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  1. To be honest I believe Bioware needs to fix some of the pre-existing problems instead of the new ones that have come with the F2P model. Some of the issues that they need to fix in my opinion are: 1.) Being able to trade in commendations for other commendations. I am lvl 50 and have had those old planetary commendations in my inventory forever. Make it to where you can upgrade them to other commendations. For example, you have 10 hutta commendations you can't use. You turn in those to get Dromund Kaas commendations. Do that or make it to where the gear you buy with those is BoE or at least BoA. That way we can do SOMETHING with those commendations. 2.) Add schematics drops in ops for Armstech crew skill. I'm tired of running through op after op and not getting any crafting schematics while other crew skills recieve them. I feel like armstech is the red headed stepchild of the crew skills. 3.) Add an option to where you can que up in a ranked warzone by yourself. I'm not talking about mixing premades and solo ques together I'm talking about mixing solo ques with solo ques. I like to pvp everynow and then but I get sick of people running around regular warzones like chickens with their heads cut off not knowing what to do. You could add some kind of valor restriction to it so you have to be valor rank 40 or so to be able to access that. 4.) It would be nice to interact with the cantina a little more than currently. You could add in pazzak which many players have been suggesting. You could also have an area in the combat training area of a ship (the part where all the pvp stuff is) where you can bet on warzone matches and spectate them. In KOTOR that was one of the things you could do if I recall correctly. 5.) Design some new armor. The blackhole, campagin, and dreadguard gear look absolutley awful. I know you don't have to wear it and you can rip mods but that costs too much imo. You should look like a kick *** bounty hunter not like someone wearing scuba diving gear. 6.) Have it to where you can set up arena teams for ranked warzones. This way it would be easier to keep track of people and get a group together, much like a guild. 7.) Have swoop racing. This is another topic that is brought up frequently in the forums. You could have to where you can set up swoop racing teams and compete against other swoop racers. You could also then add a feature where you guys have a giant tournament and the winning team wins some really good items, or they win cartel coins. 8.) Add in guild crests. When you're in a guild you want something that makes you stand out from everyone else. You want something that represents you and that you can wear with pride. By adding guild crests you could display these on your armor and would make it to where everyone doesn't look the same. Lastly to all you F2P members, you should be happy that bioware doesn't restrict any of the story content because plenty of other mmos do that to F2P members. No matter what F2P game you play there will always be some kind of restrictions. You should be happy that bioware doesn't make you have to unlock every single flashpoint or op to keep you from experiencing it. Yes some of the restrictions are inconvenient but nothing in life is free so get over it.
  2. Yeah but those are the ****** ones I was talking about earlier. You get them through Investigation.
  3. I ran through KP HM twice. Both times Karagga's hat dropped. I was lucky enough to pick up the second hat that dropped. The first time was in a 16 man raid with master looter on. Second time it was Need/Greed so I think depending on what the loot setting is the game may react differently. If the master looter setting was one the looter could just take the hat if he wanted to and leave so I believe bioware made it to where if it is master looter setting it picks someone at random. Just the way I see things. GL
  4. I completely agree with you guys on this one. And it doesn't help that we get constant reminders everytime schematics drop of how messed up the system is.
  5. How about this simplest solution of all. Add schematics for armstech that drop in operations instead of having the guy with armstech always getting screwed over.
  6. You'd think that by now that would have realized "Hmm a lot of people are pissed about there being no schematics for armstech maybe we should change that." There is absolutley no love for armstech in SWTOR. The only schematics you can find are the crappy ones you find through Investigation. I also think it's funny how Bioware gives us the ability to make augmentations, which is fine by me but that doesn't solve the issue. "Maybe giving them four schematics will stop their complaining." They need to fix this issue before everyone decides to quit armstech and choose a profession that actually has schematics for it.
