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10 Good
  1. On my Sorc I always used Khem. He just worked, I put him in high end mods and he could always hold the [H 2+] mobs long enough for me to kill them. He was my solo prince. Then KotFE happened and the sky was the limit! I used the ship droid at first cause in tank spec and his timid voice... Absolute hilarity! And then I tried everyone else. I ended up back at Khem because of one thing. I hate hearing the same three canned corny *** phrases coming out of their mouths every time something dies. "That one ain't gettin' up" Yeah I know, I killed him! Thanks for the update Captain Obvious. Ashara and her constant 2nd guessing of her path... Ugh. I longed for an alien to just make random noises so here I am back with Khem. Best Friends Forever.... How about you? Did you go with that one you could never really use or did you stay with your usual?!
  2. We can complain all day that they need to add servers and they can answer back that in a couple weeks there will be no full servers and no Qs to get in due to many people losing interest and playtime balancing out but there is another way... To add another full time server costs money. You might be picturing one computer tower in your mind labeled "New SWTOR Server" and think "How hard could it be to put that online" Well it's actually a boat load of work and money to do such a thing. However there is another way. Mostly due to the server merging done the first time around there are still a couple dozen servers offline and not in use. If my meager knowledge of these things in correct, another one could be chained to Harbinger adding a LARGE number to it's capacity and solving this problem, then in a few weeks, at server reset, pull the plug on it. It would be very nominal in cost and quite likely make up for it's cost with the cartel purchases that would happen due to happy customers NOT sitting in a Q for 20+ minutes.
  3. I am playing as Lightning I am 59 and I am WRECKING everything in my path. I haven't PVPd in a LONG time but for me, it's doing more than well enough.
  4. Been thinking about it for weeks and with the revelation that being an insta-60 does NOT complete your class story and few people would want to go back and do it all for funsies, here is how I, at least, have decided which character to boost... My characters that have completed their stories are Juggernaut and Sorcerer. Therefore I have limited my choices to Sentinel or Assassin. I will have already completed the stories for them and will feel no remorse jumping directly into new content. I hope this helps you choose which class to boost (if you are going to use it) How did you decide which character to insta-60?
  5. While I LOVED the uniqueness of each companion pre KOFE, I see why they did this. As a Sorc, it's difficult to take a healer or, in some cases, even another DPS with me. I used Khem always, I love having a tank companion, it complimented how I like to play. And now I can do that with any companion I want and what companion am I using now? Khem... Only because I hate hearing the same 3 snarky comments EVERY TIME something dies...
  6. I logged in to wow the other day and my guildmates were like "Hey man where u been" I said SWTOR and they were like "lol, I heard that game had no content" Thats when I pointed out that they have all been grinding out the same easy mode dungeon for 5 months with ZERO changes in game... They got quiet. WoW is dead... To me. SWTOR is not. Stop worrying about how many people are playing a game and worry about how you think of it. If you like it, you like it. If you don't, you don't. Some people love olives, I hate them, that doesn't make them bad or good. I just dont like them.
  7. I made a post about this and it was removed. I still dont know why. I am on the other side of this than you though. I feel so overpowered that it is almost not fun (marks-sniper) Cover-->power trinket-->Ambush = any standard mob dead. Add an instant snipe and an auto-fire and I can drop any silver strong mob. Its almost boring for me... But I will give you that WHEN something doesn't die about instantly, we are boned. Its a class of precision...
  8. Because it LITERALLY turns u into a rakghoul. Rakghouls have eyes so... You GROW them.
  9. You bring up a great point and as a dark side sith I should have but good point.
  10. A love letter to the handsomest agent in all the galaxy. A story of a jilted lover. Dearest Malavai, I was good about not spoiling the story for myself so IF YOU ARE LEVELING A SITH WARRIOR THERE ARE SPOILERS INSIDE **WARNING** The hidden, is a letter I wanted to write to Malavai after the events at the end of act III.
  11. Jedi believe in Truth above all else. ABOVE ALL ELSE! They believe that the truth must be known for the proper decisions to be made. Lying will ALWAYS be darkside.
  12. TL;DR I am bad at jumping therefore this game sucks.
  13. Successful troll is successful. He started off in what seemed sincere. Really his only fail was using perfect grammar for the most part. Nobody with that solid a grasp on the english language would rant this incoherently. Here is where I first recognized tell tale troll tactics. "So you buff up dps classes generally by about 15-30%... Awesome." Broad and incorrect claims that SEEM like they are backed by facts. Step 1 to troll success "I'm running full Rakata+ (Columi gear with augment slots) in a raid force and I'd call us pretty dagon functional. Yet we can't even kill LR-5 in HM Lost Island. I've got plenty of video that can show we are taking full advantage of the setup but this boss goes beyond nuts when <20-25% (I won't even get in to it). We are the third best raid force on our server (which isn't saying much do to population) but when the best raid forces can't even manage to get this LR-5 down there's a huge issue. Closest we got was just below 4k health left." Brilliant! He started out by justifying his plight by showing us all how leet he is with his gear then completely debunks himself with the hilarious claims to "Server 3rd Republic guild" on most servers this is NOT something to brag about! This is ridiculous. I just got the in game mail for a free 30 days... big whoop. I can't tell you how much I hate WoW but it's the only viable game to play now and it's BORING. But hey, at least you can kill stuff in that game. Nobody and I mean NOBODY would EVER spell Ridiculous correctly and in the same line of thought say something as insane as "WoW is better because its easy" All in all I would rate this in the top of the game for troll posts as it has all the required pieces of a legendary troll post except feigned poor grammar. 8/10
  14. First MMO? It's ok. You will get used to it. Player crafted bases... yeah that would work. >.> Sorry you are not happy. Perhaps this isn't the game you were looking for...
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