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  1. http://imgur.com/8pmUgeZ That's me, the one sitting down at the table looking at the camera.
  2. A couple really annoying wanabe's. I don't even want to post their names because that would only give them even more attention.
  3. So, today I tried giving out free stuff to the Free to Play players in General Chat. I don't know if there were any on in Republic Fleet or not, but when I announced what I was trying to do it got immediately drowned out by trolls having an argument about Mexicans. I'm usually in a not caring mood about this (I went to Coruscant and gave it away anyway), but I mean come on. Try to do something nice for the Holiday's and **** just doesn't work out because of an argument about the origins of a race of people. It's Christmas guys. GET OVER YOURSELVES! TLDR; Wahhh wahh I'm a baby trying to do nice things and it failed. -Juandonde
  4. HULK HEAL! https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/457991_300909576694241_287231969_o.jpg
  5. Hello Friends, Jedi Sage Juandonde here, This is something these forums need which is the Post pics of your gaming rig thread. I apologize in advance for the terrible camera, but hopefully you can make out all the things i use. Yes those are 3 Acer 3d monitors (working on the glasses). The case is the big black thing the two figures are on: https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/11jyPKsF2WKq0vdzhMxIkxj8KQg_JJTSGbaO6pZlQNUlqoBEu3Fhdh0FRZL-zaKP9UQYG2E2i2cbdHPRlaEj55_3FsgWBUfEsxI=w1600 Specs are: ASUS P6TWS 1366 Socket Intel I7 970 @ 3.2 GHz (no overclock) 12 GB RAM 2x GTX 580 SLi (Nvidia Surround Setup) A comfy chair... A creepy but ultimately satisfying wallpaper. A subwoofer/footrest combo Giant purple alcohol thing from Vegas. A simple desk...(step above leg fold desk) Anyway post yours with specs. I am interested to see what else is out there. And I know that there is that one guy that has something out there that is outrageous (not me). P.S. If you have a cpu case made out of a shoebox or something, you must post pics =D.
  6. Hello Friends, Jedi Sage Juandonde here reporting live from the game. I want to show you some things in my photo album. I promise no kittens :3 Here is my friend Theran. He is a nice guy. However he doesn't appear to be who he says he is on his character tab. Maybe he had some plastic surgery done recently: https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/F-YyAX1JoVGGvZuprzUub3b9_gvSzQ_q9ebrENWNbQbnd2UdXWggE2WBZW55rsyWJl4kmFtE6zmlLtAXwG7HqsYklrIr_ooSgng=w1600 Here are me and my friends posing next to this extremely detailed statue of a Rakghoul. He sure looks frightening. I had a chance to use my camera I got too: https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/VO-kdvKlYs5OQEooXq0P7pTd-BUO6D4pXFUveYdXG-UC8D1MinzqWntB6X5kSJOAjjY2DwNfYC_nTIdwQCnltSWyacEh2wiBSPA=w1600 Oh my and there was this one scary time I finished escorting a ship through space. When I came back though something strange had happened: https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/0r8kcrcxtjGhFd9SQUF1TfsAWEZH0GdwzNaJrBK51hJ9XVGe4v7_tnDHMS65ncCPP4qKo_4CGjbDBtcQD_bcaN0HuIuOAkilyPg=w1600 I know you can't see it too well so let me give you guys a much bigger picture: https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/F1PHetyDd5z4vor9pphcH2cs3X1-4zbfGBoQtZ86REAp8wNRChjZEo_N3IYF4oa6WHvtkOWFDeLl-E35C_UI4PYmLpZi1zhH9Rw=w1600 Apparently my ship took much more damage during that space combat than I originally thought. XD. Luckily the kind and friendly people at Bioware have a nifty help feature called a Ticket to assist with my problem. I made sure to tell them everything I knew about the issue: https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/SuHYSLVDTj8ED3O-QQmB59WZLAvwuhbYr7f5hRupDgpmvZfRVJGsvBNa9EmCYu7hx_FV6RVPzzcH1vv0WUB-h5sX6I-dtFdmH1U=w1600 That is all for now. Please post more of your own as I will be posting more of mine as I find more funny things during my adventures in Star Wars Gala- I mean Old Republic.
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