  7. I'm starting this thread in the hopes that Bioware finds this easily and implements some of the ideas mentioned in here, instead of just disappearing into nothingness. Please note that his is a thread meant to improve the game and nothing else so please NO TROLLING.Here is a list of just some of the things I would like to see Bioware do to make things more enjoyable: 1.) They should make it to where you can trade in commendations, such as Tattoine, for other commendations or at least make it to where the gear you can buy is at least bind on account. That way if you have a ton of commendations on your lvl 50 you can trade them in for something useful, whether it be for gear for you or for one of your alts, instead of just having them sit there. Yes I know you can buy gear and sell it to make credits but that seems too much of a waste, seeing as how it takes a while to find enough commendations to buy something. 2.) I know I'm probably going to be getting a lot of disagreement on this but here it goes. IMO Bioware should switch Voidstar back to being Republic vs. Empire. Logically speaking it makes more sense. 3.) Slap some sense into the employees in charge of the end game armor. The gear so far has gotten worse than better. The Tionese - Rakata gear was somewhat decent but now this campaign armor looks like complete trash. Pleas Bioware FIX IT. I know this has been in plenty of other threads so it's not just me thinking this. 4.) Armstech schematic drops in raids. This is another big thing that has been bothering me. I have been raiding for a decent amount of time now and not one armstech schematic dropped so far. So I decided to look it up online and apparently no armstech schematics drop during raids. How are armstech players, such as myself, supposed to improve their crafting. I know that you find schematics through investigation but those aren't like the epic ones that drop in raids. 5.) Allow set bonuses to be transferred from one set of gear to another. This is another thing I find often mentioned on the forums. This way Bioware would not be under as much immediate pressure to come up with cool looking armor but instead take their time and actually make it look AWESOME, unlike the new end game gear, due to players being able to take gear that is aesthetically pleasing to them and transfer the set bonus from ugly gear to nice gear. 6.) Integrate some kind of aesthetic ship modifications system. I love the fact that in SWTOR you get your own ship and can fly it around throughout the galaxy but I feel like after a while your ship starts to get old and bland. Also, certain ships seem uglier compared to others. My lvl 50 is a BH and I love my ship however having an engine mounted underneath the ship as well as two on the side seems kind of stupid. I know my description is very vague but all you BHs out there should know what I'm talking about. If you could maybe move around ship parts to customize your starship a little more I believe it would go a long way to add a little more individuality to character. 7.) Possibly put in guild starships. Instead of having a guild hall you could have a guild starship. I know this may seem a little more extreme especially seeing as how they just put in the guild bank but I think it would be pretty interesting. You could even make it to where you could decorate the interior of the ship with furniture made from crafting schematics. For instance, a cybertech might make a control console, a synthweaver may make tapestries,etc. and you could have a multitude of different styles you could go for. 8.) Try to come up with more in game events. I'm stating this one last because it's not too important but is just a quick thought. I found the rakghoul outbreak in game event awesome and it kept me busy and interested for a while. It was refreshing to have something new like that when you log on. Not only does it keep players interested but it also makes it seem like your living in a persistent world and not just a static one. This would benefit Bioware immensely due to the fact that this way, players would stay interested, they would have something to do, and Bioware would have more time to work on large content upgrades. Well that's all I can think of but hopefully the community can come up with more. Sorry bout the long post but ideas just kept coming to my head. The more attention we focus on the possible improvements the more likely Bioware will fix them. Thanks.
  8. My biggest problem with the tracer missile nerf is both the fact that they increased the heat cost and removed the fact that you could use another BHs heat sigs as well due to the fact that in raids that came in very handy. You could increase the dmg you do to your target by having another arsenal BH in your raid group. I know in PVP it would seem unfair but I believe that raiders got slightly screwed over. Nothing you can't work out though. And everyone whining about Pyrotech's heat building up too quickly what did you expect. Pyrotech is more designed towards pvp due to its mobility, burst damage, and instant cast abilities. Also if your heat keeps maxing out then you need to find a new more heat friendly rotation.
  9. I think every class got screwed over except the troopers. The troopers actually got something that looks like they would wear it. The BH pvp gear looks relatively decent but as me being a pve BH the pve gear looks like futuristic deep sea diving gear. And everything else just looks terrible. BW needs to seriously rethink their design concepts on their armor. I want my BH to look like a bad *** not some deep sea diver.
  10. I hear you man. I've been raiding for a while now and all that drops is everything except armstech schematics. I have been finding some through investigation but they aren't very good (Not even epics). I just hope Bioware decides to fix that because presonally that's is complete and udder BS .
  11. Thx for all the input guys ill try out some of the suggestions
  12. Anyone else think Tionese and Columni gear is completely worthless. Currently have my gear slots filled with item modifiers you get from the dailies on Ilum and Belsavis. If I were to replace on of my pieces I would lose about 39 crit rating and also a lot of surge rating. Plus the gear only has two item modification slots. Thx for any input.
  13. Is anyone else tired of players leveling up through pvp, gearing themselves out in pvp gear, and then going into HMs? It seems to me that most times if a person is decked out in pvp gear they don't know what they're doing when it comes to pve. Take a BH for example, in pvp you don't have to worry about managing your heat very well, you pretty much crank out as much damage as possible before you die. Then when that person gets bored with pvp, he/she switcehs to pve and ****s other people over who actually learned how to play pve from the beginning. Another example is a juggernaut. In pvp you don't have to worry about threat management but in pve you do. I ran a BT HM with a juggernaut completely decked out in pvp gear and we couldn't evem take out the dark side boss. The guy kept losing threat on the boss causing us all to wipe. I just wish Bioware had some more of an incentive for people to go through pve because it seems like pvp gives you more in return. Any feedback would be nice but please don't troll this is a serious issue.
  14. Recently I reached lvl 40 and was able to get the Heatseeker Missiles ability. With lvl 40 pvp gear my heatseekere missiles ability does around 800-1500 dmg (with 5 heat signatures on a target). Does anyone else think that Heatseeker Missiles needs a serious dmg increase because compared to the sith warrior's ability in the rage tree it seems like nothing.
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