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    Healing, killing younglings
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  1. Pushback isn't such a worry nowadays, as a fully heal-specced sage you should be avoiding as much aggro from players as well as mobs as you can. If you're getting focused hard then you will be dying in most situations either way. Having less health taken from Noble Sacrifice is now key to maintaining long battles/fights.
  2. This is the setup I use for both PvP and PvE - http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#600GrrRrd0dGzZf00MZ0M.1 If you need any more help just reply This is a full healing build btw.
  3. My actual question is to do with PvP. Do you have any intention to actually balance the classes or will you just keep nerfing/buffing the most/least played classes? If so, I will be rolling whatever is the least played class because it will likely be getting another buff where it isn't actually needed.
  4. This. Even as a Healer (which I am) I would be more than happy to sacrifice talents elsewhere to take this one.
  5. I have slowly been reintroducing DI back into my healing, for the better longevity when it is available (i.e. not being focused too much).
  6. Sorcerer Corruption Healers 1.2 PvP Talent spec: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#201GGrRRd0dGzZf00MZ0M.1 I have to admit I was very skeptical when 1.2 hit that we would, very quickly, become a PvE only class. But after a few weeks with lots of practice and adjustments in Warzones, I have found us to be just as effective as before the patch. Let me go into a bit more detail, because so many people are just posting "we are not broken, L2P" everywhere without giving anything to back it up (as stated in previous posts). Basically we are a bit more squishy in PvP nowadays due to no longer having the double cast of DI in 2.6 seconds, if you could queue it up quick enough. But this does not mean we are punching bags either. What you need to start doing is just rely on your HoTs (Innervate, Resurgence) and your bubble (Static Barrier). Work at taking out Dark Infusion from your normal rotation (priority) and replace it with Dark Heal. If your DH doesn't get interrupted you still get a semi-decent heal in less time than a full DI, if it does then you can always use DI then. Your job has changed, no longer can you just be in the middle of everything casting away like you own the place. Learn to love the background, you will be in there for a long time. The moment we are focused or marked we are pretty much doomed, I spent an entire Huttball match being pounded by the entire Republic team. But I had fun, I realized that I could no longer just take everything that came at me and heal through it, like I could pre-1.2. So I lurked in the shadows, I hid behind every object that was big enough to hide my enormous bum. When I got focused and stunned, I ran. I popped my CC breaker (Unbreakable Will) and moved as fast as my legs could take me. Force Speed is great for getting out of tight situations very fast. Go find someone to help you, this is your role now. You are a healer and only that (not a tank as well). Although, if you are just being harassed by someone with under 50% HP, you could probably finish him/her off (that is assuming you are at full health, with about half your force, bubble off cooldown). Use the terrain to your advantage, it's been put there for a reason. In a single Alderaan Civil War I didn't die once because I had a need for speed. I was in the middle area and I was just jumping all over the place, running up either side of the arena and jumping off the end, quickly darting underneath and out the other side away from whoever was chasing me. I had a decent tank with me who kept up his taunts on people that came after me so we could just pick them off, me healing us both as best I could. He died once due to being mobbed while I was stunned, Unbreakable Will was on cooldown  (Oh and we won ). Things happen, this tank was in my guild and had joined me for the game as backup and he knew nothing could be done. It worked wonders, more than wonderful because I got top healing (he got top protection), like I was pretty much always getting pre 1.2 anyways. I always get MvP votes because I help do the objectives and you should be to. In Pugs, sometimes you get groups (not hating here, just stating facts) that just seem to think that rushing in, not listening to anyone trying to help them win, will secure them the match. Ok I can pretty much keep most of them alive for as long as possible, but when I'm not alive because they are not trying to do the objective (because I then have to attempt to do it myself), I cannot heal them, this leads to many people ending up in the waiting zone. The other team has nobody to fight, so they just run through or cap turrets and lose us the game. I thank BW for giving us back rewards for losing. From the bottom of my heart, I do. Post 50 Warzones seem to be all about gear + skill nowadays so the majority of PuGs who fly in straight after dinging without bothering to buy Recruit gear will be squished like bugs and we will lose regardless. Our future is bright, like the dark side, but funnier. 9. If in doubt, don't leave, I was in a failing ACW and half the team left. In the time it took for another four players to be brought in the ones who stayed (me included) managed to take either side turrets and held them long enough to regain the lead. We won that game and I got top MvP votes, top healing all because I followed these simple rules. 