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  1. Mine is a cargo dock and I use mounts that kinda, sorta look like they could be transports.
  2. You could always get an invite from a guild member or post on fleet if someone has a SH you could get an invite to.
  3. There is an Art deco for it too which I am assuming we'll receive after completing the track 10 times.
  4. I have to agree with you on this. It’s very annoying and slow looting junk that every mob drops.
  5. I have finished all 100 levels of the season and I am at 407: I was short on objectives one week and I have I think three more to do this week.
  6. Wow. 2,800 CC. There are so many crappy platinum items, it's hardly worth it.
  7. Sure it does. Go to chapters and scroll down, you can start at Chapter 1 of Eternal Throne and it will autocomplete Fallen Empire:
  8. This actually worked. Thanks. And, as it turns out, you don't have to do Eternal Throne for Arcann. If you skip to Ossus on a Republic character, you'll get the “Unmasked Regret” alliance mission which triggers his romance. Skipping only works for Republic characters though because the default choice for Republic is to save Arcann. On the Imperial side, the default choice is to kill him.
  9. I'd like to know how you got that to work because I don't think anyone else seems to have gotten it to work. You can't skip and then go back and do chapter 9. Even though all the clicks say you can start a romance with him, it doesn't stick because you are further along in the story.
  10. Get ready to cry. Skipping KotFE does not pick any of the romance options for you so you cannot romance anyone. That said, I have a question about Arcann. The guide I read says to start I have to save him in Chapter 1 of Eternal Throne. Can I skip Fallen Empire and just jump into Chapter 1 of Eternal Throne?
  11. I just logged in on an Imperial character that finished Oricon and it gave me the Oricon: The Hand That Sees achievement so I'm guessing once I log in on my Republic characters, I'll get those back as well. However, they have today's date on them as being completed, not the original completion date. I really hope they can get our original dates back on these.
  12. They definitely broke something. I lost both Story Missions achievements on Oricon: And also lost the Republic Story achievement on Ossus. Also, on Ossus, I have Exploration at 0/10 even though I completed both Exiled Knight achievements. Was that always at 0/10?
  13. One of the seasonal objectives this week is to complete 15 missions as a Jedi Consular or Sith Inquisitor origin. I just finished chapter VII of Fallen Empire and I am currently running around talking to all of the specialists in my base (Hylo, Orogub, etc). Each of these has a mission and, after talking to them, the Mission Complete box comes up and I accept it. However, none of these are increasing the count for the seasonal objective. Which missions are actually missions and which aren't?
  14. I have a few level 80s that haven't finished their stories so I just pushed one into Fallen Empire. It's easier than I remember (probably because I'm level 80 in max gear and I pushed the companions right to 50) but it's still annoying as ever. Chapter IV especially with all the driving back and forth. However, the absolute worst part for me is being nice to Koth.
  15. Do these times count load times as well because some of these can be done in much shorter time. If you're not going for extra kills, /stuck is your friend after completing a heroic you ran to and are still in combat.
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