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  1. Arguing for mods on the official forums is pointless. It's filled with terrible players who will fight you too and nail to prevent their implementation. They are under the illusion that Bioware can do no wrong, the game is perfect, and obviously if you have preferences on how you wish your data to be displayed you must be doing something wrong. When in reality they don't want to get called out when they are so bad at their class they can't kill a hard mode boss before he enrages. Ultimately Bioware will decide what they want to do. And that option is to do one of two things: Implement extensive UI customization and mods and please a large portion of the population by allowing these quality of life improvements to be added to the game. Or listen to the terrible players who are against it because they think they are preserving some "pure" experience.
  2. This is a great comment and shouldn't be overlooked. The original poster's comments were valid issues and dismissing them as "Go back to WoW" and insulting him isn't conducive to making the game better. Every person you send back to WoW is money Bioware doesn't get to work on this game. I am sure they would appreciate you NOT telling their customers to quit and go to their competitor.
  3. I thought League of Legends had a bad community. You people are certainly giving them a run for the money.
  4. Fix the AoE targeting reticle. It needs to be accurate. Too much guess work in placement for damage and healing. I know the Imperial logo is cutsy, but I want accurate. Make it a toggle in preferences if people really want it to stay the same. Macros. I look at my bar and think "I could save so many bar slots with those abilities macro'd. My quest log is half-filled with quests I can't abandon. Spell alerts. I spent entire fights watching nothing but my buff bar for certain things to proc. It makes it not enjoyable. I know for a fact that Force Lighting bugs out sometimes and does no damage. I watched it happen. I would like this fixed. Make Ashara able to converted to the Dark side. She offered to have mah babies, yet still hates what I do. Debuffs should have their type identifiable by a color or something to I know if I can cleanse them without having to go with the trial/error method during combat. Items auto-stack when moved to the cargo hold. Stat sheet remember what drop-down stat list you chose and not revert back to melee (or whatever you choose). Companions need to be more responsive in their actions when you tell them to do something. Companion action bar needs to be able to be rearranged. Many abilities that I want easy access to, such as activated cooldowns are too bar down the bar and I can't see them without expanding the bar. New abilities shouldn't kick relics off my bar by default. Target of Target frames. Combat Log.
  5. You don't even need Khem for elites. Proper interrupts and/or kiting and you can handle any elite with any companion of choice. I usually run around with Talos and kite/ranged tank whatever elite I have to deal with.
  6. I hit 48 last night and nothing gives me pause. I pick fights with elites even if they aren't quest mobs because I can. I was soloing a champion on Voss last night and probably could have solo'd it if not for the respawns. I switch between a DPS companion and my healer depending where I am, as getting caught in open world PvP, having a healer companion is in dispensable I have found. On Voss there were multiple times I found packs of mobs with 2 strong and 2 normal, and I just CC one of them, burn the regulars, have my way with the strong mob, and kill the 2nd one. easy peasy. I haven't PvP'd much, but as far as leveling in PvE goes you should not be having any trouble at all. Use Static Barrier, as is suggested in every thread ever. Remember that Force Storm has a chance to stun regular mobs every second. Interrupt bigger spells. Don't tank hard-hitting melee mobs, kite them using Force Lightning, your knockback and your ranged snare. Use Electrocute liberally, as well as Shock on packs of regular mobs. Coast to victory!
  7. From the Stephen Reid AMA on Reddit: Q: do you think that alternative specs will be allowed at some stage in the future? Also, legacy system, any further insight you are willing to share with us at this point in time? Dual specs could well come at some point in the future - it's been discussed for sure. Legacy System... will be cool?
  8. Those are reasons? Most un-compelling reasons ever. Reasons for Dual Spec: Because it makes the game more fun for people. The end.
  9. Another one, although a bug in our favor, is that if you cast two Force-Bending Dark Infusions in rapid succession the 2nd one also have a 1 second reduced cast time.
  10. It's not just being able to select target of target, it's being able to see it at a glance. Though the shortcut is nice.
  11. List of bugs I have encountered will playing Sith Inquisitor/Sorcerer, currently level 39 on Qwesh (or whatever it's called). Some of these are general problems, some are class related. Also you might classify some of them as nuances or quality-of-life items and not bugs. There are also a couple things I would really like to see added that wouldn’t be considered major additions like mods or macros. Pardon my thoughts bouncing all over the place. Khem’s tank stance and AoE abilities will randomly be turned on. Casting Force Lightning very quickly after another ability can sometimes cause ticks of damage to miss. I have even had it occasionally channel itself without any lightning being fired at all, doing no damage. Khem takes an abnormally long time to respond to commands. Adronikos fires almost immediately but Khem can take upwards near 5 seconds to decide to move. The stat sheet on your character panel repeatedly defaults back to melee. It would be nice if it remembered your option of which panels to display. When moving things from your inventory to your storage the game does not identify that if you already have item in your storage so it takes a new slot rather than stacking with the existing items. After stopping moving and attempting to cast something like Force Lightning, it can take another .5-1 seconds for the game to identify that you are not moving. Somewhat related, casting an ability, reaching the end of the cast bar and then moving causes the ability to not fire frequently even though there should have been ample time for the game to recognize it finished casting. This is a highly documented problem and has a huge thread on the official forums. Switching targets, even in a Flash Point with very little around, feels unresponsive and sluggish. Especially when changing to friendly targets to heal. I have a relic placed on my action bar to use it’s activation with a hot key. Anytime I learn a new ability or skill it replaces my relic hot key with the new ability even when there are empty action bar slots. Debuff type should be more easily recognized by looking at them. As it currently is, there isn’t a way to determine if Purge will remove it a debuff without trying to cast it.. Target of Target. I have repeatedly gone through the options to make sure I didn’t miss this. Occasionally my companion will not reappear after dismounting, especially if I go straight into combat. LFG tool. I am definitely ok with NOT letting people magically port to Flash Points. But an actual functioning LFG tool would go miles in my desire to do Flash Points. That’s all I can think of for now. I am sure there are some actual bugs I missed but I can’t recollect them at the moment. Please share any that you have encountered.
  12. From what I've read you are incorrect and the GCD is not affected by Alacrity. And due to the nature of animations, even if it did you couldn't cast anything since the game forces animations to finish first. Unless I missed something and you have evidence to the contrary?
  13. I noticed this as well. Although it's probably good for me since I am Dark 5 and I don't think she would be a fan of my choices.
  14. I love leveling as a healer. Level 28 now and there have been very very few quests that I bothered finding a group for. I found one for Jedi Freedom Fighters, and that "group" was just my Marauder friend and a couple folks in areas who sent me invites. It has been great looking at a champion mob and thinking "Yah, I can kill that." I know my kill rate isn't as good as a DPS spec, but I love being completely self-reliant.
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