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  1. It could be related to me playing veteran chapters as well. I did a few of them but don't have any active at the moment. Still missing though.
  2. I had this same issue with T7 today. Not sure if other comps were missing either. Could not find them in either the "N" or "B" menus.
  3. I guess this gave me time to try a new game.
  4. the ads on fleet are usually something like $3 for 1,000,000 credits. I think that's how the $27,000 figure is calculated. 9,000,000,000 / 1,000,000 X $3 = $27,000 if you have $300 in credits you have something like 100,000,000 credits....I guess I wouldn't really feel depressed about that.
  5. I'd be interested to know how much $27,000 really is to a credit farmer. Take an extreme example of McDonalds.....if McDonalds had something bad to them that cost their entire empire $27,000 they would not really care at all. That is a rounding error to McDonalds. They wouldn't even bother telling the CEO about it, it wouldn't be worth his/her time. I have no idea what $27,000 means to a credit farming company (conglomerate? empire? cartel?).
  6. $27,000 worth of in game credits doesn't sound as impressive as 9,000,000,000 credits.
  7. On topic, I agree with OP. But I do think we'll get something this summer that consists of a couple new PVP maps, new rail space missions (I wish...sue me; I like the rail missions), 29 new revealing outfits, and a baby step continuation of the existing story.
  8. I think I'd disagree with this. If they've engaged a mob with 3 enemies but only have tagged 2 I think I would still consider that 3rd enemy (of that mob) theirs. Certainly another mob standing near by not engaged would be up for grabs. To your point, not a common situation and certainly not a matter to worry too much on.
  9. they were going all cop movie on it.....let the low level street spammer do his thing and use him to find the big fish.
  10. They probably want to know because of the whole thread about BW shutting down a 9 billion credit selling ring. I am curious as well as to how many credits are out there in total for an average server.
  11. Just have to make sure he tagged all the bad guys in the group. Sometimes they'll be fighting a mob but only 1 or 2 of the 3 enemies in the mob are grayed out. That's about the only way to "steal" someone's mob once they have engaged.
  12. Out of curiosity how many credits are in the economy in total? 9B is definitely a lot regardless; but I'd love to hear what the "gross domestic product" for a server is. I have no idea who would know that.
  13. until like 2 posts later where the opposite was posted and explained.
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