10. ^_^ 11. Just read it all if you haven't already! ^ 12. If things are going south, just spam your HoTs with Dark Heals and Innervates. When your Dark Heal gets interrupted, you Innervate should be off cooldown. I play a Sorcerer Corruption Healer. This will never change, no matter how bad you say we are. I am not there for numbers, I join Warzones to do the objectives and try and help my team win. Top healing and MvP votes are simply a bonus in my eyes. Even against a well geared, well skilled team I am still in the top 3 and the majority of the time I am still top healing for my team, meaning I get the MvP votes from the Imps anyway. To me it seems like there is a lot of hate against sorc healers nowadays. I have played against teams of War Hero geared players, I have spent the time being pummeled nonstop for an entire game and I can tell you I had fun anyways. You seem to be taking this game too seriously, because I can assure you that either PuG'ging or going with a pre-made this will be happening in the majority of games either way. If you've not already gotten use to the idea that you are going to be dying a hell of a lot more than pre-1.2 then you should probably not be PvPing in general. My strategies will not work every game, I can assure you of that. Don't just resign yourselves to being bad, because you are not, far from it. If things are going south and you have been marked and targeted by the enemy team, then don't just leave the Warzone. That isn't the way to build a reputation. If you are being farmed, or your team just isn't up to putting up a good fight against the other then find yourself a group, or a couple of PuGs that just seem to be running around aimlessly and heal them. I only advise doing this during complete no-win scenarios. Like a 5-0 Huttball or an Alderaan Civil War when the enemy team is more organised so they make it impossible to regain a second turret. You are more likely to get your three commendations needed to get your rewards and you will look good to the rest of your team. I once spent an entire Voidstar being killed as soon as I dropped out of the starting zone because they had clearly marked me, when I came out they came running. But I didn't let this get me down, I just took the hits, bubbled everyone as quickly as possible and then died as before. When you have 7/8 people on you, you will die very quickly. I managed to get second to top healing (Sage on the other team got top) that match. Just because I realized I would never have time to get any real casts off, so I used nothing but my bubble and the occasional HoT when I could get a chance. I also got second to top MvP votes, the sage healer in this game didn't get any. Like I said, love your team and they will love you in return. Maybe not in the same game, but sometime in the future. Try to talk to them, don't just assume they know what they are doing (because they likely don't). Ask for a guard, don't just expect one to be given. tl;dr stop complaining about us, I have given you more than enough reasons to keep PvPing with your full sorc healers. I get piled 3/4 matches, but I don't let that get me down. I adjust my playstyle so that it doesn't happen the same way the next game. Remember, people love a healer who tries. If you spend your time constantly leaving failing Warzones or leaving because you are constantly taking damage then nobody will know who you are and you will never be that famous Sorc Healer you've always wanted to be tl;dr: 1. Love the terrain, it will love you. 2. If you are focused, RUN AWAY! 3. Bring a mate. 4. Listen to your teammates. Watch out for calls of incoming attacks. 5. Hide from everyone on the opposing team and use your HoTs! 6. Bubble is your friend, spam it on everyone near you before a large attack or defence and you will save yourself a bit of force later during the initial brawl. 7. 8. You are not Hercules. So now I open the floor to all of you, but please, if you don't have anything constructive to say then please refrain from posting. I don't want this to turn into a hate/QQ thread. Síth.
  7. I haven't actually played a "dps" type class since the days of Morrowind. Every mmo, rpg that I have played to date I have always gone with a healer. My playstyle is being a healer, always and forever. I played as a healer from level 10 until 50 and haven't even tried a "hybrid" spec or even dps'ed with my sorcerer. Now tell me I am a dps. My only character is my sorcerer, so I don't know why you keep saying I clearly don't play one. It is my main and has been my only character since I started playing. Other than a sage to about 40 (on another server), just to see a bit of the storyline. I'm going to ask you to stop posting in this thread because you seem to have a grudge against myself and Bioware from a development standpoint. Once again I'd just like to reiterate that yes, when I get focused I will die, when I am allowed to free-cast I do. I just try my best in whatever situation. I still get the majority of MvP votes, I still get top or second top healing in the majority of matches. I still do my job, crying about it to other players that can about not being able to play your class anymore isn't going to make you any better. Go play some Warzones, it took me a while to get back into the spirit of the game. I was even very tempted to unsub at one point. But I kept at it and here I am today defending these nerfs because I used them to my advantage, I started utilizing my other spells, I stopped thinking I was a tank and became a healer. Oh and if you couldn't survive long enough against 4/5 people, before teammates came and pulled a couple off of you, then I was clearly doing something that you were not. I don't want this to turn into a flame thread, if you don't have anything constructive to contribute then I ask that you don't post. And fyi, this thread is for people who still want to stick with the 31pt corruption spec but can't yet cope with the changes in survival tactics. Not for hybrids or people who don't mind having to sacrifice being a "pure" healer just for a bit of extra CC'ing. Revivification can be very helpful in games of ACW and NC. If you have a problem with my playstyle, then that's your prerogative. You can go find another way to play the class, until then. Síth.
