experience and expertise, what ought to be implemented into the game. Not the disjointed half-formed opinions of customers in a web forum. So what you're asking for is pretty ridiculous, on the whole. That being said, I've said several times that I'm actually not upset with how the game currently is, so my point is academic.
  2. In constructive reply to that, I'd say that knowing what people don't like is at least as useful as knowing what people do like. Thus listing reasons why one thinks the game sucks is quite constructive. As for the college argument, sadly colleges us the word "constructive" to mean "blandly unoffensive" rather than constructive.
  3. The problem is none of the lists of "most expensive" things I've ever seen adjust for inflation very well. For example, the movie Cleopatra? $44 million in 1963 would be $300 million today. That factoid brought to you by Wikipedia, the minus symbol, and the letters J and S.
  4. It was me. Sorry. I needed it to blast some Vanilla Ice.
  5. Constructive criticism is what no game publisher has ever had a reason to expect from its forums, so yes, it's a sophisticated "shut up" in essence. You want high-quality feedback from me, Bioware (not that you asked), you can start by paying me. Just saying. If it's worth something to you, it's also worth something to me. There's a reason QA personnel aren't unpaid volunteers.
  6. Strictly speaking, Space Cthulhu can't be defeated at all. You can only hope to have the honor of being first to die.
  7. The technical difficulty of allowing a switch from Jedi to Sith just based on alignment is the quest arc. How do you transition halfway through from the one story to the other? That requires a lot of writing that's not there yet.
  8. This is where I stopped reading this time.
  9. The branding, while a draw, didn't tip the scale for me. Personal recommendations did. So yes. I'd still have bought it.
  10. This is where I stopped reading.
  11. Don't just leave. Call a lawyer. Call the FBI. Call the coast guard.
  12. Because everyone wants the pimpsabers.
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