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  1. http://strats.swtornow.com Hello everyone. Thanks for taking the time to view this post. We are currently engaged in a struggle to get people to visit a community oriented strategy site. The main goal of the page was to provide forums for every boss fight, to include world bosses and raid bosses later, so that the community could provide valuable feedback on how to successfully down the bosses. While I completely understand that the flashpoint bosses are laughable at best for experinced MMO players, we will get to a point where raid bosses will be wiping entire groups, and it will take some research and testing to figure out what it takes to mitigate doom and promote success. Please take the time to visit the site. Post your ideas and videos in the boss forums to help others start to establish good raid and end game mechanics. While I feel like the site is getting decent traffic we are struggling to add new content and get any kind of feedback on whether we're going in the right direction or not. We have recently teamed up with Duffy to provide some of her amazing guides on the site, and we hope to get more contributors to step up and help the community. The system as it sets is designed to promote strategies that the community confirms. In order to make this work we need people to confirm that our current contributors posts are good or bad. After about 20-25 rejects on any post it will be removed from the forums and marked for moderator review. This site is basically for everyone to work together on making a central collection point for all the information gained in game. I hope it will be a place to go when the official servers and forums go down. As stated on the page the idea is that once traffic picks up and we see some really positive (or negative) feedback to help us improve the site and make it exactly what everyone wants, we will be offering 60-day time cards for any contributor that becomes a Gold Contributor. (Gold contributors receive more than 100+ confirms on a given boss strategy.) As always thanks for reading and we hope to see you in game, and on the site.
  2. Hello everyone. I am writing just to put this website on the map so to speak. While we do not have many strategies up now we plan to get more in the future. That however is where you come in. We are looking for contributions to the page concerning the boss fights throughout TOR. We have all the flashpoint forums built and have started on the world boss strategy section. My guild is advancing rather quickly and we plan to start posting raid videos and fights soon. The system will work on confirmations and rejections. If there a strategy up that works the community would "confirm" the strategy. If there is a terrible strategy that totally missed the community would "reject" it. After 25 rejections a strategy will dissapear from the forums. Please visit and help us build the site up. We feel the system will work nicely once the community is involved as the data on the forums will change with the changes in the game. For any given strategy the top 3 will be posted "sticky" so they are easy to find at the top of the page. Thanks again for reading, and sorry for the book. http://strats.swtornow.com Please give us some feedback to help build the site and implement new ideas. We desperately need contributors and moderators with forum experience.
  3. http://STRATS.SWTORNOW.COM - Boss/Raid/World Strategy Website created and confirmed or rejected by YOU the community. Please contribute, and look here for your boss killing needs. Hammer Station is on the list... Thanks for visiting
  4. http://strats.swtornow.com Offering Boss Strats with Video Community submitted and confirmed Growing daily End game and Raid/World Bosses coming soon! Please visit to see the current boss strategies, sumbit your own, and confirm or reject our current database so we can make it better. Plans in the future to award game time codes to contributors who reach a high confirmation rate. Special contributor tag and forum name color added to anyone who submits a working strategy. Please stop by and help us grow!
  5. Please come visit our new SWTOR Boss Strategy site. We have built this system to allow user submitted strategy to be tested and confirmed by other members of the community. By submitting and confirming these strategies you will help build the ultimate boss fight database. Top rated strategies will be on the top of the forums, while strategies that get more than 20 negative reviews will be wisked away to the place where we keep all the other bad things we left behind in our lives... like.. WoW... So anyway, come visit and register to see the FULL List of Flashpoints. We are in need of some submissions for fights, and anyone submitting strategies that are confirmed will be rewarded with a custom "contributor" tag and a special purple name hue in the forums. Thanks again and please contribute! http://strats.swtornow.com/
  6. Brought this thing up in a matter of 3 hours. I"ll put more time and effort into it if anyone else does. Regardless of how it got there it will serve the purpose 100% Just to help you out there is plenty of custom code in there it's just easier to have some kind of template. Just by you saying this pretty much makes it clear you don't really know what web designers look at when they are making pages. So sorry I didn't hand code the entire site. Look at the bright side I won't be begging for donations to keep the site running. I just think it would be nice to have a community site built around boss strategies. Sorry for thinking it would help anyone out.
  7. We are starting a new boss strategy website and need contributions. http://strats.swtornow.com/ The Plan The forums are complete, all the flashpoints are up and ready for input. Not all of the bosses are sub categoies yet but that is happening now. Users are able to vote on strategies and they are graded on this user input scale. Strategies that recieve more than 20 negative votes will be hidden for review by moderators. Please please please stop by and contribute strategies for the bosses you have encountered. Thanks! http://strats.swtornow.com/
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