  8. You still haven't given me a reason that we are broken. You say you are in full BM gear, but everything you have said is just upholding what I have stated in previous posts. We have been fixed, I don't know about you but pre-1.2 I was invincible, even when targeted by 4/5 people. If you were not then that's just you. You shouldn't come into the thread, attacking me with your opinions when they are clearly just that. Of course when we are targeted nowadays we are going to die, that is what should be happening and I don't see what the big deal is. Of course it's not great fun when you are just being pummeled for an entire game because your team has no idea what guarding is or that if they don't do something about this guy following your healer about then he will start to die very quickly. This is true in every Warzone, there will always be people who have no idea what they are doing and there will always be players with some semblance of skill. Sometimes one will outweigh the other, but this is what you are going to have to deal with until Rated Warzones come out. Then you know who it is who isn't doing their job correctly. Until then you just have to suck it up, hide from everyone and if you don't like it then you don't have to PvP. Síth.
  9. So, if I understand it correctly, now that we are no longer are invincible, that means can no longer be fun? Surely that is a bit close-minded of you. Changes like this happen all the time, if you are going to stop playing a class just because it has been altered slightly then perhaps you weren't really "playing" it to begin with.
  10. You either die or save your break CC for the last possible minute, always remember to run in the direction of friends. Even if they do nothing and just ignore you at least you can say you tried.
  11. I play a Sorcerer Corruption Healer. This will never change, no matter how bad you say we are. I am not there for numbers, I join Warzones to do the objectives and try and help my team win. Top healing and MvP votes are simply a bonus in my eyes. Even against a well geared, well skilled team I am still in the top 3 and the majority of the time I am still top healing for my team, meaning I get the MvP votes from the Imps anyway. To me it seems like there is a lot of hate against sorc healers nowadays. I have played against teams of War Hero geared players, I have spent the time being pummeled nonstop for an entire game and I can tell you I had fun anyways. You seem to be taking this game too seriously, because I can assure you that either PuG'ging or going with a pre-made this will be happening in the majority of games either way. If you've not already gotten use to the idea that you are going to be dying a hell of a lot more than pre-1.2 then you should probably not be PvPing in general. My strategies will not work every game, I can assure you of that. Don't just resign yourselves to being bad, because you are not, far from it. If things are going south and you have been marked and targeted by the enemy team, then don't just leave the Warzone. That isn't the way to build a reputation. If you are being farmed, or your team just isn't up to putting up a good fight against the other then find yourself a group, or a couple of PuGs that just seem to be running around aimlessly and heal them. I only advise doing this during complete no-win scenarios. Like a 5-0 Huttball or an Alderaan Civil War when the enemy team is more organised so they make it impossible to regain a second turret. You are more likely to get your three commendations needed to get your rewards and you will look good to the rest of your team. I once spent an entire Voidstar being killed as soon as I dropped out of the starting zone because they had clearly marked me, when I came out they came running. But I didn't let this get me down, I just took the hits, bubbled everyone as quickly as possible and then died as before. When you have 7/8 people on you, you will die very quickly. I managed to get second to top healing (Sage on the other team got top) that match. Just because I realized I would never have time to get any real casts off, so I used nothing but my bubble and the occasional HoT when I could get a chance. I also got second to top MvP votes, the sage healer in this game didn't get any. Like I said, love your team and they will love you in return. Maybe not in the same game, but sometime in the future. Try to talk to them, don't just assume they know what they are doing (because they likely don't). Ask for a guard, don't just expect one to be given. tl;dr stop complaining about us, I have given you more than enough reasons to keep PvPing with your full sorc healers. I get piled 3/4 matches, but I don't let that get me down. I adjust my playstyle so that it doesn't happen the same way the next game. Remember, people love a healer who tries. If you spend your time constantly leaving failing Warzones or leaving because you are constantly taking damage then nobody will know who you are and you will never be that famous Sorc Healer you've always wanted to be Síth.
  12. Sorcerer Corruption Healers 1.2 PvP Talent spec: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#201GGrRRd0dGzZf00MZ0M.1 I have to admit I was very skeptical when 1.2 hit that we would, very quickly, become a PvE only class. But after a few weeks with lots of practice and adjustments in Warzones, I have found us to be just as effective as before the patch. Let me go into a bit more detail, because so many people are just posting "we are not broken, L2P" everywhere without giving anything to back it up (as stated in previous posts). Basically we are a bit more squishy in PvP nowadays due to no longer having the double cast of DI in 2.6 seconds, if you could queue it up quick enough. But this does not mean we are punching bags either. What you need to start doing is just rely on your HoTs (Innervate, Resurgence) and your bubble (Static Barrier). Work at taking out Dark Infusion from your normal rotation (priority) and replace it with Dark Heal. If your DH doesn't get interrupted you still get a semi-decent heal in less time than a full DI, if it does then you can always use DI then. Your job has changed, no longer can you just be in the middle of everything casting away like you own the place. Learn to love the background, you will be in there for a long time. The moment we are focused or marked we are pretty much doomed, I spent an entire Huttball match being pounded by the entire Republic team. But I had fun, I realized that I could no longer just take everything that came at me and heal through it, like I could pre-1.2. So I lurked in the shadows, I hid behind every object that was big enough to hide my enormous bum. When I got focused and stunned, I ran. I popped my CC breaker (Unbreakable Will) and moved as fast as my legs could take me. Force Speed is great for getting out of tight situations very fast. Go find someone to help you, this is your role now. You are a healer and only that (not a tank as well). Although, if you are just being harassed by someone with under 50% HP, you could probably finish him/her off (that is assuming you are at full health, with about half your force, bubble off cooldown). Use the terrain to your advantage, it's been put there for a reason. In a single Alderaan Civil War I didn't die once because I had a need for speed. I was in the middle area and I was just jumping all over the place, running up either side of the arena and jumping off the end, quickly darting underneath and out the other side away from whoever was chasing me. I had a decent tank with me who kept up his taunts on people that came after me so we could just pick them off, me healing us both as best I could. He died once due to being mobbed while I was stunned, Unbreakable Will was on cooldown (Oh and we won ). Things happen, this tank was in my guild and had joined me for the game as backup and he knew nothing could be done. It worked wonders, more than wonderful because I got top healing (he got top protection), like I was pretty much always getting pre 1.2 anyways. I always get MvP votes because I help do the objectives and you should be to. In Pugs, sometimes you get groups (not hating here, just stating facts) that just seem to think that rushing in, not listening to anyone trying to help them win, will secure them the match. Ok I can pretty much keep most of them alive for as long as possible, but when I'm not alive because they are not trying to do the objective (because I then have to attempt to do it myself), I cannot heal them, this leads to many people ending up in the waiting zone. The other team has nobody to fight, so they just run through or cap turrets and lose us the game. I thank BW for giving us back rewards for losing. From the bottom of my heart, I do. Post 50 Warzones seem to be all about gear + skill nowadays so the majority of PuGs who fly in straight after dinging without bothering to buy Recruit gear will be squished like bugs and we will lose regardless. Our future is bright, like the dark side, but funnier. tl;dr: 1. Love the terrain, it will love you. 2. If you are focused, RUN AWAY! 3. Bring a mate. 4. Listen to your teammates. Watch out for calls of incoming attacks. 5. Hide from everyone on the opposing team and use your HoTs! 6. Bubble is your friend, spam it on everyone near you before a large attack or defence and you will save yourself a bit of force later during the initial brawl. 7. 8. You are not Hercules. 9. If in doubt, don't leave, I was in a failing ACW and half the team left. In the time it took for another four players to be brought in the ones who stayed (me included) managed to take either side turrets and held them long enough to regain the lead. We won that game and I got top MvP votes, top healing all because I followed these simple rules. 10. ^_^ 11. Just read it all if you haven't already! ^ 12. If things are going south, just spam your HoTs with Dark Heals and Innervates. When your Dark Heal gets interrupted, you Innervate should be off cooldown. Síth.
  13. Sorcerer Corruption Healers 1.2 PvP http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=4090088#post4090088
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